world around songs
Experience Songs Around
pocket sized and larger songbooks with folk songs from america and around the world. also custom songbooks for girl scouts, 4-h, schools, camps, church groups, etc.
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Best entries for Songs and Around
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6 Michael Bluejays Page
Sheet music
Sheet music and transcriptions to some songs, analysis of similarities between BF5 songs and other songs, and a story about playing onstage with the band in Dallas.
Folds Five Best Imitation Michael Ben Darren Myself Bf Robert Video Band Song Guide Bluejay Stevens Magic Contact Smoke
Sheet music and transcriptions to some songs, analysis of similarities between BF5 songs and other songs, and a story about playing onstage with the band in Dallas.
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8 Lost Songs 95-98
Peter Naldretts
Peter Naldretts review: 'the nine songs and two instrumentals combining to make a beautiful collection of soothing songs, aided by Grays recognisable voice'. 3.5 out of 5.
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Peter Naldretts review: 'the nine songs and two instrumentals combining to make a beautiful collection of soothing songs, aided by Grays recognisable voice'. 3.5 out of 5.
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Dutch punk-rock band dedicated to playing Ramones songs and turning other, mainly 50s and 60s, songs into Ramones songs. News, biography, photo gallery, and MP3s.
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classical and irish tenor who performs concerts and events featuring irish and american ballads, broadway songs, neapolitan songs, art songs, and operatic arias.
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everyday activities
everyday activities and the songs that go with them are the subjects of this unique view of contemporary southern cheyenne womens music. in addition to musical transcriptions and textual translations, the author provides the songs history and the circumstances and backgrounds of the singer-composers, who shared the songs meanings and the social settings in which they are used in the ongoing cheyenne musical tradition. leaving everything behind: the songs and memories of a cheyenne woman (bertha little coyote) can also be found on this site.
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everyday activities and the songs that go with them are the subjects of this unique view of contemporary southern cheyenne womens music. in addition to musical transcriptions and textual translations, the author provides the songs history and the circumstances and backgrounds of the singer-composers, who shared the songs meanings and the social settings in which they are used in the ongoing cheyenne musical tradition. leaving everything behind: the songs and memories of a cheyenne woman (bertha little coyote) can also be found on this site.
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13 Toon Tracker Classic Christmas Cartoon Songs
Featuring classic
Featuring classic Christmas cartoon songs in RealAudio format. Includes songs sung by Mel Blanc, Burl Ives, Mickey Rooney, Keenan Wynn, Billie Richards, Jackie Vernon, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Daws Butler.
Featuring classic Christmas cartoon songs in RealAudio format. Includes songs sung by Mel Blanc, Burl Ives, Mickey Rooney, Keenan Wynn, Billie Richards, Jackie Vernon, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Daws Butler.
14 Toon Tracker Classic Christmas Cartoon Songs
Featuring classic
Featuring classic Christmas cartoon songs in RealAudio format. Includes songs sung by Mel Blanc, Burl Ives, Mickey Rooney, Keenan Wynn, Billie Richards, Jackie Vernon, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Daws Butler.
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Featuring classic Christmas cartoon songs in RealAudio format. Includes songs sung by Mel Blanc, Burl Ives, Mickey Rooney, Keenan Wynn, Billie Richards, Jackie Vernon, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Daws Butler.
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15 Western Songs
Original Songs
Original Songs of the Wild West reinterpreted into a modern context.
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Original Songs of the Wild West reinterpreted into a modern context.
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contains the full text of songs of innocence and songs of experience.
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contains the full text of songs of innocence and songs of experience.
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cd of
cd of his songs with a list of titles and lyricists, from imagina productions.
cd of his songs with a list of titles and lyricists, from imagina productions.
19 The Songs of Woody Guthrie
Includes information
Includes information about and lyrics to many of his songs, as well as samples of his prose writing.
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Includes information about and lyrics to many of his songs, as well as samples of his prose writing.
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20 Black Sabbath Tabs
Guitar tablature
Guitar tablature for several songs, in alphabetical order. Some songs have more than one version.
Tab Black Sabbath Tabs Children Name Live Devil Grave Forever Changes Guitar Song Mundi Finger Ancient
Guitar tablature for several songs, in alphabetical order. Some songs have more than one version.
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hymns, spirituals, folk songs and patriotic songs are sung and played the artist.
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a collection of lyrics to songs concerning the struggles of workers, repressed peoples, and the unions.
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includes list
includes list of bad 70s songs sorted by artist, with commentary and lyric excerpts.
Love John Night Dont Paul Carpenters Eagles Chicago Gees Newton Songs Song Roberta Eric Manilow Barry Please Tyler Rhino Richards Randy
includes list of bad 70s songs sorted by artist, with commentary and lyric excerpts.
Love John Night Dont Paul Carpenters Eagles Chicago Gees Newton Songs Song Roberta Eric Manilow Barry Please Tyler Rhino Richards Randy
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collections of songs since 1930, including historical profiles of song and cd ordering.
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collections of songs since 1930, including historical profiles of song and cd ordering.
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25 Black Madness
Includes songs
Includes songs in the styles of rock, trance, and techno. Contains MP3s and MIDIs of all their songs.
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Includes songs in the styles of rock, trance, and techno. Contains MP3s and MIDIs of all their songs.
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26 Elliott Smith B-Sides and Other Songs
Discography of
Discography of singles and compilations with zipped MP3s of out-of-print songs.
Discography of singles and compilations with zipped MP3s of out-of-print songs.
27 beach: cabildo, six songs, hermit thrush
recording of
recording of an opera and other songs. reviews, ordering information.
recording of an opera and other songs. reviews, ordering information.
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over 300 artists and 2000 songs.songs from the 50s - today, from motown, blues, pop, and classic rock.
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over 300 artists and 2000 songs.songs from the 50s - today, from motown, blues, pop, and classic rock.
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29 australian folk songs
collection of
collection of traditional and bush songs with words, music and information about each song.
Folk Australian Songs Belled Bare Australia Project Landline Library Abc Trove Ewe Trust National Starting
collection of traditional and bush songs with words, music and information about each song.
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songs of great composers of carnatic music.
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songs of great composers of carnatic music.
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31 Songs by Jacques Brel
English translations
English translations of six of Brels songs.
Brel Jaques Express Demand Heirs Removed Of Anne Songs English Grazia Marie Jacques Rosa Les
English translations of six of Brels songs.
Brel Jaques Express Demand Heirs Removed Of Anne Songs English Grazia Marie Jacques Rosa Les
32 contemplator
traditional tunes
traditional tunes from 1600 to 1900. with lyrics, midi, origins of the songs and information on the events described in the songs.
Music Folk Songs Ballads Love History Child Sea Midi Contemplators Part Francis America American Carolan Lesleys Nelson Burns
traditional tunes from 1600 to 1900. with lyrics, midi, origins of the songs and information on the events described in the songs.
Music Folk Songs Ballads Love History Child Sea Midi Contemplators Part Francis America American Carolan Lesleys Nelson Burns