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Majiq Systems and Software, Inc

Majiq Systems and Review Experience Materials Pulp

Developers and manufacturers of complete production management information systems for the pulp and paper industry. Detailed product information with job offerings.

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Materials Pulp And Paper Services Software

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Best entries for Materials and Pulp

1 Econotech Services, Ltd Canada. Independent
Canada. Independent testing laboratory for the pulp and paper industry. Complete programs for analytical, physical and optical testing of wood, pulp and paper materials and products.
2 Isarog Pulp and Paper Co., Inc. Processing and
Processing and production of abaca pulp and is also engaged in the production of pulp from other fibers such as kenaf, jute, and salago, as a secondary business.
3 Vulcan Materials Co USA. Construction
USA. Construction materials, and basic and specialty, toll and contract manufactured chemicals for the textiles, pulp and paper, water treatment, and environmental services industries. Process chemicals for appearance and performance enhancement of fibers, textile fabrics and garments. Detailed product descriptions. Link to educational science resources.
4 Vulcan Materials Co USA. Construction
USA. Construction materials, and basic and specialty, toll and contract manufactured chemicals for the textiles, pulp and paper, water treatment, and environmental services industries. Process chemicals for appearance and performance enhancement of fibers, textile fabrics and garments. Detailed product descriptions. Link to educational science resources.
5 Stord International AS Supplier of
Supplier of twin screw presses made for dewatering of high moisture pulp and fibrous materials. Norway.
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6 United Fiber System, Ltd Singapore. Group
Singapore. Group of companies, active in forestry, wood chips and pulp, construction and property development. Hardwood kraft pulp for papermaking applications.
7 Pulp and Paper Mills Process design
Process design and optimization, energy conservation, and environmental enhancement for the pulp and paper industry.
8 Mercer International European softwood
European softwood and kraft pulp producer provides pulp products to the European marketplace.
Mercer International Inc Announces $ Million Senior Conference Quarter Call Second Offering Ourteam Results Notes Error
9 The Pulp & Paper Report Bi-monthly subscription
Bi-monthly subscription newsletter for the pulp and paper and related industries.
10 Nano Pulp and Paper Applies nanotechnology
Applies nanotechnology processes and applications to pulp and paper production.
11 Asia Pulp & Paper Co. Ltd. Producer of
Producer of pulp, paper, and packaging in Indonesia, China, and India.
Paper Pulp Forest Sustainability Roadmap News Asia Vision Responsibility App Conservation Management Media Packaging Reports Mas Releases Deforestation Tracking
12 Pulp and Paper On-line Portal to
Portal to the world wide pulp and paper industry. Marketplace and buyers guide. Business news and services. Job search. Bookstore and publications.
13 Moulded Pulp Solutions Inc. Offers a
Offers a range of new and used paper pulp moulding and paper thermoforming machines for the production of egg cartons, fruit trays, and protective packaging for medical and electronic products.
14 PaperAge Magazine Monthly journal
Monthly journal for the global pulp and paper industry. Editorials. Business news and market reports. Pulp and paper prices. Links to papermakers, converters, organizations and educational institutes.
15 PicTek Inc. Sales organization
Sales organization serving pulp and paper industry. Product range includes paper mill clothing items, pulp screening and cleaning systems, replacement screen baskets, and dewatering equipment.
Paper Equipment Converting Machinery Capital Supplier Pulp + Resources Mainstreethost Pictek Link Processparts
16 Waldens North American Pulp & Paper Report Walden-Mott web
Walden-Mott web site features sections on pulp, paper, recycling, printing, fine printing papers, news and data.
17 Convermat Corp USA. World
USA. World wide distributors of paper and nonwovens based tissue and wadding materials on jumbo rolls, from virgin and recycled pulp and fibers. Transportation, import and export, and after-sales services. Marketing and business papers on PDF files.
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18 Georgia-Pacific Corp USA. Multi-national
USA. Multi-national group of manufacturing companies, active in chemicals, paper, building materials and nonwovens. Airlaid and carded, resin bonded fabrics for healthcare, hygiene and household applications, from wood pulp, viscose and polyester.
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19 Kenex Ltd. Canadian company
Canadian company engaged in research, product development, and production of hemp products. Information about products for body care, cosmetics, foodstuff, building materials, automobile interiors, pulp and paper, animal bedding, and feed.
20 Voith Paper, Inc Manufactures extensive
Manufactures extensive range of paper making machinery. Includes pulp preparation equipment, paper machines for producing graphic and tissue papers as well as board and packaging materials, and coating and finishing units.
21 Lesprom Portal to
Portal to the forestry and forest products industries. Marketplace for pulp, paper and timber raw materials and products. Company directory. Market and business news, trends and analysis. Calendar of events. Links to related sites. English and Russian.
22 Ahlstrom Machinery Group, Inc Finland. Multi-national
Finland. Multi-national machine manufacturer, active mainly in the pulp and paper industry. Designs and manufactures integrated lines for the production of virgin wood fiber and recycling of pulp and paper waste. Large site with extensive company and product information.
Ahlstrom Product Medical Food Energy Transportation Development Building Environment Products Life Corporation Business Ahlstroms Decoration Contacts Code History
23 Ahlstrom Machinery Group, Inc Finland. Multi-national
Finland. Multi-national machine manufacturer, active mainly in the pulp and paper industry. Designs and manufactures integrated lines for the production of virgin wood fiber and recycling of pulp and paper waste. Large site with extensive company and product information.
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24 Jatia Group India. Diversified
India. Diversified group of manufacturing and service providing companies, active in pulp and paper, textiles, agriculture, real estate and environmental engineering. Tissue, security and specialty papers from bagasse and cotton pulp. Technical information on PDF files. Requires Acrobat Reader.
Ltd Pulp Pudumjee Paper Millz
25 Jatia Group India. Diversified
India. Diversified group of manufacturing and service providing companies, active in pulp and paper, textiles, agriculture, real estate and environmental engineering. Tissue, security and specialty papers from bagasse and cotton pulp. Technical information on PDF files. Requires Acrobat Reader.
Mill Pudumjee Paper Ltd Pulpz
26 Pulp & Paper Resources on the Web Information resource
Information resource for the pulp and paper industry. Categorised directory of manufacturers and service providers. Industry news, news archive and a paper dictionary.
27 Södra Group Norway. Diversified
Norway. Diversified group of forestry and timber companies, active in forest management, pulp production, sawn and planed timber products for building construction and interiors, and bio-fuels. Long and short fiber, soft- and hardwood pulp for the paper industry. Englis, Norwegian and Swedish.
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28 CTP. Pulp and Paper Research & Technical Centre France. Industrial
France. Industrial research and development institute of the French pulp, paper and board industry. Technical papers on PDF files. Extensive information about services and activities. Links to related sites. English and French.
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29 Pulp and Paper Reliability and Maintenance Conference USA. Annual
USA. Annual conference, focusing on reliability and maintenance know-how in the global pulp and paper industry. Atlanta, Georgia.
30 Laperriere & Verreault Group Canada. Multi-national
Canada. Multi-national group of companies, active in machinery and process equipment for nonwovens, pulp and paper, environmental, water treatment, and metal and ore applications. Winding, slitting and re-winding systems, and parts and accessories for the nonwovens, pulp and paper, and converting industries. Technical information on PDF files.
31 Laperriere & Verreault Group Canada. Multi-national
Canada. Multi-national group of companies, active in machinery and process equipment for nonwovens, pulp and paper, environmental, water treatment, and metal and ore applications. Winding, slitting and re-winding systems, and parts and accessories for the nonwovens, pulp and paper, and converting industries. Technical information on PDF files.
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32 United Vacuum Materials Corp. Ultra-high purity
Ultra-high purity materials manufacturing. Powder metallurgy, sputtering targets, and evaporation materials.

More Majiq Systems and Software, Inc Infos

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