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New York Dolls

New York Dolls Review Experience Thunders Johnny

At - Text and sound clips from interviews with the band members.

The New York Dolls Special featuring interview with Sylvain Sylvain review of Buster Poindexters show at the Bottom Line and a re visit of NY Rocks first story highlighting Johnny Thunders

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Thunders Johnny Rock Dolls Sylvain York Ny David Buster Johansen Poindexter Line Rocks New Special Ten Year Arthur Music Bands And Artists N New York Dolls Sylvain Sylvain Sylvain Mizrahi David Johansen Buster Poindexter Johnny Thunders Sleep Baby Doll The New York Dolls The Ny Dolls Jerry Nolan Arthur Kane Billy Murcia New York Rock Ny Rock

Reviews and Comments for New York Dolls

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2 NY Rock Presents: Johnny Thunders Nice article
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3 Jack Feeny Reviews: Johnny Thunders Reviews of
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4 Johnny No Name The official
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5 Sleep Walk - Santo and Johnny Tribute site
Tribute site to Sleep Walk, and Santo and Johnny. Includes biography, discography, lyrics, and gig dates for Johnny Farina, steel guitarist.
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cd and gig reviews with pictures from bands such as pitchshifter, kill ii this, earthtone9, slipknot, one minute silence and thunders luke morley.
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