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Loyal Special Yarn Co., Ltd

Loyal Special Yarn Review Experience Cojiangyin Yarns

China. Manufacturers of chenille and fancy yarns for knitting and weaving applications, from bamboo, soybean, viscose, acrylic, polyester, polyamide and blends.

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Cojiangyin Yarns Ltdloyal Textiles And Nonwovens Industrial Yarns And Sewing Threads Chenille

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1 Seaway Yarns Ltd. A producer
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2 Brilen Spain. Polyester
Spain. Polyester staple fiber and continuous filament yarns. Also, pre-oriented yarns (POY) and draw textured yarns (DTY), and polyester chips. Detailed description of PET (PolyEthylene Therephthalate)
3 Colinette Yarns Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of hand dyed knitting yarns, from wool, silk, viscose, cotton and blends. Online purchase of yarns, kits, patterns, shade cards and millshop packs. Based in Wales and includes a list of stockists.
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4 Classic Elite Yarns, Inc USA. Distributors
USA. Distributors of novelty and basic yarns for hand knitting, crocheting and weaving applications. Also, knitting needles, patterns and accessories. Detailed yarns catalog, including technical information and specifications. List of retail outlets.
5 Weaving with Elastane Yarns Article on
Article on the critical influences in weaving with elastane yarns at the filling insertion and warp systems, and during the storage of yarns and fabrics. Author: E. Wirth.
6 Saurer Hamel Ltd. Switzerland. Producer
Switzerland. Producer of balloon-less twisting and covering machines. Product range consists of machines for producing covering yarns, ply yarns, sewing, embroidery and hosiery yarns.
7 Bonar Yarns & Fabrics, Ltd UK. Manufacturers
UK. Manufacturers of carpet backing yarns for the woven carpet industry and artificial grass yarns for the sports surface industry, from polyethylene and polypropylene. Extensive technical information and yarn specifications. Links to related sites.
8 Chun Yan Textile Co., Ltd China. Manufacturers
China. Manufacturers of raw white and dyed polyester spun yarns and sewing threads, and solution dyed filament yarns. Also, fusible powder coated nonwoven interlining fabrics, knitted fabrics, and plastic cones for yarns and threads. English and Chinese.
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9 Plymouth Yarn Co., Inc Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of knitting yarns, from wool, cotton, acrylic and blends. Also, knitting patterns and accessories. Dealers in imported yarns. Links to list of dealers in yarns and accessories, and knitting resources. Password protected wholesale area.
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10 cascade yarns wholesaler and
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11 The Rare Yarns Company Natural fiber
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12 Sidhvan Yarns Manufacturers of
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13 Yihua Bonar Yarns & Fabrics Co., Ltd China. Joint
China. Joint venture between Bonar International, Sinopec and the Yihua Group, active in yarns, geotextiles, bulk bags and industrial fabrics. Polypropylene and polyethylene, slit and spun yarns for artificial grass surface manufacturing. Also, primary and secondary carpet backing. English and Chinese.
14 Simtex Yarns Inc. Specialty yarns
Specialty yarns for tassels, braids, knitting, knitted ribbons. Commission skein dyeing.
15 DeSales Trading Co., Inc USA. Traders
USA. Traders in odd lot and substandard textile fabric, yarns and sewing thread yarns. English and Spanish.
Company Trading Desales Inc Products Quality Yarn Contact Faqs Disclaimers Linkedin Google+ Sheet Blog Social
16 CNS Yarns Custom design
Custom design, development and manufacture of fancy yarns for knitting, hosiery and weaving, from cotton and synthetic blends.
17 Simtex Yarns, Inc USA. Dyers
USA. Dyers and processors of knitting yarns.
18 Lih Shyang Industrial Co., Ltd Taiwan. Natural
Taiwan. Natural and dyed, textured yarns for knitting and weaving, from polyester and polyamide. Also, spandex yarns for hosiery.
19 Southern Textile Co., Ltd Taiwan. Open
Taiwan. Open end spinning of yarns from cotton, rayon and blends. Also, draw textured and corespun yarns from polyamide and polyester.
20 Texturon, Inc Canada. Solution
Canada. Solution and packaged dyed, textured, set, semi-set and stretch polyester yarns for the textile industry. Also, distributors of yarns and threrads.
21 Berroco Fashion Knitting Yarns Provides a
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22 Aakar Synthetics India. Custom
India. Custom made, continuous filament yarns for embroidery applications, from viscose and polyester. Also, cotton and lurex, and fancy yarns.
23 Gayedtex Group Egypt. Manufacturers
Egypt. Manufacturers of dope dyed and texturized polyester POY, DTY and FDY filament yarns for knitting and weaving applications. Also, spun acrylic yarns.
24 Tastex Corp USA. Air-jet
USA. Air-jet textured filament yarns for textile and related industries, from polyamide, polyester and polypropylene. Also, carbon filled anti-static yarns.
Under Constructiony
25 Erdal Yarns, Ltd USA. Wholesale
USA. Wholesale of natural and dyed designer yarns on cones and skeins for industrial knitting and weaving, and handicraft. Detailed product listing.
26 Synthetic Yarns Co Syria. Manufacturers
Syria. Manufacturers of greige and dyed yarns for knitting and weaving applications, from cotton, polyester and polyamide. Also, collections of socks. English and Arabic.
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27 Ulutas Tekstil AS Turkey. Manufacturers
Turkey. Manufacturers of acryic chenille yarns, and viscose open end yarns. Also, woven fabrics and ready-made apparel. English and Turkish.
28 cherry tree hill handpaints domestic
handpaints domestic and imported natural and blended yarns in solids and colorways. list of retailers, catalog of yarns, and description of the dyeing process.
29 Sett Stockfil Buying and
Buying and selling of grey and dyed, single and multiple plyed industrial yarns for import and export. Available quantities of natural, synthetic and mixed yarns.
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30 Ganga Acrowools, Ltd Autoconed, greige
Autoconed, greige, dyed and melange yarns for knitting and weaving, from wool, acrylic, viscose, polyester and blends. Also, custom made specialty yarns.
31 Colinette Yarns, Ltd UK. Hand
UK. Hand dyed knitting yarns, from wool, silk, viscose, cotton and blends. Color charts. List of world wide shop locations.
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32 Fiesta Yarns USA. Manufacturers
USA. Manufacturers of hand dyed yarns for knitting applications, from wool, silk, polyamide, viscose, cotton and blends. List of nation wide retailers.

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