Franklin & Associates
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Located in Charleston, offers details on long term care planning and financing.
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Best entries for Care and Term
1 McKnights Long-Term Care News Online
Newsmagazine for
Newsmagazine for those providing long-term care throughout the continuum of care, including skilled nursing care, subacute care, assisted living, seniors housing, adult day care and home care.
Mcknights Care Newsletters Subscribe News Video Rss Jobs Long Policy Linkedin Industry Archive Faq Term Communities Retirement Jackie Cmece
Newsmagazine for those providing long-term care throughout the continuum of care, including skilled nursing care, subacute care, assisted living, seniors housing, adult day care and home care.
Mcknights Care Newsletters Subscribe News Video Rss Jobs Long Policy Linkedin Industry Archive Faq Term Communities Retirement Jackie Cmece
2 Long Term Preferred Care Inc.
Nationwide agency
Nationwide agency specializing in long term care, home health care and assisted living insurance plans.
Nationwide agency specializing in long term care, home health care and assisted living insurance plans.
3 Care Insure
Offering long
Offering long term care, life, and disability insurance. Site includes articles on long term care.
Offering long term care, life, and disability insurance. Site includes articles on long term care.
4 Contemporary Long Term Care
An online
An online information center for administrators, directors of nursing, medical directors, pharmacists and other professionals responsible for management and patient care at nursing facilities, residential care centers, and hospitals with long-term care.
An online information center for administrators, directors of nursing, medical directors, pharmacists and other professionals responsible for management and patient care at nursing facilities, residential care centers, and hospitals with long-term care.
5 Eads and Associates Insurance Services
Florida insurance
Florida insurance agency offering term life, permanent life, cancer, dental, major medical, managed care (PPO/HMO/POS), Medicare supplement, short-term medical, and long term care.
Florida insurance agency offering term life, permanent life, cancer, dental, major medical, managed care (PPO/HMO/POS), Medicare supplement, short-term medical, and long term care.
6 Gualdoni Insurance Brokers
Specializes in
Specializes in life, health, group, long-term care, short-term care, and medicare supplemental insurance in Southern Illinois.
Specializes in life, health, group, long-term care, short-term care, and medicare supplemental insurance in Southern Illinois.
7 Gualdoni Insurance Brokers
Specializes in
Specializes in life, health, group, long-term care, short-term care, and medicare supplemental insurance in Southern Illinois.
Insurance Health Gualdoni Term Care Brokers Medicare Coverage Group Benefits Long Southern Life Illinois Short Provider
Specializes in life, health, group, long-term care, short-term care, and medicare supplemental insurance in Southern Illinois.
Insurance Health Gualdoni Term Care Brokers Medicare Coverage Group Benefits Long Southern Life Illinois Short Provider
8 Long Term Care Financial Services
Offering long
Offering long term care insurance in most states. Site includes related information.
Long Term Financial Services Message Sendservices Z
Offering long term care insurance in most states. Site includes related information.
Long Term Financial Services Message Sendservices Z
9 Long Term Care Advisory Services
Offers information
Offers information on long term care insurance, links to other resources, and quote requests.
Offers information on long term care insurance, links to other resources, and quote requests.
10 New York Long Term Care Brokers, LTD.
An independent
An independent brokerage firm that specializes exclusively in long term care insurance.
An independent brokerage firm that specializes exclusively in long term care insurance.
11 Long Term Care Connection
Facts about
Facts about long term care insurance including what it covers and how to choose the best plan for individual needs. Request a quote online. For Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.
Facts about long term care insurance including what it covers and how to choose the best plan for individual needs. Request a quote online. For Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.
12 Gendron
Manufactures wheelchairs
Manufactures wheelchairs designed specifically for the primary care, sub-acute care, acute care, long term care and home care markets.
Bariatric Care Gendron Wheelchairs Patient Systems Beds Inc Stretchers Mobile Sonit Term Stretcher Contact Click Council Maxirest Ceo
Manufactures wheelchairs designed specifically for the primary care, sub-acute care, acute care, long term care and home care markets.
Bariatric Care Gendron Wheelchairs Patient Systems Beds Inc Stretchers Mobile Sonit Term Stretcher Contact Click Council Maxirest Ceo
13 Monette Information Systems Long Term Care Solutions Provider
Computer solutions
Computer solutions including ULTRACare for Windows, and an integrated financial and clinical software application designed specifically for the long term care industry.
Realnames Email Meaningful Terms Address Sign Help Features Name Favorite Continue Addresswithandon Phone Emailthat
Computer solutions including ULTRACare for Windows, and an integrated financial and clinical software application designed specifically for the long term care industry.
Realnames Email Meaningful Terms Address Sign Help Features Name Favorite Continue Addresswithandon Phone Emailthat
14 Long Term Care Insurance Planners
A full
A full service brokerage firm licensed in most states of the USA. It specializes in long term care and represents multiple companies. Site describes the firm and its underwriting process, offers a FAQ, and has a form for quote requests.
A full service brokerage firm licensed in most states of the USA. It specializes in long term care and represents multiple companies. Site describes the firm and its underwriting process, offers a FAQ, and has a form for quote requests.
15 AccuTerm, Inc.
Insurance calculator
Insurance calculator and instant online quotes for term life, travel, auto, long term care, and disability.
Insurance calculator and instant online quotes for term life, travel, auto, long term care, and disability.
Providing certified
Providing certified public accountants with professional liability, term life, disability, and long term care insurance.
Providing certified public accountants with professional liability, term life, disability, and long term care insurance.
17 Stone Creek Health Care
Providing clinical
Providing clinical software solutions for the long term care and subacute health care market. Includes product details.
Providing clinical software solutions for the long term care and subacute health care market. Includes product details.
18 Universal American Financial Corp.
Senior care
Senior care company offers a portfolio of medicare supplement, long term care, home health care, and senior life products.
Senior care company offers a portfolio of medicare supplement, long term care, home health care, and senior life products.
19 Care Management Journals
Readily applicable
Readily applicable studies in case management, home care, and long-term care. Includes tables of contents from past issues, editorial board, and ability to subscribe online.
Contact Advertisers Counseling History Booksellers Media Instructors Book Order Librarians Reviews Health Authors Found Work Alerts Peopleâ€ÂÂ
Readily applicable studies in case management, home care, and long-term care. Includes tables of contents from past issues, editorial board, and ability to subscribe online.
Contact Advertisers Counseling History Booksellers Media Instructors Book Order Librarians Reviews Health Authors Found Work Alerts Peopleâ€ÂÂ
20 Insurance Concepts West
Offers term
Offers term life, disability, health, and long term care insurance in California.
Insurance Health Term West Concepts Life Affordable Group Blue Individual Legal Notices Disability California Nevada Quote
Offers term life, disability, health, and long term care insurance in California.
Insurance Health Term West Concepts Life Affordable Group Blue Individual Legal Notices Disability California Nevada Quote
21 Lasley Insurance Service
Request quotes
Request quotes online for term, health, disability, and long term care insurance.
Request quotes online for term, health, disability, and long term care insurance.
22 Golden Care Benefits
Offers long
Offers long term care insurance in multiple states.
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Offers long term care insurance in multiple states.
Ã…Â î‘b‘ãŽÓ‚ðÂÂグ‚é•û–@ Ã…Â î‘b‘ãŽÓ‚ð‚‚ß‚éÆ’}Æ’bÆ’tÂÂ[Æ’w Ã…Â î‘b‘ãŽÓâ€â€Ê‚ªÃ¢â‚¬â„¢á‚¢Ã‚Âl Ã…Â î‘b‘ãŽÓâ€â€Ê‚Ì‘ªÃ¢â‚¬Å¡è•û ƒˆƒk‚ÅÃ…Â î‘b‘ãŽÓ‚ðÂÂグ‚&ea
23 Q-Trac Software
Offers patient
Offers patient care and restorative care documentation for long term facilities.
Solutions Software Services Web Qtrac Care News Support Affiliates Partnerships Mission Contact Clinicaltestimonials
Offers patient care and restorative care documentation for long term facilities.
Solutions Software Services Web Qtrac Care News Support Affiliates Partnerships Mission Contact Clinicaltestimonials
24 Pennhurst Group, L.L.C.
A national
A national provider of medical services to long term care and acute care facilities.
A national provider of medical services to long term care and acute care facilities.
25 Specialty Planners, Inc.
Nationwide agency
Nationwide agency specializing in long term care, home health care, and assisted living insurance plans.
Nationwide agency specializing in long term care, home health care, and assisted living insurance plans.
26 Mike Soisson Consulting
Offers consulting
Offers consulting services for post acute healthcare, including long term acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, home health services, long term care facilities, and outpatient rehabilitation.
Offers consulting services for post acute healthcare, including long term acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, home health services, long term care facilities, and outpatient rehabilitation.
27 Brokerage Services International
Brokers term
Brokers term, disability, and long-term care insurance. Also offers annuities. Site offers case status, carrier links, tips for agents, and company information.
Brokers term, disability, and long-term care insurance. Also offers annuities. Site offers case status, carrier links, tips for agents, and company information.
28 Vigil Integrated Care Management System
Provides integrated
Provides integrated care management software and hardware for long term care facilities.
Viagra Cialis Propecia Levitra En Vigil De Mg Priligy System Comprar Care Generico Call Precio
Provides integrated care management software and hardware for long term care facilities.
Viagra Cialis Propecia Levitra En Vigil De Mg Priligy System Comprar Care Generico Call Precio
29 Trumark Insurance and Financial Services
US company
US company offers brokerage to agents for term life, whole life, annuities, and long term care insurance.
US company offers brokerage to agents for term life, whole life, annuities, and long term care insurance.
30 Oregon Health Insurance
Offering individual
Offering individual and group health quotes, life, long term care, and short term insurance. Located in Portland.
Offering individual and group health quotes, life, long term care, and short term insurance. Located in Portland.
31 Datanine
Offers software
Offers software solutions for long term care facilities, including computerized care plans, scheduling and attendance management, on-site training, toll-free support.
Software Solutions Term Long Care Inc Gerer Logiciels Dataninecopyright
Offers software solutions for long term care facilities, including computerized care plans, scheduling and attendance management, on-site training, toll-free support.
Software Solutions Term Long Care Inc Gerer Logiciels Dataninecopyright
32 Crest Healthcare Supply
Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and distributor of products for long-term care and acute care healthcare facilities.
Call Accessories Carts Products Supply Nurse Crest Request Parts Speakers Fall Healthcare Cords Beds Catalog Access Controls Irâ„¢ Econocall Smoke Tubs
Manufacturer and distributor of products for long-term care and acute care healthcare facilities.
Call Accessories Carts Products Supply Nurse Crest Request Parts Speakers Fall Healthcare Cords Beds Catalog Access Controls Irâ„¢ Econocall Smoke Tubs