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Precision Transducers Ltd.

Precision Transducers Ltd. Review Experience Load Cells

Load cell and weighing technology manufacturer.

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Load Cells Beam Contact Indicators Universal Accessories Bridge Customerloginsignup Tensions Test Pt Shackle Options Weigh Calibration Surge Website Industrial Goods And Services Industrial Supply Scales And Weighing Equipment

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Best entries for Load and Cells

1 LCM Systems Ltd Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of custom design and standard load cells, load pins, shackle load cells and load cell instrumentation. Product catalogue and application data, downloadable PDF information files, company overview, and Catalogue on CD order form. Located on the Isle of Wight, England.
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2 Measurement Specialists, Inc. Offers systems
Offers systems support for weighing requirements including load cells, mounting hardware for the load cells, interconnecting cables, and electronics.
3 AmCells Co. - American Load Cells Corp. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of load cells, dual channel counting scales, industrial scales and weigh pads, standard range or customer design. Site has product catalog with technical data.
4 Cooper Instruments And Systems Load cells
Load cells, pressure transducers, and torque cells.
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5 Load Cell Central Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of load cells and weighing systems. Offers product range overview and brief descriptions.
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6 syscon instruments manufactures leak
manufactures leak detectors, load cells, pressure cells, lvdt, displacement transducers and torque transducers.
7 Advance Weight Systems Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of load cells and weigh cells, turbine blade moment balances, and bowling ball balance. Site offers brief product and technical data. Based in Ohio, United States.
8 imco international ltd. tonnage load
tonnage load monitors for metal stamping presses using piezoelectric transducers, specializing in i/o modules, aluminum load cells, calibration equipment, and in-die transducers.
9 LCM Systems Ltd Designers and
Designers and manufacturers of load cells, load pins, pressure transducers, pressure transmitters and other sensors, as standard or special design products. They can also be supplied and integrated with most of the companys range of instrumentation.
10 hangzhou youngzon electronic co.,ltd manufacturer of
manufacturer of various kinds of load cells.
11 kistler-morse load cells
load cells and ultrasonic level controls.
12 Honeywell Sensotec Manufactures pressure
Manufactures pressure sensors, instrumentation and load cells in the US (OH).
13 Nitiraj Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Electronic and
Electronic and mechanical weighing scales, load cells.
14 SWJCHINA Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of load cells, pressure transducers and electronic scales.
Z Ê¢Íò½­ Y
15 Eilon Engineering Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of crane scales, dynamometers and load cells.
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16 Sens Tech (P) ltd. Service center
Service center for load cells of any make and range from 200 g to 2000 ton.
17 Perin Weighmaster s.r.l. Load cells
Load cells and weigh indicators for dosage and distribution systems.
Srlweighing Systems Weighmasterperin
18 Straightpoint Ltd. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of electronic indicating load cells in capacities from 100kg to 200 tons.
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19 Dini Argeo s.r.l. Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of scales, weighing systems, and load cells. Modena, Italy.
20 Sensortronics, Inc. Supplier of
Supplier of quality load cells and related equipment to the weighing industry for over 20 years.
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21 interface, inc. manufacturer of
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22 laumas elettronica manufacturer of
manufacturer of load cells, weighing systems, electronics, weight indicators and transmitters.
23 Scaime Infinite Precision French manufacturer
French manufacturer of load cells and electronic devices for industrial weighing.
24 Interface Force Measurments Offers load
Offers load cells and associated electronics for use in a variety of industries from defense to calibration.
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25 interface, inc. designer and
designer and manufacturer of off-the-shelf and custom load cells and force measurement systems, ranging from 1 lb. to 500,000 lbs.
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26 Magpower Systems manufacturers of
manufacturers of controls, amplifiers, load cells, transducers, clutches, brakes, india
27 artech industries inc. a manufacturer
a manufacturer of strain gauge based load cells and force transducers for industrial and oem applications.
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28 National Scale Technology Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of heavy capacity, high temperature, and customed designed load cells.
Wwwnational Scalecomy
29 Scale Market Scales and
Scales and balances with illustrated catalog, parts, weighing indicators, load cells, and weights.
30 strain measurement devices manufacturer of
manufacturer of fluid switches, load cells, force sensors and pressure transducers.
31 pacific northwest technologies a custom
a custom manufacturer of on-board scales, weight indicators and load cells for the trucking industry.
Pnt Scales Scale Board Logging Air Load Indicators System Weight Weighing Cells Technologies Northwest Weigh
32 transducer technology co.,ltd. manufacture load
manufacture load cells, pressure transducers, electronic weighing scales and weight indicators. based in china.

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