Cümbüş Means Fun
Experience Abidin Turkey
A history of a Turkish folk instrument, now more popular in America and Europe. It combined features of the oud and the banjo, unusually, it has interchangeable necks.RootsWorld Birger Gesthuisen investigates the short influential history of the cumbush

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Website | rootsworld.com/turkey/cumbus.htm |
Name | Cümbüş Means Fun |
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Abidin Turkey Zeynel Turkish Cumbus Istanbul Gypsies Atatrk Fethi Antalya Instrument American David Birger Izmir Only Turkeybecame Well Unkapani Music Instruments Stringed Cumbus Cumbush World Music Roots Folk Italy Bari Puglia Reggae Italian Italiano Alitalia European Folk Music Accordion Accodeon Melodeon Fisamonica Cümbü351
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Best entries for Abidin and Turkey
1 turkey feathers
homecrafts and
homecrafts and everyday adventures.
State Quilt Flower Embroidery Craft Sewing Everyday Company Vintage Shop Turkey Good Adventures Talk Feathers Show Bobba Loo Fall Bunnies Healingthis
homecrafts and everyday adventures.
State Quilt Flower Embroidery Craft Sewing Everyday Company Vintage Shop Turkey Good Adventures Talk Feathers Show Bobba Loo Fall Bunnies Healingthis
2 Istanbul Agop
Handmade cymbals
Handmade cymbals from Turkey in different variations.
Z Server Port Blog Cymbals Istanbul Products Videos Permanently The Apachemerch Artists Support
Handmade cymbals from Turkey in different variations.
Z Server Port Blog Cymbals Istanbul Products Videos Permanently The Apachemerch Artists Support
3 toksoz, isil
young talent
young talent from turkey, currently studying at the vienna conservatory.
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young talent from turkey, currently studying at the vienna conservatory.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Domains Terms Privacy Please Aabaco Web Help Copyright
4 M.E.D. Folk Tours
Music and
Music and dance events, camps and festivals in the U.S. and Turkey.
Dance Music Turkey Events Classes Turkish Folk Tours Belly Teachers Tayyar Eastern Middle Photos Zeki Meet
Music and dance events, camps and festivals in the U.S. and Turkey.
Dance Music Turkey Events Classes Turkish Folk Tours Belly Teachers Tayyar Eastern Middle Photos Zeki Meet
5 Cepni, Mehmed
Photographs of
Photographs of Istanbul, Turkey. Also, a collection of animated GIFs.
Photographs of Istanbul, Turkey. Also, a collection of animated GIFs.
6 BailaTango
International tango
International tango schools in USA, Canada, Germany, Slovenia and Turkey
International tango schools in USA, Canada, Germany, Slovenia and Turkey
7 Turkey!
Reviewer Jeff
Reviewer Jeff Vice says that 'Battlefield Earth' is 'shockingly inept.' Rated 0/4.
Request Nginxz
Reviewer Jeff Vice says that 'Battlefield Earth' is 'shockingly inept.' Rated 0/4.
Request Nginxz
8 Yagci, Mehmet Ali
A collection
A collection of images from Turkey, Japan, Italy France, and Greece.
Tripod Create Login Couldnt Errorpage Tripodcom Please Hosting Found Requested Shopping Check Page Lycoscomsignup
A collection of images from Turkey, Japan, Italy France, and Greece.
Tripod Create Login Couldnt Errorpage Tripodcom Please Hosting Found Requested Shopping Check Page Lycoscomsignup
9 Your Guide to English Language
Materials for
Materials for classroom use and coursebook evaluations. Primarily for teachers in Turkey.
Materials for classroom use and coursebook evaluations. Primarily for teachers in Turkey.
10 Rempfer, Alain
Exhibit of
Exhibit of photos from Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Morocco, and Sardinia, Italy.
Iran Provence Pictures Esterel Photographer Afghanistan Morocco Turkey Sardaigne Sardinia East Jerusalem Qashqai Les Maures Cohen Everest Forplato Reality France
Exhibit of photos from Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Morocco, and Sardinia, Italy.
Iran Provence Pictures Esterel Photographer Afghanistan Morocco Turkey Sardaigne Sardinia East Jerusalem Qashqai Les Maures Cohen Everest Forplato Reality France
11 mcclintic, clint
'postcards from
'postcards from turkey' is presented by a watercolor artist who recently traveled to that country.
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'postcards from turkey' is presented by a watercolor artist who recently traveled to that country.
Sign Lifestream Places People Everything Policy Account Now Trademarks Connecting Go Theres Bulk Nowon Social Stream
12 Antalya Tanitim Casting Service
Database of
Database of actors and actresses, with photographs, and contact possibilities. From Turkey.
Database of actors and actresses, with photographs, and contact possibilities. From Turkey.
13 turkey point lightstation inc.
membership organization
membership organization provides information on light in north east that was constructed in 1833.
membership organization provides information on light in north east that was constructed in 1833.
14 turkey point lightstation inc.
membership organization
membership organization provides information on light in north east that was constructed in 1833.
membership organization provides information on light in north east that was constructed in 1833.
15 danceturks
Dancer and
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Navigationshilfe Ty
Dancer and teacher in Istanbul, Turkey. Includes biography, photo gallery and contact information.
Navigationshilfe Ty
16 Selahi Durusoy, Daniel
Features travel
Features travel and nature photographs, primarily from Turkey. Guest submissions accepted.
Features travel and nature photographs, primarily from Turkey. Guest submissions accepted.
17 rish, adam
art and
art and textiles by an australian artist in collaboration with indigenous people in turkey, indonesia, tonga, and australia.
Rish Article Adam Australia Tapa Misanthropology Print Exhibition Images Sculpture Gallery Guirirr Biography Ceramic Burnie Bali Wandjinafigure Kafka Mimbres
art and textiles by an australian artist in collaboration with indigenous people in turkey, indonesia, tonga, and australia.
Rish Article Adam Australia Tapa Misanthropology Print Exhibition Images Sculpture Gallery Guirirr Biography Ceramic Burnie Bali Wandjinafigure Kafka Mimbres
18 Ascraeus
Alternative rock
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Alternative rock band from Istanbul, Turkey. News, biography, MP3s, video, guestbook, and links.
19 CNN.com
Article about
Article about the actors opening weekend of Oceans Eleven with fellow members of the cast and entertaining U.S. troops in Turkey.
Cnn Cnncom Matt Damon Entertainment Biz Military Ad Eleven Women Opening Desktop Screening Business Mobile Sicom Meeting Fellow
Article about the actors opening weekend of Oceans Eleven with fellow members of the cast and entertaining U.S. troops in Turkey.
Cnn Cnncom Matt Damon Entertainment Biz Military Ad Eleven Women Opening Desktop Screening Business Mobile Sicom Meeting Fellow
20 Cemal, Z. Tacal
Photographic collection
Photographic collection of city, people and life in 1900-1950 period in the Black Sea region of Turkey.
Request Webshots Desktop Mobile Nginx Wallpaper Photos Screensaver Latest Photographsfree Terms Slideshows
Photographic collection of city, people and life in 1900-1950 period in the Black Sea region of Turkey.
Request Webshots Desktop Mobile Nginx Wallpaper Photos Screensaver Latest Photographsfree Terms Slideshows
21 anatolia
a group
a group of musicians from western massachusetts playing folk songs and dance music of turkey and the arab world.
a group of musicians from western massachusetts playing folk songs and dance music of turkey and the arab world.
22 Eng, Bibi
Small collection
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Province Northern Valley Rift State Nile Lake River Bibi Park National Page Island Eng Addis Zanzibar Gonder
Small collection of street scenes and architectural details from Iran, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United States.
Province Northern Valley Rift State Nile Lake River Bibi Park National Page Island Eng Addis Zanzibar Gonder
23 Savash, Shelale
Photos of
Photos of Peru, Bali, Turkey, and the American Southwest. Includes either travelogues or historical information on the visited countries.
Z Gift Editorschoices Portfolios Portfolio Popular Most Offline Inspired Enjoy Photosshelales Awesome Shelale
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Z Gift Editorschoices Portfolios Portfolio Popular Most Offline Inspired Enjoy Photosshelales Awesome Shelale
24 Parlar, Ethem Onur
Images from
Images from Turkey and the United States. Environmental portraits are a specialty. The site is available in Turkish, English, and German.
Link Src Ethem Onur Photograph References Litespeed Galleries Parlar Contact Biography Exhibitions Mention Latest
Images from Turkey and the United States. Environmental portraits are a specialty. The site is available in Turkish, English, and German.
Link Src Ethem Onur Photograph References Litespeed Galleries Parlar Contact Biography Exhibitions Mention Latest
25 Bement, Anne
Landscapes and
Landscapes and photographic impressions of China, Japan, Turkey and selected parts of the United States, the South and California.
Anne Bement Photography Prints Photograph Francisco Art Artist San Visual Turkey Highly Based Layering South
Landscapes and photographic impressions of China, Japan, Turkey and selected parts of the United States, the South and California.
Anne Bement Photography Prints Photograph Francisco Art Artist San Visual Turkey Highly Based Layering South
26 Stevens, Darren M.
An expanding
An expanding collection of panoramic and travel photography featuring Berlin, India, Iran, Ireland, Syria, Turkey, UK and USA.
An expanding collection of panoramic and travel photography featuring Berlin, India, Iran, Ireland, Syria, Turkey, UK and USA.
27 Karya International Youth Service.
Based in
Based in Ankara, Turkey and with schools in England and on Malta. For students desiring to learn English in a non-academic environment.
Based in Ankara, Turkey and with schools in England and on Malta. For students desiring to learn English in a non-academic environment.
28 The Horror, the Horror
MaryAnn Johanson
MaryAnn Johanson (the Flick Filosopher) reviews the sci-fi turkey 'Battlefield Earth.'
Amazon Review See Women Here Also Reviews Movie Uk Where Films Maryann Vatican Latest Posts Imdb Myroom London Green
MaryAnn Johanson (the Flick Filosopher) reviews the sci-fi turkey 'Battlefield Earth.'
Amazon Review See Women Here Also Reviews Movie Uk Where Films Maryann Vatican Latest Posts Imdb Myroom London Green
29 Review of Christmas Music CDs
Includes 'Christmas
Includes 'Christmas Turkey', from SEE Magazine.
Includes 'Christmas Turkey', from SEE Magazine.
30 mosques
great buildings
great buildings online provides images and information on famous mosques in turkey, syria and north africa.
Mosque Great Buildings Architectureweek Mosques Sinan Greatbuildings Architecture Unknown Damascus Architects Free Turkey Types Advanced Login Contributing Models
great buildings online provides images and information on famous mosques in turkey, syria and north africa.
Mosque Great Buildings Architectureweek Mosques Sinan Greatbuildings Architecture Unknown Damascus Architects Free Turkey Types Advanced Login Contributing Models
31 siir parki: the park of poems
photos of
photos of turkey, selected poems by byron, keats, and others, and links to sites devoted to art.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Sorry Reach Maps Popular Trying Privacy Archivesgames
photos of turkey, selected poems by byron, keats, and others, and links to sites devoted to art.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Sign Policy Sorry Reach Maps Popular Trying Privacy Archivesgames
32 hagia sophia
great buildings
great buildings online provide photographs, 3d model, choice quotations and bibliography of the byzantine masterpiece designed by isidoros and anthemios at istanbul, turkey, 532-7.
great buildings online provide photographs, 3d model, choice quotations and bibliography of the byzantine masterpiece designed by isidoros and anthemios at istanbul, turkey, 532-7.