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Wires & Fabriks (S.A.), Ltd

Wires & Fabriks Review Experience Press Screens

India. Diversified manufacturing company, active in the papermaking, chemicals, machine tools and consumables industries. Single and double layered forming fabrics, and dryer screens for the papermaking industry. Also, chemicals, equipment and accessories.

Wires Fabriks SA Ltd is the leading manufacturer and suppliers of paper machine clothing PMC equipments in India

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9 Elliott Metal Works USA. Manufacturers
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10 Elliott Metal Works Manufacturers of
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15 Filztuchfabrik D. Geschmay GmbH Germany. Manufacturers
Germany. Manufacturers of press fabrics, woven and spiral dryer fabrics, and dewatering screens for the papermaking industry. Description of manufacturing processes. On-line list of job opportunities. Part of Albany International, Inc. English and German.
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16 ORIIMEC Corporation of America Manufactures and
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australia. manufacturer of 400 kw shredders, trommel screens, and shredder components such as apron feeders and trommel screens. contains a detailed explanation of how more than 50 materials can be shredded.
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19 Miller Wire Works Offers woven
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20 A.B.Dick Company Worldwide supplier
Worldwide supplier to the graphic arts and printing industry, manufacturing and marketing equipment and supplies. Pre-press, press, and post-press.
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21 A.B.Dick Company Worldwide supplier
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26 Hemlock Printers Ltd. Commercial printing.
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More Wires & Fabriks (S.A.), Ltd Infos

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