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Grow Collective

Grow Collective Review Experience Book Design

A co-op offering hosting, domain names and web development for community projects. Includes product and service information, plus help and FAQ. Bristol, UK.

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Best entries for Book and Design

1 Book Cover Design by Brion Offers book
Offers book cover design, author websites, and book marketing materials for self publishing writers.
2 Pneuma Book Design Design service
Design service for self publishing and small press. Interior book layout and graphic design tips and free consultation.
3 American e-Book Factory Site offers
Site offers full range of services for e-book authors, including professional 3D e-book covers, niche market analysis, e-book eCommerce hosting, and e-book Ghostwriting.
Factory Datenservices Erstellt Zeitz Genzel Ebook
4 Two Hearts Design Specializing in
Specializing in Catholic book cover design and book text layout.
5 Kitchen Design E-book Kitchen design
Kitchen design e-book on how to research and design residential kitchens. Addresses a full range of kitchen design projects from simple makeovers to full renovations.
6 Archer Graphics Specializing in
Specializing in book cover design and typesetting of book interiors.
Book Design Cover Archer Graphics Interior Pricing Publishers Self Interiors Covers Information General Contact Designer Uscontact
7 Page Turner Book Production Book design
Book design is our specialty.
8 Studio E Book Production Book design
Book design, typography, and pre-press composition. The site details capabilities and pricing.
Book Books Studio Portfolio Publishing Services Barbara Printing Estimate Santa Production California Editing Epp Self Contents Offers Typography
9 Book Hunter Press Publishes reference
Publishes reference materials for book delears, including the Used Book Lovers Guides.
10 Annie Ms Self Publishing Web Ring Resources for
Resources for the self-publisher. Book design, editorial services, printers, publicity, book reviewers and fullfillment services.
Foundserver Found Theport Apache
11 Hermani & Sorrentino Design Specializing in
Specializing in book illustration, producing complete books, book covers and jackets. Online portfolio with many complete publication examples.
12 Alice Design Communication Offers corporate
Offers corporate identity, marketing materials, poster design, book design, annual reports, print advertising, packaging and web site design. Portland.
Design Maine College Portland Communication Charles Art Photography Professor Museum Graphic Society Hildreth Alice Morgan Street Active Associates Universitynorthwestern
13 Blue Buddha Design House Graphic design
Graphic design firm with experience in club promotion, book cover and postcard design, and photography.
14 Winslow Press Picture books
Picture books and fiction. Each book has its own webpage with professional reviews, signing information, author/illstrator biographies, book information, facts, games, activities, and links pertinent to the book. For children and teens.
Childrens Winslow Books Apples Teachers Education Games Librarians Practically Click Winslowhouse Winning Learning Press Contests Plans Literature Chicken Teens Turkey
15 Positronic Design Marketing and
Marketing and design company offering logo, brochure, book, and signage artwork design, printing and silkscreening services, and web site design. Online gallery and company history.
Design Company Development Graphic Testimonials Organic Website Web Engine Optimization Full Seo Portfolio Directions Positronic
16 Christine Klell Design studio
Design studio for communication graphics, book and corporate design. Portfolio, description of company design process, and contact information. Hofmühlgasse.
17 Hartmann Design Group Cedarville, California
Cedarville, California design firm supplying book design, logos, advertising and brochures. Client list, portfolio, and background of partners.
Design Graphic Group Book Arts Hartmann Logos Lees David Brochures Advertising Communication Quality Supplying Y
18 Positronic Design Florence based
Florence based marketing and design company offering logo, brochure, book, and signage artwork design, printing and silkscreening services, and web site design. Online gallery, company history, and brief biographies of staff members.
Design Company Portfolio Optimization Testimonials Development Web Full Organic Directions Seo Website Engine Graphic Y
19 Clare Parfitt Graphic Design Book and
Book and magazine design, packaging, and web sites.
20 Laura Shaw Design Graphic design
Graphic design for the book publishing industry.
21 Fosberg Design Group Logo, web
Logo, web, package, and book design for the software and publishing industries.
Media Harbor Social Gig Packaging Group Branding Design Fosberg Graphic Wraps Tacoma Welcome Advertising Creative • Print Provides
22 Kevin van der Leek Design Inc. Graphic design
Graphic design services, specializing in book jackets, covers and interiors.
Leek Kevin Rehearsal Vimeo Beautiful Part Something Van Spacing Blog Vanderleekcom Uncategorized Stephen Scott Magazine Entries Look
23 Clare Parfitt Graphic Design Book and
Book and magazine design, packaging, and web sites. Seattle, Washington.
24 Judy Reiser Design Graphic design
Graphic design firm in New York, New York offering promotion, packaging, corporate identity, book design, logos, licensed merchandise, Newsletters.
25 Van Ness, David Book composition
Book composition, magazine design, desktop publishing, page layout, and design implementation.
26 Devitt, Greg Portfolio features
Portfolio features print and website design with a special emphasis on book design and typesetting.
Design Devitt Greg Th Typography Paul Smashing Magazine Contact Blog Website Portfolio Educational Scrivens Composition Council Lately
27 XK3 Graphic Services Print media
Print media, web design, photography, and illustration, including book cover design and logos. Hendersonville.
28 Girling Design Design studio
Design studio specializing in web interface concepts, book composition, illustration and print production services.
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29 Bradley, Kristin Portfolio of
Portfolio of web design, book design, character animation and life drawing by an artist living in San Francisco.
30 Write Hand Publishing Provides Christian
Provides Christian ministries with book design, production for self-publishers and printing needs. Video, CD, cassette, design and replication.
Z Wwwwritehandcom Y
31 Acme Design Company, Inc. A publication
A publication design firm. The site illustrates experience with numerous magazine and book publishing samples.
Design Stock Acme Art Book Company Infographics Graphic Publication Corporate Magazine Direction Advertising Infographic Brochure
32 Leadership Book Extracts Selling individual
Selling individual book extracts, book summaries, or suites of extracts which span several current Leadership books.

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Review and Opening Hours Information

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