Experience Canadian Directory
1960s Montreal rock group. Provides a review of the bands 'Freak Out Total' release.
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Website | canehdian.com/genre/classicrock/ |
Name | Ouba |
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Canadian Directory Reviews Canehdiancom Album Music Canehdian Artist Jian Entertainment Non Canadas Posts Anthem Ghomeshi Music Bands And Artists O
Reviews and Comments for Ouba

Best entries for Canadian and Directory
1 Canadian Theatre Directory
Directory of
Directory of over 400 Canadian theatres providing season and ticket information, reviews, study resources, childrens theatre, schools, workshops, and camps.
Theatre Canada Canadian Theatres Listedhas Place Great Easier Listings Theater Performingarts
Directory of over 400 Canadian theatres providing season and ticket information, reviews, study resources, childrens theatre, schools, workshops, and camps.
Theatre Canada Canadian Theatres Listedhas Place Great Easier Listings Theater Performingarts
2 canadian punk music
a growing
a growing directory of canadian punk bands.
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a growing directory of canadian punk bands.
Database Errorconnectionestablishing
3 canadian opera
a directory
a directory of notable canadian opera performers, by canehdian.com.
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a directory of notable canadian opera performers, by canehdian.com.
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4 canadian broadcast directory
gives links
gives links to canadian radio and tv station web pages, broadcast engineering companies, other engineering sites and equipment suppliers.
Server Portfound Thenavigationshilfe Php Found Apache +debu
gives links to canadian radio and tv station web pages, broadcast engineering companies, other engineering sites and equipment suppliers.
Server Portfound Thenavigationshilfe Php Found Apache +debu
5 canadian radio stations
comprehensive directory
comprehensive directory of original canadian university stations from coast to coast.
Database Error Establishingconnection Z
comprehensive directory of original canadian university stations from coast to coast.
Database Error Establishingconnection Z
6 canadian techno & electronica directory
a small
a small directory of techno and electronica artists from canada.
Database Error Establishingz Connection
a small directory of techno and electronica artists from canada.
Database Error Establishingz Connection
7 Disc Jockey Information Network
Canadian DJ
Canadian DJ directory and supplier links.
Create Tripod Websiteplease Requested Page Login Hosting Lycos Couldnt Tripodcomsignup Check
Canadian DJ directory and supplier links.
Create Tripod Websiteplease Requested Page Login Hosting Lycos Couldnt Tripodcomsignup Check
8 Abracadabra ESL
Canadian directory
Canadian directory offers ability to choose the school by different criteria and regions.
Canadian directory offers ability to choose the school by different criteria and regions.
9 Write On Speakers Bureau
Offers a
Offers a directory listing of both Canadian and American storytellers.
Offers a directory listing of both Canadian and American storytellers.
10 Disc Jockey Information Network
Offers a
Offers a free Canadian DJ directory and supplier links.
Tripod Create Requested Hosting Website Please Check Login Page Shoppingcouldnt Lycoscom Lycos Tripodcom
Offers a free Canadian DJ directory and supplier links.
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11 canadian bagpipe links
directory of
directory of pipe bands, highland games and festivals, magazines, retailers, humor, sheet music and graphics.
directory of pipe bands, highland games and festivals, magazines, retailers, humor, sheet music and graphics.
12 Leonard Cohen Guitar Tabs
Directory of
Directory of guitar tablature for the Canadian star.
Canadian Reviews Directory Canehdiancom Album Music Artist Canehdian Singing Thanks Jian Non Source Anthem Found Posts Y
Directory of guitar tablature for the Canadian star.
Canadian Reviews Directory Canehdiancom Album Music Artist Canehdian Singing Thanks Jian Non Source Anthem Found Posts Y
13 canehdian radio guide
directory of
directory of canadian radio stations including those broadcasting live on the internet.
Error Database Establishing Connectionz
directory of canadian radio stations including those broadcasting live on the internet.
Error Database Establishing Connectionz
14 suite101: canadian literature
interviews with
interviews with canadian authors and reviews of contemporary canadian fiction, literary non-fiction, and poetry. archived column, no longer being updated.
Suitecomthanks Gone Actually Pagesuite
interviews with canadian authors and reviews of contemporary canadian fiction, literary non-fiction, and poetry. archived column, no longer being updated.
Suitecomthanks Gone Actually Pagesuite
15 northern bluegrass committee
promoting bluegrass
promoting bluegrass in ontario and central canada. sponsors of the annual central canadian bluegrass awards. includes past award winners, schedule of concerts and festivals, and radio directory.
promoting bluegrass in ontario and central canada. sponsors of the annual central canadian bluegrass awards. includes past award winners, schedule of concerts and festivals, and radio directory.
16 canadian home workshop online
online version
online version of canadian woodworking and do-it yourself home improvement magazine, featuring articles, forums, canadian catalogue listings, directories, events, woodworking plans, reviews and advice.
Tools Tips Projects Kitchen Outdoor Renovations Made Bath Renos Workshop Project Log Plans Ask Power Yard Clock Review Contact
online version of canadian woodworking and do-it yourself home improvement magazine, featuring articles, forums, canadian catalogue listings, directories, events, woodworking plans, reviews and advice.
Tools Tips Projects Kitchen Outdoor Renovations Made Bath Renos Workshop Project Log Plans Ask Power Yard Clock Review Contact
17 The National & New England Swing Dance Server
Includes the
Includes the National Swing Dance Calendar, Teacher Directory, DJ Directory, Organizer Directory, Dance Partner Network, classified ads, discussion forums, and music recommendations.
Swing Dating Calendar National Dance Picture Singles Personals Love Real Stop Americansinglescom Savvy Seekingyou Including England Prev
Includes the National Swing Dance Calendar, Teacher Directory, DJ Directory, Organizer Directory, Dance Partner Network, classified ads, discussion forums, and music recommendations.
Swing Dating Calendar National Dance Picture Singles Personals Love Real Stop Americansinglescom Savvy Seekingyou Including England Prev
18 The National & New England Swing Dance Server
Includes the
Includes the National Swing Dance Calendar, Teacher Directory, DJ Directory, Organizer Directory, Dance Partner Network, classified ads, discussion forums, and music recommendations.
Swing Dating National Calendar Dance Singles Real Personals Savvy Picture Stop Love Americansinglescom Seekingyou Date Prev
Includes the National Swing Dance Calendar, Teacher Directory, DJ Directory, Organizer Directory, Dance Partner Network, classified ads, discussion forums, and music recommendations.
Swing Dating National Calendar Dance Singles Real Personals Savvy Picture Stop Love Americansinglescom Seekingyou Date Prev
19 Language Course Directory
A directory
A directory for Britain with school and level of English assessment tools.
English Malta England Language London Ireland School Scotland Test Course Bournemouth Dublin Schools Courses Wwwexperience Maltacom
A directory for Britain with school and level of English assessment tools.
English Malta England Language London Ireland School Scotland Test Course Bournemouth Dublin Schools Courses Wwwexperience Maltacom
20 The Directory - La Femme Nikita Fanlisting
A directory
A directory of fans with contact information and links.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A directory of fans with contact information and links.
Navigationshilfe Ty
21 the wheel of time directory
a categorized
a categorized directory, with over 100 relevant sites listed.
Navigationshilfet Y
a categorized directory, with over 100 relevant sites listed.
Navigationshilfet Y
22 International Directory of Design
Directory of
Directory of film and cinematography educational programs.
Directory of film and cinematography educational programs.
23 the fine art directory
directory of
directory of art resources including links to galleries, appraisers, supplies, and publications.
directory of art resources including links to galleries, appraisers, supplies, and publications.
24 Forever Knight Web Directory
A web
A web directory of links for web sites pertaining to the series. Sorted by category.
A web directory of links for web sites pertaining to the series. Sorted by category.
25 hiphop-directory
comprehensive hip
comprehensive hip hop links directory and search engine.
Hiphop Directorycomy
comprehensive hip hop links directory and search engine.
Hiphop Directorycomy
26 Avagants Fanpage Directory
Entertainment directory
Entertainment directory focusing on Actress and Actor websites made and maintained by fans.
Celebrity Entertainment Models Movie Official Sites Studios Industry Gossip Actresses Actors Hollywood Blogs Lingerie Portals Pictures Wallpaper Tv Europe Actor Spain
Entertainment directory focusing on Actress and Actor websites made and maintained by fans.
Celebrity Entertainment Models Movie Official Sites Studios Industry Gossip Actresses Actors Hollywood Blogs Lingerie Portals Pictures Wallpaper Tv Europe Actor Spain
27 fannish e-mail directory
a directory
a directory of more than 3,000 electronic addresses and web sites of fans, professionals and groups located throughout the world.
a directory of more than 3,000 electronic addresses and web sites of fans, professionals and groups located throughout the world.
28 the censorship of canadian childrens literature
article from
article from the canadian content e-zine.
article from the canadian content e-zine.
29 Kingston Canadian Film Festival
Stand-alone showcase
Stand-alone showcase of strictly Canadian feature films.
Festival Kcff Films Film Shorts Feature Canadian Tickets News Youth Media Submissions Pitch Canada Kingston
Stand-alone showcase of strictly Canadian feature films.
Festival Kcff Films Film Shorts Feature Canadian Tickets News Youth Media Submissions Pitch Canada Kingston
30 canadian content
review of
review of scorned and beloved: dead of winter meetings with canadian eccentrics.
Forbidden Port Forbidden Youadditionallyapache Errordocument Server
review of scorned and beloved: dead of winter meetings with canadian eccentrics.
Forbidden Port Forbidden Youadditionallyapache Errordocument Server
31 Canadian eAuthors
To feature
To feature, showcase, and promote Canadian writers who have been published electronically. Web community.
Canadian Eauthors Thursdayz Please Searchtips Tips
To feature, showcase, and promote Canadian writers who have been published electronically. Web community.
Canadian Eauthors Thursdayz Please Searchtips Tips
32 canadian quilters ring
a showcase
a showcase collection of truly canadian sites devoted to quilts and furthering the art of quilting.
Canadian Quilters Sites Piecing Devoted Art Quilting Quilts Ring Truly Collection Enjoy Furthering Visit Showcase Quilter Canada
a showcase collection of truly canadian sites devoted to quilts and furthering the art of quilting.
Canadian Quilters Sites Piecing Devoted Art Quilting Quilts Ring Truly Collection Enjoy Furthering Visit Showcase Quilter Canada