machado, sylvia amélia
Experience Galeria Mail
sylvia amélia is an artist of prominence in the panorama of brazilian art in watercolor painting of orchids. she has been showing her paintings in brazil and abroad.(portuguese and english)
Business Hours
Opening hours for machado, sylvia amélia de hungria ($) *Reviews
machado, sylvia amélia de hungria
machado, sylvia amélia de hungria Review ›
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2025-03-27 Points
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Name | machado, sylvia amélia de hungria |
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Galeria Mail Depoimentos Orquiacutedeas Machado Atlntica Sylvia Mata Exposiccedilotildees Hungria Aquarelaspremiaccedilotildees Amlia Orqudeas Visual Arts Painting Painters Watercolors M
Reviews and Comments for machado, sylvia amélia de

Best entries for Galeria and Mail
1 galeria lara
galeria lara
galeria lara presents a host of multi-talented artists, described as bold, compulsive, visionary, and primitive.
Galeria Lara Galerialara Mauricio Salazar Artists Art Marcial Mae Santaayala Chino Lassiter Welcome
galeria lara presents a host of multi-talented artists, described as bold, compulsive, visionary, and primitive.
Galeria Lara Galerialara Mauricio Salazar Artists Art Marcial Mae Santaayala Chino Lassiter Welcome
2 Honoria Starbucks Mail Art Blog
Examples of
Examples of mail art sent and received, portraits of mail artists, haiku reflections on teaching art and being a mail artist.
Examples of mail art sent and received, portraits of mail artists, haiku reflections on teaching art and being a mail artist.
3 Postmark Arts - Fat Red Ants Mail Art & Artistamp Site
A collection
A collection of traditional and digital mail art, artistamps, mail art calls and exchanges with mail artists throughout the world.
A collection of traditional and digital mail art, artistamps, mail art calls and exchanges with mail artists throughout the world.
4 Mail Artists
Mail art
Mail art blog by Sharon Zimmer with mail art calls and documentation.
Mailartists Blogger Postsz Subscribe Httpuzaxcom Powered Simple
Mail art blog by Sharon Zimmer with mail art calls and documentation.
Mailartists Blogger Postsz Subscribe Httpuzaxcom Powered Simple
5 mail (chainmail) page
short history
short history of chain mail and information about the construction of chain mail in a home workshop, photos and links.
Mail John Page Check Bracelet Jason Allers Bees Hive Navigationshilfe Blessedfair Vikings Johns
short history of chain mail and information about the construction of chain mail in a home workshop, photos and links.
Mail John Page Check Bracelet Jason Allers Bees Hive Navigationshilfe Blessedfair Vikings Johns
6 Polski Zespół Pieśni i Tańca
Informacje o
Informacje o zespole, wydarzenia i galeria zdjęć.
Informacje o zespole, wydarzenia i galeria zdjęć.
7 Kitsch
Biografia, discografia
Biografia, discografia, galeria dimatges, MP3, agenda, concerts, premsa i botiga daquest grup de Banyoles.
Hostingwwwkitschmusiccom Vps Dedicados Quiero@estedominioes Webs Cloud Servidoresgratis Crear Dominios
Biografia, discografia, galeria dimatges, MP3, agenda, concerts, premsa i botiga daquest grup de Banyoles.
Hostingwwwkitschmusiccom Vps Dedicados Quiero@estedominioes Webs Cloud Servidoresgratis Crear Dominios
8 bofill, jordi
pintor empordanès
pintor empordanès, creador del cosmos art. presentació, currÃÂÂÂculum, galeria, bibliografia, agenda i enllaços.
pintor empordanès, creador del cosmos art. presentació, currÃÂÂÂculum, galeria, bibliografia, agenda i enllaços.
9 lebasi galeria dart
specialises in
specialises in contemporary art and includes artist biographies and details of exhibitions. located in palma, mallorca.
Mantenimiento Lebasiy
specialises in contemporary art and includes artist biographies and details of exhibitions. located in palma, mallorca.
Mantenimiento Lebasiy
10 one world mail art show
good mail
good mail art site on many counts: international scope and purpose, school childrens section, documentation of show and participants. perhaps best is the 'closeups' section, which includes samples of many mail art regulars. curated by mark bloch.
World Show Postal Nations United Art Mail Th Here School John Pictures Visual Arts Synagogue Since Graders
good mail art site on many counts: international scope and purpose, school childrens section, documentation of show and participants. perhaps best is the 'closeups' section, which includes samples of many mail art regulars. curated by mark bloch.
World Show Postal Nations United Art Mail Th Here School John Pictures Visual Arts Synagogue Since Graders
11 Sig-List
Show and
Show and tell e-mail signature moderated list. Primarily for all those who design fancy e-mail signatures and others who use a signature with their e-mail. Suggested topics are: ASCII-art, quotes, netiquette, sig-file, software, how to make signature files and the type of information you should include in them.
Yahoo Please Helpterms Ifyoure Also Policy Found Central Yahoos Privacyonlineservices Page Copyright
Show and tell e-mail signature moderated list. Primarily for all those who design fancy e-mail signatures and others who use a signature with their e-mail. Suggested topics are: ASCII-art, quotes, netiquette, sig-file, software, how to make signature files and the type of information you should include in them.
Yahoo Please Helpterms Ifyoure Also Policy Found Central Yahoos Privacyonlineservices Page Copyright
12 Biały Orzeł
Zespół pieśni
Zespół pieśni i tańca kultywujący polskie tradycje na terenie Kanady. Historia, repertuar artystyczny, galeria zdjęć.
Zespół pieśni i tańca kultywujący polskie tradycje na terenie Kanady. Historia, repertuar artystyczny, galeria zdjęć.
13 galeria of sculpture
palm beach
palm beach, fl gallery featuring decorative art glass, wall sculpture, and furniture.
palm beach, fl gallery featuring decorative art glass, wall sculpture, and furniture.
14 Galeria Laqua
Newspaper strip
Newspaper strip and comic art from all periods and genres, with special emphasis on Disney and European comic art.
Art Original Comic Georges Romano Kirby Greg Winsor Schulz Foster Laqua Peanutss Antoni Pichard John Carl Rosa Brian Drawings Ralf
Newspaper strip and comic art from all periods and genres, with special emphasis on Disney and European comic art.
Art Original Comic Georges Romano Kirby Greg Winsor Schulz Foster Laqua Peanutss Antoni Pichard John Carl Rosa Brian Drawings Ralf
15 Zespół Pieśni i Tańca Krakusy
Polski zespół
Polski zespół z Los Angeles. Informacje, wydarzenia, galeria zdjęć i dane kontaktowe.
Polski zespół z Los Angeles. Informacje, wydarzenia, galeria zdjęć i dane kontaktowe.
16 Mail Art Consortium
Includes mail
Includes mail art galleries, contact information, and member profiles.
Found Errordocument Additionallyapacheport Server Found The
Includes mail art galleries, contact information, and member profiles.
Found Errordocument Additionallyapacheport Server Found The
17 Art is the Antidote
Blog for
Blog for an ongoing mail art call with art by VictoriAimhleas and documentation of the received mail art.
Temporarilytool Text Blogger Google Teilen Kostenloses Publishing Fotosvideos Weblog
Blog for an ongoing mail art call with art by VictoriAimhleas and documentation of the received mail art.
Temporarilytool Text Blogger Google Teilen Kostenloses Publishing Fotosvideos Weblog
18 lassus, jorge
artistic, humorous
artistic, humorous, color caricatures from photographs by mail or e-mail.
artistic, humorous, color caricatures from photographs by mail or e-mail.
19 Dyjor Marek
Galeria zdjęć
Galeria zdjęć Marka Dyjora, fotografa z Krakowa, który zajmuje się wieloma dziedzinami fotografii, ale przede wszystkim interesuje go fotografia kobiet.
Slides Dyjor Marek Photography Fotografia Bluplusplusm Jalbum Mdyjor@pocztaonetpl Portret Jezeli Fotografuje Powered Witam Linki Y
Galeria zdjęć Marka Dyjora, fotografa z Krakowa, który zajmuje się wieloma dziedzinami fotografii, ale przede wszystkim interesuje go fotografia kobiet.
Slides Dyjor Marek Photography Fotografia Bluplusplusm Jalbum Mdyjor@pocztaonetpl Portret Jezeli Fotografuje Powered Witam Linki Y
20 A.1.Mail Art Archive
A personal
A personal collection of mail art displayed in blog format by Michael Leigh of Cheshire, U.K.
Art Mail Postcard Plg Archive Along Pass Wastedpapiers Grigori Posted Antonin Here Mailarta Salem Susannia Shouting Office Live
A personal collection of mail art displayed in blog format by Michael Leigh of Cheshire, U.K.
Art Mail Postcard Plg Archive Along Pass Wastedpapiers Grigori Posted Antonin Here Mailarta Salem Susannia Shouting Office Live
21 Mail Art WebRing
A group
A group of sites with content relating to mail art.
Art Mail Simply Content Group Sites Ideally Sent Through Relating Postal Found Portmulticultural
A group of sites with content relating to mail art.
Art Mail Simply Content Group Sites Ideally Sent Through Relating Postal Found Portmulticultural
22 Lizs Joshua Scott Chasez Site
Includes biography
Includes biography, fun facts, e-mail and fan mail addresses, awards, polls, and quizzes.
Tripod Create Website Lycos Tripodcom Hosting Signup Shopping Login Couldnt Requestedlycoscom Check Please
Includes biography, fun facts, e-mail and fan mail addresses, awards, polls, and quizzes.
Tripod Create Website Lycos Tripodcom Hosting Signup Shopping Login Couldnt Requestedlycoscom Check Please
23 Mail Art 1955 to 1995
'Democratic art
'Democratic art as social sculpture' -- thesis by Michael Lumb. Long, but fascinating background on the mail art movement.
'Democratic art as social sculpture' -- thesis by Michael Lumb. Long, but fascinating background on the mail art movement.
24 britney smells funny
mp3, pictures
mp3, pictures, message board, polls, songs, links, plus e-mail and snail mail addresses where you can voice your complaints.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Reach Sports Archiveorg Incprivacy Popular Hosting Sites Visit
mp3, pictures, message board, polls, songs, links, plus e-mail and snail mail addresses where you can voice your complaints.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Copyright Policy Help Reach Sports Archiveorg Incprivacy Popular Hosting Sites Visit
25 Lasowiacy
Stowarzyszenie Sympatyków
Stowarzyszenie Sympatyków Zespołu Lasowiacy im. Ignacego Wachowiaka przy Miejskim Domu Kultury w Stalowej Woli. Aktualności, historia, galeria zdjęć oraz dane kontaktowe.
Lasowiacy Zpit ZespoÅ‚u Galeria Sympatyków Stowarzyszenie TaÅ„ca PieÅ›ni Wachowiaka ZaÅ‚ożyciele Wola Album Translator Partnerzy Historia Kontakt * Wizyty AktualnoÅ›ci ZespóÅ‚ * GorÄ…cÄ…
Stowarzyszenie Sympatyków Zespołu Lasowiacy im. Ignacego Wachowiaka przy Miejskim Domu Kultury w Stalowej Woli. Aktualności, historia, galeria zdjęć oraz dane kontaktowe.
Lasowiacy Zpit ZespoÅ‚u Galeria Sympatyków Stowarzyszenie TaÅ„ca PieÅ›ni Wachowiaka ZaÅ‚ożyciele Wola Album Translator Partnerzy Historia Kontakt * Wizyty AktualnoÅ›ci ZespóÅ‚ * GorÄ…cÄ…
26 Blah Mail Art Magazine
Online version
Online version of mail art magazine by Joe Decie and Jack Dada with reviews, galleries and essays.
Viewmore Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Web Website Terms Please Domains Help Found Marketing
Online version of mail art magazine by Joe Decie and Jack Dada with reviews, galleries and essays.
Viewmore Started Business Small Yahoo Now Hosting Email Privacy Web Website Terms Please Domains Help Found Marketing
27 Mail Art Forum Journal
Live Journal
Live Journal Community for those interested in mail art. Post images, mailart calls and network.
Commentonthis Gt Mail [] International Art Mailart Entries Union New Do Found Httpwwwkingofmarble Media Artists
Live Journal Community for those interested in mail art. Post images, mailart calls and network.
Commentonthis Gt Mail [] International Art Mailart Entries Union New Do Found Httpwwwkingofmarble Media Artists
28 Pippoburros Mail Art Site
A large
A large mail art archive with examples of artwork sent from around the globe which includes web site and contact information.
Errore Filelindirizzo Verifica Page
A large mail art archive with examples of artwork sent from around the globe which includes web site and contact information.
Errore Filelindirizzo Verifica Page
29 blah mail art magazine
online version
online version of mail art magazine. with reviews, gallery and essays. by joe decie and jack dada.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign User Sorry Trying Machine Maps Visit Reach Mail Archiveorg
online version of mail art magazine. with reviews, gallery and essays. by joe decie and jack dada.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Help Policy Sign User Sorry Trying Machine Maps Visit Reach Mail Archiveorg
30 blah mail art magazine
online version
online version of mail art magazine by joe decie and jack dada with reviews, galleries and essays.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Longeravailablereach Mail Hosting Archiveorg Sorry Popular Guidelines Machine
online version of mail art magazine by joe decie and jack dada with reviews, galleries and essays.
Yahoo Geocities Policy Help Sign Copyright Longeravailablereach Mail Hosting Archiveorg Sorry Popular Guidelines Machine
31 Blah Mail Art Magazine
Online version
Online version of mail art magazine. With reviews, gallery and essays. By Joe Decie and Jack Dada.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Terms Web Privacy Website Please Help Domains Browser Page Design
Online version of mail art magazine. With reviews, gallery and essays. By Joe Decie and Jack Dada.
Viewmore Business Started Small Yahoo Now Email Hosting Terms Web Privacy Website Please Help Domains Browser Page Design
32 Last Mail from Birdsville
Home of
Home of the documentary chronicling Australian Tom Kruses last mail run on the Back of Beyond Birdsville Track. Includes message board. [Flash]
Kruse Tom Beyond Collection Birdsville Marree Mail Outback Waterloo Last Badger Mailmen Ding History Track Butler
Home of the documentary chronicling Australian Tom Kruses last mail run on the Back of Beyond Birdsville Track. Includes message board. [Flash]
Kruse Tom Beyond Collection Birdsville Marree Mail Outback Waterloo Last Badger Mailmen Ding History Track Butler