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META Group

META Group Review Experience Gartner Management

Provider of information technology research, advisory services, and strategic consulting.

Gartner delivers technology research to global technology business leaders to make informed decisions on key initiatives

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Gartner Management Summit Data Technology Business Architecture Enterprise Cloud Information Symposiumitxpo Research Industry Center Intelligence Social Practices Advantage Costs Information Technology Consulting M Technology Research Technology Research It Research Technology Consulting It Consulting It It Industry Technology Industry Cios Analysts Technology Analysts It Analysts It Cost Cutting Applications Enterprise Architecture Information Security It Modernization Virtualization Social Computing Cloud Computing

Reviews and Comments for META Group

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Best entries for Gartner and Management

1 Gartner, Diana Biography and
Biography and pictures from Yahoo! Model of the Month.
2 Gartner Group Provides advice
Provides advice and insights to support competitive decision making across the IT spectrum.
3 Gartner Refrigeration Design and
Design and installation of industrial solutions, service of a build contractors.
4 Tech Republic Industry consultant
Industry consultant Gartner Groups offering of daily news and how-to features for IT professionals.
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5 Sidnam Petrone Gartner Architects Commercial, institutional
Commercial, institutional, residential and retail architectural services. New York City.
6 Gartner Denowh Angus Ranch An eastern
An eastern Montana cattle ranch specializing in Black Angus genetics.
7 TeraQuest International provider
International provider of process and organizational improvement services, leveraging industry best practices and maturity model training and appraisals. Gartner alliance partner and SEI Partner. Online SEI CMM and CMMI tools.
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8 Gartner Group Research and
Research and analysis of information technology companies, products, and services, and of several industry sectors. Custom research and consulting services. Events and conferences.
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9 Gartner Storage and Sorter Systems Manufacturers overhead
Manufacturers overhead conveyor systems, including trolleys, gondolas, automated sorters, and rails, for use in garment and laundry industries. Features products, applications, and case studies.
10 Tesseract Management Systems Professional management
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11 Lincolnway Management A Chicago
A Chicago area management firm offering facility management services, multi-site management and maintenance, construction, restoration and asset management services.
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12 Roseman Management Illinois-based technical
Illinois-based technical project management and business management consulting firm offers services on technology projects. Includes information about Project Management Institutes Methodology and Total Quality Management.
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13 CaseTrakker Offers software
Offers software for case management, disease management, utilization management, and other health or social services related management tasks.
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14 Fraser Management Group Australian company
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15 Capstone Planning & Control, Inc. A management
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16 Global Management Solutions, LLC Dedicated to
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17 Quality Management Systems and Quality Software Quality Management
Quality Management Systems including document management, calibration control, project management, audit management, corrective/preventive actions, and SPC.
18 ProjectXnet Web based
Web based project management collaboration system focused on the AEC Industry. Features include access to project management, document management, and email management.
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19 Prisconsult Management consultancy
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20 IQRC-Pro Business Management and Compliance Software Modular software
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21 21st Century Edge Healthcare management
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22 Valley Facilities Management Corporation (VFMC) Provides complete
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23 eDentalPro Includes patient
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24 Quality On-Line Integrates quality
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28 Digital Solutions Inc. Designs and
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29 Administaff Inc Provides comprehensive
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32 Montecito Capital Management, LLC Specializing in
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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