Rich Muccis Voice-over
Experience Course Voice
Review and personal recommendation by La-Dair Guzman for a voiceover instructional containing 'over 200 pages... including 60 commercials, audition tape copy, and over three hours of personal instruction on audio'.
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Reviews and Comments for Rich Muccis Voice-over Course

Best entries for Course and Voice
1 Charles Michels The Winning Voice
Voice improvement
Voice improvement for business speaking, voice-over training, talent agency for professional voice artists.
Voice improvement for business speaking, voice-over training, talent agency for professional voice artists.
2 The Art of Voice Acting
James Alburger
James Alburger, award-winning producer, voice acting instructor, professional voice-over artist, and author of 'The Art of Voice Acting' offers expansive resources for learning the craft and business of performing voice-over.
Voice Voiceacting Academy Actors Acting Professional Voiceactingcom Guide Recording Video Art Conductors Studios Learn Demo Clubs _landing
James Alburger, award-winning producer, voice acting instructor, professional voice-over artist, and author of 'The Art of Voice Acting' offers expansive resources for learning the craft and business of performing voice-over.
Voice Voiceacting Academy Actors Acting Professional Voiceactingcom Guide Recording Video Art Conductors Studios Learn Demo Clubs _landing
3 The Voice Doctor - FAQ
Dr. Morton
Dr. Morton Cooper, specialist in voice rehabilitation and language therapy, explains what makes a healthy voice, myths and beliefs, techniques to improving your voice, and medicine and surgery.
Cooper Morton Page Technologiesfound Open Voice All rights reserved Doctorbarkley Copyright
Dr. Morton Cooper, specialist in voice rehabilitation and language therapy, explains what makes a healthy voice, myths and beliefs, techniques to improving your voice, and medicine and surgery.
Cooper Morton Page Technologiesfound Open Voice All rights reserved Doctorbarkley Copyright
4 Voice Artists
Becky Pittmans
Becky Pittmans tribute to animations most prolific voice actors. Also includes a list of voice actor references and in-jokes in cartoons, tips on getting into voice acting and proper etiquette for interacting with professionals.
Viewmore Started Business Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Please Privacy Customer Terms Web Website Aabaco Partners Local
Becky Pittmans tribute to animations most prolific voice actors. Also includes a list of voice actor references and in-jokes in cartoons, tips on getting into voice acting and proper etiquette for interacting with professionals.
Viewmore Started Business Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Please Privacy Customer Terms Web Website Aabaco Partners Local
5 The Voice Heard by Thousands
By Patrick
By Patrick Larkin. [Cincinnati Post] Interview with Vicki Kline, the voice-over actor who provides the voice for Cincinnati Bell Telephones voice mail.
By Patrick Larkin. [Cincinnati Post] Interview with Vicki Kline, the voice-over actor who provides the voice for Cincinnati Bell Telephones voice mail.
6 Garver, Kathy - Kathy Garvers Professional Site
Audio production
Audio production, voice casting, voice direction, voice classes and voice talent for all audio needs.
Audio Kathy Garver Books Page Representation Business Demo Book Destination Events Productendorsement Designer Animation Affair
Audio production, voice casting, voice direction, voice classes and voice talent for all audio needs.
Audio Kathy Garver Books Page Representation Business Demo Book Destination Events Productendorsement Designer Animation Affair
7 the working voice - voice training
naomi frenkel
naomi frenkel, washington, dc. instruction devoted to the function, use, care, and development of the voice.
Help Policy Testimonials Domains See Thekerrycom Request Company Theworkingvoicecom Customer Promise Jewellerypagescom Close Pharmacybeautycom Problems
naomi frenkel, washington, dc. instruction devoted to the function, use, care, and development of the voice.
Help Policy Testimonials Domains See Thekerrycom Request Company Theworkingvoicecom Customer Promise Jewellerypagescom Close Pharmacybeautycom Problems
8 Neil Ross Voice-Overs
Official site
Official site of one of animations most versitile character voice actors. Site features biography, contact information, and downloadable voice-over demos of commercials, trailers and promos, animation character voices and narration voice-over.
Dave Ross Incorporated Voice Neil Designedwwweverythingvocom Z
Official site of one of animations most versitile character voice actors. Site features biography, contact information, and downloadable voice-over demos of commercials, trailers and promos, animation character voices and narration voice-over.
Dave Ross Incorporated Voice Neil Designedwwweverythingvocom Z
9 Bob Lloyd is The Voicecaster
The Voice
The Voice Casting Network provides voice demos of some of the top voice talent in the country.
Voice Talent Way Demos Voicecasting Voicecastingcom Better Talents Overs Over Voplanetcom Castingdatabase Adobe
The Voice Casting Network provides voice demos of some of the top voice talent in the country.
Voice Talent Way Demos Voicecasting Voicecastingcom Better Talents Overs Over Voplanetcom Castingdatabase Adobe
10 10 Steps to Voice Over Success
By Joshua
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Seths Technique Even Alexander Success Thereare Ok Tai Still Kids Artist Animation Y
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Seths Technique Even Alexander Success Thereare Ok Tai Still Kids Artist Animation Y
11 10 Steps to Voice Over Success
By Joshua
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Thereare Alexander Even Seths Success Technique Photo World Heres Few Still
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Thereare Alexander Even Seths Success Technique Photo World Heres Few Still
12 10 Steps to Voice Over Success
By Joshua
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Seths Even Thereare Technique Alexander Success Still Tai Kids Ive Working
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Seths Even Thereare Technique Alexander Success Still Tai Kids Ive Working
13 10 Steps to Voice Over Success
By Joshua
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Thereare Alexander Even Technique Seths Over Success Think World New Allrights Imagine Heres
By Joshua Seth. [Animation World Magazine] The voice of Tai in 'Digimon: The Movie' offers expert advice for aspiring voice over artists.
Joshua Voice Seth Steps Thereare Alexander Even Technique Seths Over Success Think World New Allrights Imagine Heres
14 Voiceover training with Gary Anthony Sturgis.
Voice training
Voice training from working voice over talent Gary Anthony Strugis. Attend voice over workshop or record your voice over demo in a state of the art facility. ISDN available.
Teak Cypress Furnishings Terms Fimply Outdoor Metal Furniture Privacy Gary Rattan Sturgis Page Policy Contact Just Furthermore Bear
Voice training from working voice over talent Gary Anthony Strugis. Attend voice over workshop or record your voice over demo in a state of the art facility. ISDN available.
Teak Cypress Furnishings Terms Fimply Outdoor Metal Furniture Privacy Gary Rattan Sturgis Page Policy Contact Just Furthermore Bear
15 Denny Delks Voiceover and Light Hauling
Compendium of
Compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Denny Delk Actor Broadcast Interactive Announcer Non Promo Tv Radio Adstalent Charles
Compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Denny Delk Actor Broadcast Interactive Announcer Non Promo Tv Radio Adstalent Charles
Official website
Official website of Corey Burton, 'one of Hollywoods most versatile voice actors' for over 30 years. Offers a comprehensive listing of his voice credits, voice-over demos, photos, news, message board, and links.
Services Support Help Website Login Design Globat Email Products Hosting User Commerce Webmail Careers Chat Partnerships Terms Newsletters
Official website of Corey Burton, 'one of Hollywoods most versatile voice actors' for over 30 years. Offers a comprehensive listing of his voice credits, voice-over demos, photos, news, message board, and links.
Services Support Help Website Login Design Globat Email Products Hosting User Commerce Webmail Careers Chat Partnerships Terms Newsletters
17 Denny Delks Voiceover and Light Hauling
Compendium of
Compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Actor Broadcast Delk Denny Hauling Promo Jones Games Multimedia Industrial Advertising Narratorfilm
Compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Actor Broadcast Delk Denny Hauling Promo Jones Games Multimedia Industrial Advertising Narratorfilm
18 The Online Communicator: The Voice Lab
Includes training
Includes training tools to develop vocal skill, plus annotated, downloadable voice performance samples for study. Also explores artificial voice synthesis and its implications for human actors.
Includes training tools to develop vocal skill, plus annotated, downloadable voice performance samples for study. Also explores artificial voice synthesis and its implications for human actors.
19 The Great Voice Company, Inc
Susan Berkley
Susan Berkley offers voice-over training via workshops, seminars and teleclasses, as well as voice shaping for salespeople. Includes free e-zines, advice and articles, instructional books, and other professional services.
Voice Great Articles Leave Continue Reading Audition Talent Career Coaching Breathing Booking Mood Kick Training Overwhelm
Susan Berkley offers voice-over training via workshops, seminars and teleclasses, as well as voice shaping for salespeople. Includes free e-zines, advice and articles, instructional books, and other professional services.
Voice Great Articles Leave Continue Reading Audition Talent Career Coaching Breathing Booking Mood Kick Training Overwhelm
20 The Voice Actor Appreciation Group
Newsletter and
Newsletter and discussion forum for voice actor enthusiasts. Also open to aspiring and professional voice actors.
Yahoo Help Voice_actor_appreciation Please Attachments Groups Owner@yahoogroupscom News Morexc Conversations Tech Finance Weather Style Central Makers
Newsletter and discussion forum for voice actor enthusiasts. Also open to aspiring and professional voice actors.
Yahoo Help Voice_actor_appreciation Please Attachments Groups Owner@yahoogroupscom News Morexc Conversations Tech Finance Weather Style Central Makers
21 The Voice Actor Appreciation Group
Newsletter and
Newsletter and discussion forum for voice actor enthusiasts. Also open to aspiring and professional voice actors.
Yahoo Voice_actor_appreciation Help Please Groups Attachments Owner@yahoogroupscom Tech Other Shopping Games Inc Page Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Policy Makers
Newsletter and discussion forum for voice actor enthusiasts. Also open to aspiring and professional voice actors.
Yahoo Voice_actor_appreciation Help Please Groups Attachments Owner@yahoogroupscom Tech Other Shopping Games Inc Page Unsubscribe@yahoogroupscom Policy Makers
Official Homepage
Official Homepage of Andre Stojka, the voice of Owl in Disneys 'Poohs Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin'. Mostly a promotional for Andres voice work, but his list of voiceover recording studios may be beneficial to aspiring voice actors.
Voices Andre Here Voice Click Stojkas Greatest Forrecorded Trailers Angeles Recording Forfilm Stojka Fortv Hits Welcome Fax
Official Homepage of Andre Stojka, the voice of Owl in Disneys 'Poohs Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin'. Mostly a promotional for Andres voice work, but his list of voiceover recording studios may be beneficial to aspiring voice actors.
Voices Andre Here Voice Click Stojkas Greatest Forrecorded Trailers Angeles Recording Forfilm Stojka Fortv Hits Welcome Fax
Official Homepage
Official Homepage of Andre Stojka, the voice of Owl in Disneys 'Poohs Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin'. Mostly a promotional for Andres voice work, but his list of voiceover recording studios may be beneficial to aspiring voice actors.
Voices Andre Here Voice Click Disneys Hits Movie Recording Trailers Forfilm Forrecorded Greatest Stojka Angeles Books Isdnor Pooh
Official Homepage of Andre Stojka, the voice of Owl in Disneys 'Poohs Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin'. Mostly a promotional for Andres voice work, but his list of voiceover recording studios may be beneficial to aspiring voice actors.
Voices Andre Here Voice Click Disneys Hits Movie Recording Trailers Forfilm Forrecorded Greatest Stojka Angeles Books Isdnor Pooh
24 The Voice Actor Appreciation Group
Fan community
Fan community and discussion group, and home to 'Voice Actors In The News' and 'VAs on DVD' -- newsletters focusing on professional voice actors with details on events and appearances, daily news, interviews, and where to find live-action appearances of voice actors on DVD.
Yahoo Groups Help Sharing Lists File Voice_actor_appreciation Group Photo Community Forum Mailing Please Attachments Message Share Onlineservices
Fan community and discussion group, and home to 'Voice Actors In The News' and 'VAs on DVD' -- newsletters focusing on professional voice actors with details on events and appearances, daily news, interviews, and where to find live-action appearances of voice actors on DVD.
Yahoo Groups Help Sharing Lists File Voice_actor_appreciation Group Photo Community Forum Mailing Please Attachments Message Share Onlineservices
25 The Voice Actor Appreciation Group
Fan community
Fan community and discussion group, and home to 'Voice Actors In The News' and 'VAs on DVD' -- newsletters focusing on professional voice actors with details on events and appearances, daily news, interviews, and where to find live-action appearances of voice actors on DVD.
Yahoo Voice_actor_appreciation Help Attachments Groups Please Copyright Autos Xhome Health Shopping Other Estate Music Parenting News Onlineservices
Fan community and discussion group, and home to 'Voice Actors In The News' and 'VAs on DVD' -- newsletters focusing on professional voice actors with details on events and appearances, daily news, interviews, and where to find live-action appearances of voice actors on DVD.
Yahoo Voice_actor_appreciation Help Attachments Groups Please Copyright Autos Xhome Health Shopping Other Estate Music Parenting News Onlineservices
26 The Art of Voice Acting - Voice-over Articles
[] Answers
[] Answers questions on just about everything related to voice acting and voiceovers.
Voice Services Voiceacting Club Login Marketing Demo Conductors Made Book Dunn Studios Genius Voiceover Maxine Convention Webinars Rescue
[] Answers questions on just about everything related to voice acting and voiceovers.
Voice Services Voiceacting Club Login Marketing Demo Conductors Made Book Dunn Studios Genius Voiceover Maxine Convention Webinars Rescue
27 Delk, Denny - Denny Delks Voiceover and Light Hauling
A compendium
A compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Actor Broadcast Delk Denny Television Tv Interactive Jones Multimedia Advertising Gamesnarrator Ads
A compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Actor Broadcast Delk Denny Television Tv Interactive Jones Multimedia Advertising Gamesnarrator Ads
28 Delk, Denny - Denny Delks Voiceover and Light Hauling
A compendium
A compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Denny Delk Actor Broadcast Interactive Radio Announcer Non Talent Multimedia Promo Games Charles Hauling
A compendium of voice samples for advertising, animation, corporate communications, interactive gaming, and promotions. Voice services available in person or via both ISDN voice codec formats.
Voice Denny Delk Actor Broadcast Interactive Radio Announcer Non Talent Multimedia Promo Games Charles Hauling
29 Voice Talent
E-mail community
E-mail community for voice talents worldwide to meet and discuss ideas and for new talent to learn more about the industry. Discussion is open to mention job opportunities - and intercontinental voice talent links.
Yahoo Voicetalent Help Please Groups Travel Page Mail Estate Voicetalent@yahoogroupscom Terms Flickr Beauty Food Privacy
E-mail community for voice talents worldwide to meet and discuss ideas and for new talent to learn more about the industry. Discussion is open to mention job opportunities - and intercontinental voice talent links.
Yahoo Voicetalent Help Please Groups Travel Page Mail Estate Voicetalent@yahoogroupscom Terms Flickr Beauty Food Privacy
30 Voice-acting 101
By James
By James R. Alburger. Features voice-acting instruction in expression, script reading and exercises from 'The Art of Voice-Acting Workshop'.
Voice Voiceacting Services Marketing Login Demo Conductors Club Voiceover Genius Rescue Maxine Dunn Easy Made Rates
By James R. Alburger. Features voice-acting instruction in expression, script reading and exercises from 'The Art of Voice-Acting Workshop'.
Voice Voiceacting Services Marketing Login Demo Conductors Club Voiceover Genius Rescue Maxine Dunn Easy Made Rates
31 Keith Scott: Down Unders Voice Over Marvel
By Stephen
By Stephen Lynch. [Animation World Magazine] Interview with Australias foremost voice actor - his love of Jay Ward Cartoons and his time on the set as the voice of Bullwinkle in Universals 'The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle'.
Scott Keith Bullwinkle World Animation Voice Ward Stephen Lynch Store Then Magazine Rocky Tiffany Student Adventures Exciting Thatroared_is Reserved
By Stephen Lynch. [Animation World Magazine] Interview with Australias foremost voice actor - his love of Jay Ward Cartoons and his time on the set as the voice of Bullwinkle in Universals 'The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle'.
Scott Keith Bullwinkle World Animation Voice Ward Stephen Lynch Store Then Magazine Rocky Tiffany Student Adventures Exciting Thatroared_is Reserved
32 Pat
Official site
Official site with demos, voice credits, teaching schedule for classes and workshops, and ordering details for instructional book and CDs: 'Cartoon Voice!,''9 Critical Skills to Voiceover Excellence,' and 'Greatest Cartoon Voice Tricks Ever Smuggled Out of Hollywood.'
Voice Teacher Voices Artist Voiceover Character Pat Cooper Performer Instructor Fraleyâ۠Commerical Cartoon Voiceovers Producer
Official site with demos, voice credits, teaching schedule for classes and workshops, and ordering details for instructional book and CDs: 'Cartoon Voice!,''9 Critical Skills to Voiceover Excellence,' and 'Greatest Cartoon Voice Tricks Ever Smuggled Out of Hollywood.'
Voice Teacher Voices Artist Voiceover Character Pat Cooper Performer Instructor Fraleyâ۠Commerical Cartoon Voiceovers Producer