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AltaPoint Review Experience Healthcare Computing

Provides software for patient billing, electronic claims, inventory, scheduling, reminders, clinical records, speech recognition for narrative dictation.

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Healthcare Computing Software Practice Management

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Best entries for Healthcare and Computing

1 WearIT@Work The EU
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2 WearIT@Work European Union
European Union sponsored project aiming to apply wearable computing to increase the productivity of the work force in emergency, healthcare, maintenance and production environments. Overview of business cases. List of publications. Definition of wearable computing.
3 Eldorado Computing, Inc. Offers software
Offers software for healthcare and benefits management.
4 Advanced Computing Offers information
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5 LINK Medical Computing Specializes in
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7 National Healthcare Management Provides healthcare
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10 Knowledge Source Provides business
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11 Systems Consulting Services, Inc. Six Sigma
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13 TMG Healthcare Communications Healthcare communication
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15 e-Healthcare Solutions Network Marketing pharmaceutical
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16 HealthGate Data Corp. Provides online
Provides online healthcare information designed to help physicians, other healthcare professionals, and consumers make informed healthcare decisions. (Nasdaq: HGAT).
17 Atlanta Area Healthcare Jobs A job
A job and resume posting site, designed to connect healthcare related employers with qualified healthcare medical career seekers.
18 KBL Healthcare Ventures Investment focus:
Investment focus: startup, early-stage and emerging growth companies in the healthcare industry, particularly medical devices, healthcare services and niche pharmaceuticals
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19 SynerImages LLC A Spring
A Spring, Texas healthcare consultancy specializing in managed care expertise and software for healthcare providers, single and multi-specialty clinics, hospitals, IPAs, HMOs, POs, and other healthcare organizations.
20 HealthCare Transaction Processors,Inc HTP, Inc.
HTP, Inc. develops software technologies to enable healthcare plans and administrative service providers to exchange secure electronic healthcare transactions via the internet and private networks.Hipaa Specified Data Elements.
21 MEDCO Healthcare Consulting Provides healthcare
Provides healthcare management consulting services for the healthcare industry, resources include performance improvement and operations assessment.
22 Global Healthcare Recruiter Network Network of
Network of healthcare recruiters and healthcare staffing vendors from around the world. Online searchable jobs database.
23 Accel Healthcare Communications Healthcare communications
Healthcare communications agency for market strategies, creative ads and internet initiatives including online CMEs, tracking healthcare information and cyberspace marketing.
24 Millennium Healthcare Consulting Inc. Provides consulting
Provides consulting services to physicians, healthcare executives, health systems and other healthcare professionals, resources focus on physician compliance, coding, billing and reimbursement issues.
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25 Academy of Healthcare Recruiters Provides training
Provides training for healthCare recruiters interested in committing 'seriously' to the HealthCare industry.
26 CQI Healthcare Management Services An international
An international healthcare management consulting firm that develops and implements regulatory and accreditation compliant, cost-effective Utilization, Quality, Case and Disease Management strategies and programs for healthcare and employer organizations.
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sun healthcare group provides high-quality long-term and subacute healthcare in facilities in the united states and the united kingdom.
28 province healthcare company provides healthcare
provides healthcare services in non-urban markets in the united states, such as inpatient and outpatient medical services, skilled nursing, geriatric psychiatry and rehabilitation, and healthcare management services in acute-care hospitals which they own and lease. (nasdaq: prhc).
29 KLAS Enterprises of Utah This site
This site is intended for Healthcare CIOs, CEOs, vendors, consultants and investment bankers to provide candid, current information on the vendors in the healthcare industry. All data is collected from CIOs and directors in Healthcare and compiled into useful reports.
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30 GeBBS Healthcare Solutions ISO 9001
ISO 9001 certified healthcare outsourcing solutions firm. Provides information technology and business process outsourcing solutions exclusively to healthcare providers and payers.
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31 Robinson Healthcare, Ltd Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of healthcare and disposable hygiene products for medical, baby care and cleaning purposes. Also offer wound dressing products for animal healthcare. Includes product information, online shopping, company history and general information.
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32 Healthcare Industry Direct Mail Supplier Howard Healthcare
Howard Healthcare is a full service advertising agency, focused on programs targeted both at healthcare professionals as well as DTC programs. Our marketing professionals have experience on both the rep and agency side, and are better positioned to develop strategies and tactics to meet your objectives.

More AltaPoint Infos

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