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Cosmedent Review Experience Healthcare Products

Manufactures dental composites, adhesives, polishing discs, cements and other instruments. Also provides aesthetic dentistry seminars.

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Healthcare Products And Services Dentistry Products

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17 HealthGate Data Corp. Provides online
Provides online healthcare information designed to help physicians, other healthcare professionals, and consumers make informed healthcare decisions. (Nasdaq: HGAT).
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19 KBL Healthcare Ventures Investment focus:
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20 Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc. A healthcare
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21 SynerImages LLC A Spring
A Spring, Texas healthcare consultancy specializing in managed care expertise and software for healthcare providers, single and multi-specialty clinics, hospitals, IPAs, HMOs, POs, and other healthcare organizations.
22 HealthCare Transaction Processors,Inc HTP, Inc.
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23 Global Healthcare Recruiter Network Network of
Network of healthcare recruiters and healthcare staffing vendors from around the world. Online searchable jobs database.
24 MEDCO Healthcare Consulting Provides healthcare
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25 Marketing Consulting In Healthcare A healthcare
A healthcare products and pharmaceutical consulting group specializing in strategic market planning, market research, and advertising
26 Advantage Healthcare Inc. Marketing support
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27 Accel Healthcare Communications Healthcare communications
Healthcare communications agency for market strategies, creative ads and internet initiatives including online CMEs, tracking healthcare information and cyberspace marketing.
28 Millennium Healthcare Consulting Inc. Provides consulting
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30 Paling Walters Targis European healthcare
European healthcare advertising and communications agency for prescription and consumer based healthcare products. Services include film, video and new media capability, complete design and production facilities including packaging and new product development, strategic planning and market research.
31 Academy of Healthcare Recruiters Provides training
Provides training for healthCare recruiters interested in committing 'seriously' to the HealthCare industry.
32 CQI Healthcare Management Services An international
An international healthcare management consulting firm that develops and implements regulatory and accreditation compliant, cost-effective Utilization, Quality, Case and Disease Management strategies and programs for healthcare and employer organizations.

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