Experience Punk Deathrock
true sounds of liberty - one of the original california hardcore punk bands. site has a discography, sounds and tsol links.True Sounds Of Liberty one of the original hardcore punk bands mixed anarchistic fast punk with deathrock in the early 80s

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Punk Deathrock Sounds Liberty Litespeed Tsol True Server Early Bands Inc Horror Mixedcom Music Styles R Rock Punk Bands And Artists T Tsol Tsol True Sounds Of Liberty Deathrock Death Horror Goth Punk Ghoul
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Best entries for Punk and Deathrock
1 Flesheaters, The
Combines punk
Combines punk rock with rockabilly and deathrock. Site includes band history and information.
Flesheaters Rythm Port Rock Permanently The Blending Scene Dinner Las Horror Server Openssle Wild Fipsmod_bwlimited Ghoul Y
Combines punk rock with rockabilly and deathrock. Site includes band history and information.
Flesheaters Rythm Port Rock Permanently The Blending Scene Dinner Las Horror Server Openssle Wild Fipsmod_bwlimited Ghoul Y
2 phantom limbs, the
official home
official home of this oakland-based punk/deathrock/new wave/rock band. with biography, show schedule, photographs, and mp3s.
Limbs Loto Show Phantom Tentacles Dogs Electrocution Discography Whole Klosoff Apocryphon History Kitties Myspace Mailorder Watch Present Biafra Design
official home of this oakland-based punk/deathrock/new wave/rock band. with biography, show schedule, photographs, and mp3s.
Limbs Loto Show Phantom Tentacles Dogs Electrocution Discography Whole Klosoff Apocryphon History Kitties Myspace Mailorder Watch Present Biafra Design
3 flesheaters, the
combining punk
combining punk rock with rockabilly and deathrock, this band was something new and original in the early 80s in la. site has band history and information.
Flesheaters Punkghoul Wild Horror Early Formed Scene Music Rockdinner Rythm Blending
combining punk rock with rockabilly and deathrock, this band was something new and original in the early 80s in la. site has band history and information.
Flesheaters Punkghoul Wild Horror Early Formed Scene Music Rockdinner Rythm Blending
4 son of sam
fansite for
fansite for the deathrock band composed of members of samhain, afi, and danzig.
Son Samy
fansite for the deathrock band composed of members of samhain, afi, and danzig.
Son Samy
5 formaldihyde fix
online deathrock
online deathrock radio playing a variety of goth rock and dark alternative music.
First Pagey
online deathrock radio playing a variety of goth rock and dark alternative music.
First Pagey
6 tragic black
this official
this official site contain pictures, mp3s, lyrics, links and information about the political deathrock band.
Black Tragic Macabre Reverbnation Here Danse Records Sonic Dead Youtube Fall Livingston Goth Click Jordan Magazinein Sex Zillo
this official site contain pictures, mp3s, lyrics, links and information about the political deathrock band.
Black Tragic Macabre Reverbnation Here Danse Records Sonic Dead Youtube Fall Livingston Goth Click Jordan Magazinein Sex Zillo
7 tragic black
this official
this official site contain pictures, mp3s, lyrics, links and information about the political deathrock band.
this official site contain pictures, mp3s, lyrics, links and information about the political deathrock band.
8 secret cervix, the
ny/nj deathrock
ny/nj deathrock performance project. includes pictures, history, show dates, mp3s and lyrics.
Page Pleaseerrordisplayed Contact Providerfor Cannot
ny/nj deathrock performance project. includes pictures, history, show dates, mp3s and lyrics.
Page Pleaseerrordisplayed Contact Providerfor Cannot
9 cramond island - island of punk
information about
information about the punk scene in edinburgh and the european city of punk rock festivals, the island of punk festival 2000, links to local bands, and sites.
information about the punk scene in edinburgh and the european city of punk rock festivals, the island of punk festival 2000, links to local bands, and sites.
10 villian
information on
information on this deathrock band, plus personal information on their gothabilly drummer.
Z Mikeyvillain Y
information on this deathrock band, plus personal information on their gothabilly drummer.
Z Mikeyvillain Y
11 so fkin what? punk zine
rochester ny
rochester ny anarchist punk zine. hardcore music and political beliefs all rolled into one! punk rock! oi! sxe!
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Terms Account Web Domains Website Aabaco Help Store Policy
rochester ny anarchist punk zine. hardcore music and political beliefs all rolled into one! punk rock! oi! sxe!
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Terms Account Web Domains Website Aabaco Help Store Policy
12 az punk
this site
this site is about and for the arizona punk rockers. site has local information about punk events in arizona.
Azpunk Vol Azpunkcomp Titans Crawl Radio Reading Stuff Continue Should Podcast Show News Dragons Added See Grey Alphabetical Resources Bands
this site is about and for the arizona punk rockers. site has local information about punk events in arizona.
Azpunk Vol Azpunkcomp Titans Crawl Radio Reading Stuff Continue Should Podcast Show News Dragons Added See Grey Alphabetical Resources Bands
13 punk pictures from 1984-1986
photographs of
photographs of the l.a. punk scene by michael van wagenen.
Z Request Y
photographs of the l.a. punk scene by michael van wagenen.
Z Request Y
14 Bandwidth - When is an Emo-punk not an Emo-punk?
Article discussing
Article discussing Chris Carrabba, and his music.
Article discussing Chris Carrabba, and his music.
15 Punk Life
Reno, Nevada-based
Reno, Nevada-based show on punk rock.
Punk Life Dead Milkmen Scurvy Bastards Original Religion Here News Dates Reno Release Wilhelm Reviews Northern Graffin
Reno, Nevada-based show on punk rock.
Punk Life Dead Milkmen Scurvy Bastards Original Religion Here News Dates Reno Release Wilhelm Reviews Northern Graffin
16 brand name
an az
an az punk bands official website. on the darker side of pop punk with a lot of metal influences.
an az punk bands official website. on the darker side of pop punk with a lot of metal influences.
17 driven far off
punk, emo
punk, emo, pop-punk, and alternative album reviews, band interviews and multimedia downloads.
News Bryce Jacobson Leave Videos Tooth Video Records Stream City Tour Emery Nail Under Tagged Re Sign Music
punk, emo, pop-punk, and alternative album reviews, band interviews and multimedia downloads.
News Bryce Jacobson Leave Videos Tooth Video Records Stream City Tour Emery Nail Under Tagged Re Sign Music
18 san anto punk
devoted to
devoted to local punk rock bands, and club and show information.
Anto Punk Bands San Antonio Flatliners Scene Here Official Blood Local List Just Does Perturbed Thats Punk Itis Southside
devoted to local punk rock bands, and club and show information.
Anto Punk Bands San Antonio Flatliners Scene Here Official Blood Local List Just Does Perturbed Thats Punk Itis Southside
19 hiding remington
punk band
punk band straight outta chicago. hardcore/old school/oi and no pop-punk at all.
Remington Hiding Hey Sponsoredhas Now Movedyouclose Hidingremingtonchristcorenet Hidingremingtoncjbnet Catch
punk band straight outta chicago. hardcore/old school/oi and no pop-punk at all.
Remington Hiding Hey Sponsoredhas Now Movedyouclose Hidingremingtonchristcorenet Hidingremingtoncjbnet Catch
20 all things punk
information on
information on punk bands and shows from around northern california, but mostly redding and chico.
information on punk bands and shows from around northern california, but mostly redding and chico.
21 Cranky Critic Movie Reviews: SLC Punk
A review
A review of SLC Punk, starring Matthew Lillard.
Star Trilogy Cranky Wars Trek Movie Men Potter Story Spider Caribbean Pirates Combo Shrek Harry Blu Ray Whole Knight Chronicles Visit
A review of SLC Punk, starring Matthew Lillard.
Star Trilogy Cranky Wars Trek Movie Men Potter Story Spider Caribbean Pirates Combo Shrek Harry Blu Ray Whole Knight Chronicles Visit
22 idobi forum
message board
message board for fans of punk, pop-punk, alternative, and rock music.
message board for fans of punk, pop-punk, alternative, and rock music.
23 san anto punk
devoted to
devoted to san antonio punk rock bands, and local club and show information.
devoted to san antonio punk rock bands, and local club and show information.
24 punk rock finder
source to
source to find bands, labels, mp3s, discographies and other punk information.
Create Tripod Hosting Requested Website Tripodcom Please Shopping Page Errorpage Lycoscheck Found Couldnt
source to find bands, labels, mp3s, discographies and other punk information.
Create Tripod Hosting Requested Website Tripodcom Please Shopping Page Errorpage Lycoscheck Found Couldnt
25 punk magazine
the on-line
the on-line home of the original punk fanzine.
Punk Magazine Best Store Interview Stuff Vault Issue Contact John Rock Joey Ramones Beast Link Five Reviewers Comicmix Monster School
the on-line home of the original punk fanzine.
Punk Magazine Best Store Interview Stuff Vault Issue Contact John Rock Joey Ramones Beast Link Five Reviewers Comicmix Monster School
26 punk portfolio
photographs from
photographs from the local punk scene in maine.
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photographs from the local punk scene in maine.
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27 Punk Girlz on the Wall
A starting
A starting band with punk, pop, emo influences.
A starting band with punk, pop, emo influences.
28 all music guide - l.a. punk
a brief
a brief overview of the most prominent l.a. punk bands.
a brief overview of the most prominent l.a. punk bands.
29 paste punk
punk, hardcore
punk, hardcore, emo and ska webzine with writings and reviews.
Here Pastepunkcomy
punk, hardcore, emo and ska webzine with writings and reviews.
Here Pastepunkcomy
30 kontrol- uk streetpunk zine.
uk punk
uk punk news, reviews, interviews and on-line video, and lots of punk links.
Uks Streetpunk Oi Premier Fastcounter Linkexchange Kontrol Rag Skinheads Herberts Since Skins Recorded Visitiors Interviews Charts Y
uk punk news, reviews, interviews and on-line video, and lots of punk links.
Uks Streetpunk Oi Premier Fastcounter Linkexchange Kontrol Rag Skinheads Herberts Since Skins Recorded Visitiors Interviews Charts Y
31 punk coverz
a site
a site that displays the covers of albums of pop-punk bands like nofx, bad religion, blink-182 and lagwagon.
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a site that displays the covers of albums of pop-punk bands like nofx, bad religion, blink-182 and lagwagon.
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32 kontrol- uk streetpunk zine.
uk punk
uk punk news, reviews, interviews and on-line video, and lots of punk links.
Streetpunk Uks Premier Fastcounter Linkexchange Kontrol Rag Oi Recorded Visitiors Videopunx Interviews Music
uk punk news, reviews, interviews and on-line video, and lots of punk links.
Streetpunk Uks Premier Fastcounter Linkexchange Kontrol Rag Oi Recorded Visitiors Videopunx Interviews Music