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Textile Terms Explained

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Innovative glossary of textile technical terms and definitions in which terms are leading to URLs of related companies, institutions and information resources.

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Best entries for Yarn and Textileglossarycom

1 Nippon Selen Co,. Ltd Japan. Design
Japan. Design and manufacture of yarn clearers, yarn length measuring devices, yarn breakage detectors and cutters. Technical information and equipment specifications. English and Japanese.
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2 Hall Tex Yarn, Inc Import and
Import and export of a wide variety of natural, synthetic and blended yarns for knitting and weaving applications. Also, stock lots, seconds and close-outs, and chemical yarn dyes. Custom yarn dyeing services.
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3 Universal Yarn Care Symbols List of
List of universal yarn care symbols and definitions as used by the yarn spinning and textile industry. From Trendsetter Yarns.
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4 Valley Mills UK. Custom
UK. Custom package yarn dyeing services. Also, yarn sourcing and supply.
5 The Yarn Guide Comprehensive glossary
Comprehensive glossary of terms in use with the yarn spinning industry. From the ICF Industries, Inc.s web site.
6 Ascotex, Ltd UK. Design
UK. Design and manufacture of ceramic and polychristalline sapphire yarn guides. Also, yarn tensioning devices, break detectors and cutters.
7 Jagger Brothers Worsted yarn
Worsted yarn producer located in Springvale, manufacturing custom spun products and providing a yarn service.
8 leahander trading limited china. raw
china. raw textile materials, manufacturing and dyeing of knitting fabric, twisted yarn, covered yarn, and hosiery products.
9 BTSR Italy. Design
Italy. Design and manufacture of yarn break detectors, constant tension feeders, and yarn quality control systems. Site can be viewed in English and Italian.
10 GS Lotey Group India. Design
India. Design and manufacture of fiber opening and carding machinery for the yarn spinning and nonwovens industries. Also, yarn and textile fabric processing and finishing machines.
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11 Spin-O-Yarn On-line marketplace
On-line marketplace for yarn and fabric buyers and sellers. Industry news and trade leads. SIC and HS codes. Company directory. Conversion tools. Glossaries of technical terms.
12 Spin O Yarn Glossary Detailed glossary
Detailed glossary of technical terms and definitions common in the yarn spinning industry. From SpinOyarn.Com.
13 Yarn Terminology List of
List of technical terms and definitions in use in the yarn spinning and hose manufacturing industries. From Beaver Manufacturing Co.
14 Yarn and Fabric Glosary Extensive glossary
Extensive glossary of technical terms and definitions in use in the fiber, yarn spinning and textile fabric industries. From Polyteks Tekstil AS.
15 diamond yarn importer of
importer of handknitting yarns offers online catalog, latest knitting patterns and designs, and help to find a local or online yarn store.
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16 Spinning Technology Guide Comprehensive explanation
Comprehensive explanation of the Yarn spinning process, from fiber opening and blending to the final yarn testing procedures. Author: R. Velmurugan.
17 Yarn Calculator Universal yarn
Universal yarn number equivalent calculator. From Service Thread Manufacturing Co.
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18 The Cottontree Yarn Co., Ltd UK. Yarn
UK. Yarn agents and merchants. Open-end and ring spun, carded and combed, gassed and mercerised yarns for weaving and knitting applications, from cotton, wool, modacrylic and acrylic, polyester and blends.
19 Textile Link Articles Collection of
Collection of articles on yarn spinning, knitting, fiber and yarn terms and definitions, and wool breeds and grades. Author: Rosemary Brock.
20 Textile Technology: Yarn Spinning Personal homepage
Personal homepage of T. Vijayakumar, offering technical information on blowroom, carding and drawing processes in yarn manufacturing. Links to machinery manufacturers sites, articles, newspapers and magazines.
21 pt yarn shop distributor of
distributor of opal sock yarn. also a sock photo gallery.
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22 Volkmann GmbH Germany. Twisting
Germany. Twisting machinery for yarn manufacture. Descriptions of yarn twisting and cabling principles. On-line parts ordering and FAQ. Member of the Saurer Group. English, German and Spanish.
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23 S. Mohanlal Group India. Importers
India. Importers of machinery, accessories, parts and complete plants for yarn spinning and fabric weaving. Also, dyes and chemicals, marbles and granites, yarn, fabric and ready-made garments.
24 National Handloom Development Corporation, Ltd India. Government
India. Government organization, involved in the development of the cottage hand loom textile industry. Yarn rates. List of yarn spinning mills. Links to related sites.
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25 United Yarn Products Co., Inc USA. Regular
USA. Regular, high tenacity and industrial filament yarns for weaving and knitting, from polyester and polyamide. Also, polyamide tow. Link to yarn and fiber gauge rulers on PDF files. Requires Acrobat Reader.
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26 Chain Yarn Co., Ltd Air textured
Air textured, twisted and continuous filament yarns for knitting and weaving, from polyester and polyamide. Also, polyamide chips for yarn extrusion and plastics engineering. Detailed product descriptions, specifications and applications. English and Chinese.
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27 Spinning King, Ltd India. Import
India. Import and export of yarns, fabrics and ready-made garments, and textile machinery and spares. Also, technical consulting in yarn spinning. Detailed yarn and fabric specifications. Part of the Kishiwala Group.
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28 Important Yarn and Cloth Parameters Technical article
Technical article describing manufacturing parameters and calculation formulae of yarn spinning and cloth weaving. Author: Dr. N. Balasubramanian.
29 Fundamentals of Spun Yarn Technology Book providing
Book providing a complete coverage of yarn manufacture and technology, and current research findings on the structure and properties of spun yarns. Author: Carl A. Lawrence.
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30 Tai He Yarn-dyed Fabric Co., Ltd Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of woven, yarn dyed, printed and finished fabrics for apparel and furnishing, from cotton, linen, ramie, viscose, polyester and blends. Also, ready-made apparel.
31 Fabrics by Tabrae USA. Custom
USA. Custom manufacturers of jacquard woven, yarn dyed and finisged fabrics and metallic knits for apparel, and bridal and formal wear, from acetate, polyester and metallic filament yarn.
32 AYSA. American Yarn Spinners Association USA. National
USA. National trade association for the North American yarn manufacturing industry.

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