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Community Care Behavioral Health Organization

Community Care Behavioral Review Experience Health Pa

Designed primarily to serve public sector consumers, and their families in Pennsylvania through the delivery of effective and accessible behavioral health services. Information on the company and its services is offered.

Community Care a non profit managed care organization works with Providers to deliver innovative accessible behavioral health services to Members

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Health Pa Provider Learn Care Behavioral Families Information Children Collection Outcomes Community Receiving Bhrs Managed Finding Contact Financial Services Insurance Life And Health Managed Care Community Care Behavioral Health Pennsylvania Managed Behavioral Health Organizations Pa Managed Behavioral Health Organization Pa Managed Care Behavioral Health Carve Out Pennsylvania Managed Care Behavioral Health Carve Outs Public Sector Behavioral Healthcare

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Best entries for Health and Pa

1 Health-Minder A
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2 Pacificare Health Systems [USA] A
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3 National Managed Health Care Congress A large
A large, periodic US conference and exhibition focused on the needs of all major stakeholders involved in managed health care: health plans, hospitals, health systems, and employers.
4 Pro Health Services Listings for
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5 Health Profiler Health information
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7 NMR Health Pros A medical
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8 Cardinal Health Partners Investment focus:
Investment focus: early-stage e-health and information technology, health care services and life sciences.
9 Health Recruitment Specialists Recruiting health
Recruiting health industry executive and health recruiters.
10 Lumenos, Inc. [USA] Offers
[USA] Offers three phase program of consumer-driven healthcare, consisting of health savings account, traditional health coverage, and a health toolkit.
11 Clear Health Talk, Inc Offers health
Offers health literacy training, freelance medical writing, translation services, consumer health information, and patient education.
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12 Definity Health, Inc. [USA] A
[USA] A provider of consumer-driven health plans, consisting of an employer-funded personal care account, a traditional health coverage component, and an array of tools and resources to support its members.
13 Lumina Health Products North Americas
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14 Vital Science and Health Design and
Design and implement research in medical and public health sciences for health care organizations, academic medical centers, government agencies, and professional associations.
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15 EHDP - Expert Health Data Programming, Inc. Health data
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16 QualityMetric Health Outcomes Solutions Provides health
Provides health status and outcomes measurement products and services, uses proprietary and analytical methodologies to capture, benchmark, and interpret actionable patient-reported health information.
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17 Health Industry Professionals Provides staffing
Provides staffing and travel healthcare services to hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, urgent care centers, occupational health sites and larger companies with on-site employee health.
18 Oxford Health Plans, Inc. Holding company
Holding company with subsidiaries which provide health benefit plans including traditional health maintenance organizations, point-of-service plans offering more economical health maintenance organization services, medicare and medicaid plans, third party administration of employer-funded benefit plans, and dental plans. (Nasdaq: OXHP).
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19 Unicare Health Insurance A health
A health benefits company offering network-based health products including open access PPO, POS and hybrid products, HMO and specialty products. An operating subsidiary of WellPoint.
20 Health Care Investment Visions LLC Alameda, CA-based
Alameda, CA-based company provides strategic and operational guidance to health care IT suppliers at all stages of development, capital funding sources, and health care provider and payer organizations.
21 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico Division of
Division of Health Care Service Corporation offers individual and group health insurance plans. Site includes sections for members, brokers, providers, and employers, as well as health information for consumers.
22 Preferred Health Care Provides group
Provides group health insurance coverage to large and small employers in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area. Emphasis is on employers who wish to self-administer the financial risk of their employees health coverage.
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23 Choose Your Health Benefits Individual and
Individual and family health insurance plans. Online sign-up, a dictionary, and online tools to manage health benefits.
24 Choose Your Health Benefits Individual and
Individual and family health insurance plans. Online sign-up, a dictionary, and online tools to manage health benefits.
25 Health Insurance Plan of New York (HIP) [USA, New
[USA, New York] HMO provides health and medical insurance, with a range of group health plans for individuals and businesses. Site has major sections for members, providers, employers, and brokers. [English, Spanish, Chinese]
26 Golden Rule Insurance Company Specializes in
Specializes in health insurance, Health Savings Accounts, life insurance, and annuities. Site offers access to the areas of health insurance, financial services, provider networks, and a customer and broker area.
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27 Health Risk Assessments and Wellness Systems Wellsource develops
Wellsource develops and sells health risk assessments for the desktop computer and Internet that assess health risk for employees and the community.
28 Health Forms and Systems, Inc. Health Forms
Health Forms and Systems supplies HCFA CMS 1500, HIPAA forms, UB92, Superbills, and medical filing products for the health care industry.
29 HEED Home Page HEED is
HEED is the Health Economic Evaluations Database designed by health economists for use by health economists
30 The British Medical Journal Health Economics Collection : Health Economics A collection
A collection of articles, references and methodological papers in the general area of health economics.
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31 Health Care Amenities Plus, Inc. Provides occupational
Provides occupational health and case management services for business and health care management companies. Includes mission statement, list of services, testimonials, and employment opportunities.
32 3M Health Care Canada Health Care
Health Care products and solutions for health care needs in the Hospital and at home.

More Community Care Behavioral Health Organization Infos

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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