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Best entries for Else and Social
1 InterPraxis Sustainability Consulting
A social
A social and economic consultancy specializing in ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), non-financial corporate reporting and social auditing. Canada
Social Ethics Development Research Participatory Corporate International Economic Interpraxis Consulting Values Responsibility Auditing Engagement Stakeholder Learn Communications Workshops
A social and economic consultancy specializing in ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), non-financial corporate reporting and social auditing. Canada
Social Ethics Development Research Participatory Corporate International Economic Interpraxis Consulting Values Responsibility Auditing Engagement Stakeholder Learn Communications Workshops
2 InterPraxis Sustainability Consulting
A social
A social and economic consultancy specializing in ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), non-financial corporate reporting and social auditing. Canada
A social and economic consultancy specializing in ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), non-financial corporate reporting and social auditing. Canada
3 Interpraxis Consulting
A social
A social and economic consulting firm specializing in ethics and corporate social responsibility, social auditing, stake-holder engagement, and international development. Located in Toronto, Canada.
A social and economic consulting firm specializing in ethics and corporate social responsibility, social auditing, stake-holder engagement, and international development. Located in Toronto, Canada.
4 Interpraxis Consulting
A social
A social and economic consulting firm specializing in ethics and corporate social responsibility, social auditing, stake-holder engagement, and international development. Located in Toronto, Canada.
A social and economic consulting firm specializing in ethics and corporate social responsibility, social auditing, stake-holder engagement, and international development. Located in Toronto, Canada.
5 Corporactiva - Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Corporactiva is
Corporactiva is a multidisciplinary company wich aims to think up, develop and execute corporate communication plans linked to cultural, artistic and/or social projects to meet measurable objectives within the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Deprecated Corporativa Emotions Experiencias Acción Producción De Corporactiva Comunicación Arte Function Planeseventos Corporactivaemotions
Corporactiva is a multidisciplinary company wich aims to think up, develop and execute corporate communication plans linked to cultural, artistic and/or social projects to meet measurable objectives within the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Deprecated Corporativa Emotions Experiencias Acción Producción De Corporactiva Comunicación Arte Function Planeseventos Corporactivaemotions
6 Michael Jantzi Research Associates Inc.
Investment research
Investment research and support for institutional and professional social investors. Maintains a Canadian social investment database and the Jantzi Social Index.
Investment research and support for institutional and professional social investors. Maintains a Canadian social investment database and the Jantzi Social Index.
7 Social Diva
Plans and
Plans and montiors for social events. US based.
Plans and montiors for social events. US based.
8 Guilford Publications
Publishes in
Publishes in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory.
Psychology Books Psychiatry Help Geography Therapy Education Guilford Work Self Social Texts Journals Psychotherapy Research Pay Per Newsletters Kline Military
Publishes in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory.
Psychology Books Psychiatry Help Geography Therapy Education Guilford Work Self Social Texts Journals Psychotherapy Research Pay Per Newsletters Kline Military
9 MHC International Limited
A European
A European based firm promoting social development and corporate social responsibility, business ethics.
A European based firm promoting social development and corporate social responsibility, business ethics.
10 Minlam Asset Management
Advisor to
Advisor to various funds and platform that offers financial and social performance using social screening, shareholder advocacy, and community investment strategies. New York, USA.
Management Minlam Asset Financial Markets Solutions Emerging Microfinance Mfis Investors Contact Bop Communities Institutions Finca
Advisor to various funds and platform that offers financial and social performance using social screening, shareholder advocacy, and community investment strategies. New York, USA.
Management Minlam Asset Financial Markets Solutions Emerging Microfinance Mfis Investors Contact Bop Communities Institutions Finca
11 SRI World Group
Provider of
Provider of news, research, and consulting for social investing, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance and ethics.
Provider of news, research, and consulting for social investing, corporate social responsibility, and corporate governance and ethics.
12 Guilford Press
Publishes professional
Publishes professional and trade books, videos, audio cassettes, journals and newsletters, and software in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory.
Psychology Books Psychiatry Help Education Geography Guilford Therapy Social Self Work Psychotherapy Texts Journals Press Behavioral Beck Christopher Disorder Mental Rights
Publishes professional and trade books, videos, audio cassettes, journals and newsletters, and software in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory.
Psychology Books Psychiatry Help Education Geography Guilford Therapy Social Self Work Psychotherapy Texts Journals Press Behavioral Beck Christopher Disorder Mental Rights
13 global maritime ministries, inc
a social
a social service agency providing social welfare, advocacy services, and chaplains to the maritime community in a christian environment.
Maritime Global Ministries Orleans Events Click Canal Chuck Event Giving Mission Doorsopen They International Enjoy Ofseafarers
a social service agency providing social welfare, advocacy services, and chaplains to the maritime community in a christian environment.
Maritime Global Ministries Orleans Events Click Canal Chuck Event Giving Mission Doorsopen They International Enjoy Ofseafarers
14 CorporateRegister.com
A directory
A directory of published corporate environmental, sustainability and social reports. Developed as an information tool for stakeholders in the field of environmental and social reporting.
A directory of published corporate environmental, sustainability and social reports. Developed as an information tool for stakeholders in the field of environmental and social reporting.
15 Social Marketing
A short
A short free course in social marketing and market positioning.
Development Health Foundation Novartis Elimination Malaria Leprosy Access Symposium Disease Project World Tanzania Media Order Subscribe Does Day Center Initiative
A short free course in social marketing and market positioning.
Development Health Foundation Novartis Elimination Malaria Leprosy Access Symposium Disease Project World Tanzania Media Order Subscribe Does Day Center Initiative
16 Vasin, Heyn & Company
A CPA and management consultant firm specializing in social responsibility audits, with informational articles online detailing how to perform social responsibility audits.
A CPA and management consultant firm specializing in social responsibility audits, with informational articles online detailing how to perform social responsibility audits.
17 Occasions Photography Ltd
Occasions Photography
Occasions Photography Ltd is a Middlesex-based company specialising in all types of social photography, including weddings, functions and social gatherings and family and childrens portraiture.
Occasions Photography Ltd is a Middlesex-based company specialising in all types of social photography, including weddings, functions and social gatherings and family and childrens portraiture.
18 PiperJaffray Philanthropic & Social Investment Consulting
Consulting services
Consulting services for high net-worth individuals and institutional investors. Social screening, shareholder activism, and philanthropic services. USA
Consulting services for high net-worth individuals and institutional investors. Social screening, shareholder activism, and philanthropic services. USA
19 A Brief Social History of Navajo Weaving
Detailed description
Detailed description of Navajo weaving techniques, probably dating back to the 17th century, and a review of their social and economic history. Links to related sites. From the Collectors Guide.
Detailed description of Navajo weaving techniques, probably dating back to the 17th century, and a review of their social and economic history. Links to related sites. From the Collectors Guide.
20 Social Science Research Network
SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. Site consists of an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 9,000+ scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 2,00+ downloadable electronic documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Ejournals Research Subject Matter Subscribe Paper Series Announcing Organizations Papers Subscribing Joins Ejournal Conference Publishing
SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. Site consists of an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 9,000+ scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 2,00+ downloadable electronic documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Ejournals Research Subject Matter Subscribe Paper Series Announcing Organizations Papers Subscribing Joins Ejournal Conference Publishing
21 Social Science Research Network
SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. Site consists of an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 9,000+ scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 2,00+ downloadable electronic documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Ejournals Research Matter Subject Paper Series Subscribe Subscribing Organizations Papers Joins Announcing Conference Publishing Ejournal Meetings Partners Studies
SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. Site consists of an Abstract Database containing abstracts on over 9,000+ scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection currently containing over 2,00+ downloadable electronic documents in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.
Ejournals Research Matter Subject Paper Series Subscribe Subscribing Organizations Papers Joins Announcing Conference Publishing Ejournal Meetings Partners Studies
22 Laurence J. Power
Fashion and
Fashion and social photographer in Esher, Surrey, UK.
Fashion and social photographer in Esher, Surrey, UK.
23 Dimitrios Photography & Video
Weddings, Baptisms
Weddings, Baptisms and Social Events.
News Coverage Panagosgreek Request Photographer Photos United Error Nationsdiplomatic American Official
Weddings, Baptisms and Social Events.
News Coverage Panagosgreek Request Photographer Photos United Error Nationsdiplomatic American Official
24 John Benjamins
Books and
Books and journals for the social sciences and the humanities.
Server Errorfound Thepage Found Betterform Apache Port
Books and journals for the social sciences and the humanities.
Server Errorfound Thepage Found Betterform Apache Port
25 IP and Democracy
Opinions about
Opinions about new telecom technologies and their social and political consequences.
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Opinions about new telecom technologies and their social and political consequences.
Portland Attorney Bankruptcy Dental Implants Legal Oregon Garden Tags Importance Medical Salem Business Hvac Tree Facts Treatment While
26 Between the Lines
Publisher of
Publisher of non-fiction books on social and political issues.
Books Between Author Lines Social News Events Cart Returns Shipping Forum Contact Prejudice Bold Featured Dupuis Dã©ri Award Winning Congress Newsletters France
Publisher of non-fiction books on social and political issues.
Books Between Author Lines Social News Events Cart Returns Shipping Forum Contact Prejudice Bold Featured Dupuis Dã©ri Award Winning Congress Newsletters France
27 Covenant Lift Inc.
Navigator. New
Navigator. New and used sales. Located in Social Circle, GA.
Forklifts Navigator Inc Image Inventory Contact Designed Website Sale Elegant Studios Farm Socialcircle Lift
Navigator. New and used sales. Located in Social Circle, GA.
Forklifts Navigator Inc Image Inventory Contact Designed Website Sale Elegant Studios Farm Socialcircle Lift
28 Paradigm Publishers
Small publisher
Small publisher in social science and the humanities.
Books Catalog Please Order Address Irretrievably Paradigm Courses Fall Subject Information Url Spring Social Society
Small publisher in social science and the humanities.
Books Catalog Please Order Address Irretrievably Paradigm Courses Fall Subject Information Url Spring Social Society
29 Bausman Consulting
Provides financial
Provides financial planning and management for social services organizations.
Provides financial planning and management for social services organizations.
30 COMSERV, Inc.
Detection of
Detection of fraudulent use of social security numbers to obtain employment.
Comserv Validation Fraud Inc Services Ssn Security Products Unique Abuse Death Social Prevention Liability Number Waste
Detection of fraudulent use of social security numbers to obtain employment.
Comserv Validation Fraud Inc Services Ssn Security Products Unique Abuse Death Social Prevention Liability Number Waste
31 Red Star Budapest
social industry
social industry and rap, classwar, opression, free cd-r, rsb kk reklamal
social industry and rap, classwar, opression, free cd-r, rsb kk reklamal
32 in4tek
Offers software
Offers software systems to support health and social care in the UK.
Civica Conference Annual News Privacy Civicas Manchester Policy Sponsors Humphrys John Website Prestigious Main Follow Central Story Delegates Speakers The Featuring
Offers software systems to support health and social care in the UK.
Civica Conference Annual News Privacy Civicas Manchester Policy Sponsors Humphrys John Website Prestigious Main Follow Central Story Delegates Speakers The Featuring