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Stern Investor Relations

Stern Investor Relations Review Experience Healthcare Industry

senior level investor relations services to health care and internet companies.

Senior level investor relations services to health care and clean technology companies

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Best entries for Healthcare and Industry

1 KBL Healthcare Ventures Investment focus:
Investment focus: startup, early-stage and emerging growth companies in the healthcare industry, particularly medical devices, healthcare services and niche pharmaceuticals
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2 JCAHO Consultants for Healthcare Industry Barrins Assoc
Barrins Assoc are JCAHO behavioral healthcare consultants providing consultation and quality surveys for the healthcare industry, JCAHO.
3 MEDCO Healthcare Consulting Provides healthcare
Provides healthcare management consulting services for the healthcare industry, resources include performance improvement and operations assessment.
4 National Healthcare Management Provides healthcare
Provides healthcare consulting, healthcare consultants, and healthcare management to healthcare providers, banks, trustee, venture capital, healthcare service companies and facilities.
5 Healthcare Industry News - Topix News on
News on the healthcare industry continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.
6 Academy of Healthcare Recruiters Provides training
Provides training for healthCare recruiters interested in committing 'seriously' to the HealthCare industry.
7 Global Medical Resources A healthcare
A healthcare recruitment service for healthcare industry in the US, UK, and Europe.
8 Healthcare Communications Advertising and
Advertising and design for the healthcare industry and pharmaceutical marketing consultancy.
9 KLAS Enterprises of Utah This site
This site is intended for Healthcare CIOs, CEOs, vendors, consultants and investment bankers to provide candid, current information on the vendors in the healthcare industry. All data is collected from CIOs and directors in Healthcare and compiled into useful reports.
Information Microsoft Internet Servicesz
10 Healthcare Administration Technologies, Inc. A provider
A provider of EDI connectivity software and network services to the healthcare industry.
11 Healthcare Finance Group Offers secured
Offers secured revolving credit and term loan facilities to the healthcare industry.
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12 RoundTable Healthcare Partners Investment focus:
Investment focus: operating-oriented private equity firm focused on the healthcare industry.
Healthcare Roundtable Map Operating Partners Login Equity Oriented Want List Mailing Privacy Legal Investor Join Private Vesta
13 Foley Proctor Yoskowitz A retained
A retained search firm for the healthcare industry placing doctors, nurses, and healthcare administrators.
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14 Reed Shilling Healthcare Manufactures a
Manufactures a range of cleansing wipes for the healthcare industry with free samples available to be ordered online.
15 Next Generation Healthcare Analysis Clinical, actuarial
Clinical, actuarial and financial consulting with data analytics and high-end reporting for the healthcare industry
Health Management Medical Analytics Enterprise Retrieval Record Insurance Quality Solutions Verisk Reporting Healthcare Blog Intelligence Dxcg Markets Providers Marketplace Rx
16 Healthcare Industry Direct Mail Supplier Howard Healthcare
Howard Healthcare is a full service advertising agency, focused on programs targeted both at healthcare professionals as well as DTC programs. Our marketing professionals have experience on both the rep and agency side, and are better positioned to develop strategies and tactics to meet your objectives.
17 Knowledge Source Provides business
Provides business information and analysis on healthcare companies through its detailed strategic Healthcare BusIntell Reports and Metropolitan Healthcare Delivery System Profiles, as well as customized healthcare research.
18 Parking Solutions 4 Healthcare Provides parking
Provides parking services within the healthcare industry, including valet, shuttles, and garage and lot management.
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19 Consumer Health Sciences Provides consumer/patient
Provides consumer/patient reported healthcare data, advanced research techniques, and consulting services to the healthcare industry.
Pharma Marketing Reimbursement Forecasting Studies Patient News Outcomes Pricing Insights Planning Infographics Emerging Health Development Completely Africa Stakeholder
20 North American Health Plans, Inc. [USA] Specializing
[USA] Specializing in the administration of self-funded healthcare plans and claims services to HMOs and insurers. It also offers outsourcing to the healthcare industry as an application service provider.
21 Feinstein Kean Healthcare Full service
Full service public relations and business consulting firm specializing in the healthcare industry. Includes company profile, services, cases, clients, news and contact information. Based in Cambridge, MA.
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22 Systems Consulting Services, Inc. Six Sigma
Six Sigma and lean healthcare techniques help improve healthcare process and healthcare quality by enhancing the ability of the healthcare organization to reduce cost, improve bottom line and increase customer satisfaction
23 Directions Medical Group, Inc. Healthcare industry
Healthcare industry recruiters for all areas of the industry.
24 Healthcare EPA / OSHA Compliance Service Provides information
Provides information on Hazardous and Bio-hazardous waste disposal product and recycling services plus OSHA training kits for the healthcare industry. Order on line,fax or e-mail.
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25 Advantage Healthcare Inc. Marketing support
Marketing support and communications firm, working with companies in the healthcare industry to define marketing issues facing their products and develop and implement programs to address these issues.
26 Healthcare Professionals Insurance Services Provides medical
Provides medical malpractice insurance coverage for healthcare industry professionals.
Insurance Hcp Insurancecom Leading Join Grouphealthdisabilityinsurance Boat Business Net Dental
27 Healthcare Recruiters International Healthcare recruitment
Healthcare recruitment firms with online job search after giving profile for healthcare applicants.
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28 TMG Healthcare Communications Healthcare communication
Healthcare communication services tailored to the needs of specific healthcare products and markets
29 ATC Healthcare Services Staffing for
Staffing for healthcare facilities, providing registered nurses, CNAs, LPNs, LVNs, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.
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30 e-Healthcare Solutions Network Marketing pharmaceutical
Marketing pharmaceutical and health care products to physicians, healthcare professionals, patients and caregivers across healthcare websites.
31 Atlanta Area Healthcare Jobs A job
A job and resume posting site, designed to connect healthcare related employers with qualified healthcare medical career seekers.
32 HealthGate Data Corp. Provides online
Provides online healthcare information designed to help physicians, other healthcare professionals, and consumers make informed healthcare decisions. (Nasdaq: HGAT).

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