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Graphics II

Graphics II Review Experience Group Gii

Advertising and marketing agency supplying design, marketing, and media services. Wichita Falls, Texas. [Requires Flash]

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Graphics II Graphics II Review Statistic generated on 2025-03-18
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Group Gii Ady Business Services Design Graphic Design Designers Multi-Discipline North America United States Texas

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Best entries for Group and Gii

1 The Brickle Group Diversified group
Diversified group of companies, active in textiles, real estate and raw fiber trading. Links to group companies.
Brickle Group Brothers Woolen Northwest Metcalf Woolagain Fiber Bit Realty Trading Mills Manufacturing Estate Industrial Contact
2 ICF Group USA. Group
USA. Group of manufacturing companies, active in furniture, upholstery and furnishing fabrics, and accessories to office, hospitality, institutional and residential markets. List of distributors and representatives. Links to group companies.
3 HJH Group UK. Group
UK. Group of textile manufacturing companies, active in interior fabrics and wallpapers. Collections of woven fabrics for soft furnishings, curtains and upholstery applications. Part of the Walker Greenbank Group.
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4 Turnell & Gigon Group UK. Diversified
UK. Diversified group of textile manufacturing and distribution companies, active in trimmings, upholstery and furnishing fabrics, and custom made carpets and rugs. Links to group companies.
5 DCI Group DCI group
DCI group offers military training, support and advice to countries purchasing defence systems and services. DCI group have 1000 military experts and 30 years of experience from the French Armed Forces
6 HJH Group UK. Group
UK. Group of textile manufacturing companies, active in interior fabrics and wallpapers. Collections of woven fabrics for soft furnishings, curtains and upholstery applications. Part of the Walker Greenbank Group.
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7 Dickson Group France. Group
France. Group of textile manufacturing companies, specialised in laminated and PVC coated technical fabrics for transportation, architectural structures, awnings and leisure, and advertising applications. Part of the Glen Raven Group. Multi-lingual site.
8 Macnaughton Group UK. Group
UK. Group of textile manufacturing companies. Woven, yarn dyed and finished fabrics for upholstery, furnishing, fashion accessories and kilts, from wool, cotton, silk and blends. Also, colonial style furniture. Links to group companies.
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9 Botto Group Italy. Vertically
Italy. Vertically integrated group of textile manufacturing companies. Yarns for knitting and weaving, from silk, wool, linen, cotton and blends. Also, woven and knitted fabrics, and collections of underwear. Links to group companies. Multi-lingual site.
10 ETIC Group France. Group
France. Group of companies active in design and manufacture of production and converting equipment and machinery for the textile, nonwovens, paper and packaging industries. On-line offering of demonstration and pre-owned equipment. Links to group companies.
11 EOC Group Belgium. Multi-national
Belgium. Multi-national group of polymers, chemicals, compounds and adhesives manufacturing companies. Carboxilated styrene butadiene latex and water based acrylic emulsions for the nonwovens and textile finishing industries. Detailed technical specifications. Links to group companies.
12 HealthAxis Inc. Holding company
Holding company with subsidiaries which provide group life, accidental death and dismemberment, short-term liability, medical coverage, vision care, long-term disability benefits, group annuities, and group deposit administration plans. (Nasdaq: HAXS).
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13 HealthAxis Inc. Holding company
Holding company with subsidiaries which provide group life, accidental death and dismemberment, short-term liability, medical coverage, vision care, long-term disability benefits, group annuities, and group deposit administration plans. (Nasdaq: HAXS).
Group Health Axisy
14 Premier Solutions Group Provides credit
Provides credit unions in the Mid-Atlantic region with commercial insurance, group insurance, and training programs for Credit Union staff. A member of the Aegon Insurance Group.
15 The Washington Insurance Group Designs, installs
Designs, installs, and manages tax qualified employee benefit and group insurance programs. Program designs include 401(k) retirement plans, deferred compensation modeling, and group health, life and disability insurance.
16 Units Group Spain. Multi-national
Spain. Multi-national group of companies, active in chemicals and metal coating and finishing. Dyestuffs, chemicals, adhesives, resins, and additives and auxiliaries for the textile and nonwovens, leather processing, paints and polymer industries. Links to group companies.
17 Tex-Ray Group Vertically integrated
Vertically integrated group of textile manufacturing and trading companies. Yarn manufacturing. Weaving and knitting of fabrics for garments and furnishings. Design, manufacture and retail of garments. Links to group companies.
18 Nuqul Group Jordan. Diversified
Jordan. Diversified group of companies, active in paper and tisues, nonwovens, meat, aluminium profiles, plastics and packaging, concrete, foam and stationery. Carded and thermobonded nonwoven fabrics for coverstock and medical disposables, from polypropylene and viscose blends. Technical information. Links to group companies.
19 Credit Suisse Group Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse Group is an international financial services group. - Shares part of SMI.
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20 Interface Fabrics Group Group of
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21 Westpoint Insurance Group Request quotes
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22 Rivertex Technical Fabrics Group The Netherlands.
The Netherlands. Multi-national group of textile distribution and consulting companies, specialised in coated and laminated technical fabrics for marine, protective clothing, medical and industrial applications, and luggage and bags, from a wide range of man-made, high-performance fibers. Part of the Winter Group.
23 Christ Water Technology Group Austria. Group
Austria. Group of companies, active in the development and manufacture of systems and services for ultrapure water and drinking water production, and wastewater treatment systems for a range of industrial applications. Links to group companies. English and German.
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24 Sai Lakshmi Group India. Vertically
India. Vertically integrated group of textile manufacturing companies. Rigid and stretch, plain and pattern air-jet woven, dyed and finished fabrics for apparel applications, from cotton and blends with spandex. Also, open-end spun cotton yarns, and ready-made garments. Descriptions of manufacturing process. Part of the Sainath Group.
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28 Wilson HTM Group Australian investment
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31 NES Healthcare Group An emergency
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32 Espire Group IT services
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Review and Opening Hours Information

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