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Best entries for Funds and Cap

1 Founders Funds Offers 10
Offers 10 no-load funds ranging from aggressive small cap and international funds to balanced and income funds.
2 HighMark Funds Offers a
Offers a range of mutual funds, from conservative money market funds to more aggressive growth funds.
Funds Highmark Non Financial Qualified Mutual Family And Suitable Conservatively International Worlds Offer Use Policy Of Market
3 Fiduciary Trust Investment Funds A family
A family of mutual funds including growth and income, growth, international equity, small capitalization funds as well as both taxable and tax-exempt bond funds.
4 EagleWing Research Analyses of
Analyses of American precious metals mutual funds updated weekly. Also offers basic information on a number of gold funds, comparative statistics, gold equities held by most funds, and a guide to gold funds.
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5 Merriman Funds Five no-load
Five no-load funds that invests in other mutual funds using market timing strategies to lower risk.
6 Acuity Funds Canadian company
Canadian company offering several clean environment mutual funds and social values funds.
7 Marketocracy Funds Family Two mutual
Two mutual funds. One managed by the site users, the other focusing on technology funds.
8 Wasatch Funds Offers a
Offers a US Treasury fund and five equity funds including micro-cap growth and value funds.
Funds Story Full Cap Wasatch Account Growth Investing Mutual Small Emerging Disciplined Value Fund Retirement
9 Charles Schwab Offers a
Offers a family of stock, bond, and money market funds as well as funds of funds.
10 Integrity Mutual Funds, Inc. Specializes in
Specializes in municipal bond funds and also offers an equity fund of funds.
Funds Planning Bond Shareholders Corporate Center State Integrity Access Faq Advisor College Finraretirement
11 Munder Funds Provides a
Provides a range of income, domestic, and international equity funds as well as index and passive funds.
Investors Munder Institutional Firm Funds Investment Error Management Client | Capital Corporate Message Page Individual Support Insights Access Strategies Technical
12 Vintage Funds A family
A family of no-load mutual funds including money market, fixed-income and equity funds.
13 AmSouth Mutual Funds Offers several
Offers several fixed-income, including Florida tax exempt, funds and a range of equity funds.
14 Quaker Family of Funds Offers value
Offers value funds in different capitalizations, core equity, aggressive growth, and fixed income funds.
15 Wells Fargo Funds With 67
With 67 funds, this bank covers a wide variety of mutual funds.
16 STAAR System Trust A family
A family of two bond funds and four funds-of-funds covering large, small, international and alternative equities.
17 Netage Solutions Inc Global provider
Global provider of software for the alternative investments community - private equity and hedge funds, funds of funds and institutional investors.
18 Victory Funds Offers a
Offers a variety of funds, but mostly equity and specialty funds.
Report Filing Fact Semiannual Initial Sheet Sai Summary Annual Statutory Holdings Cap Fund Victory Supplemental Small
19 Oyster Funds Offers investment
Offers investment funds from the SYZ & CO Groups family of funds.
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20 Fremont Funds Offers eleven
Offers eleven funds ranging including money market, California tax-free bond, real estate, micro, small cap and general equity, and international funds.
21 Accessor Funds No-load funds
No-load funds specializing in allocation funds.
22 North Track Funds Offers a
Offers a tax exempt bond, equity index, and equity funds along with financial, technology and healthcare sector funds.
23 Scudder International Mutual Funds Offers a
Offers a range of regional income and equity funds as well as a series of downside protected equity funds.
24 Seligman Group of Funds Offers a
Offers a range of mutual funds from money market to aggressive growth. Also offers a selection of offshore and closed-end funds.
25 Gabelli Funds, Inc. Offers a
Offers a variety of value, growth and specialized equity funds, as well as fixed-income and closed-end convertible and equity funds.
26 Gabelli Funds, Inc. Offers a
Offers a variety of value, growth and specialized equity funds, as well as fixed-income and closed-end convertible and equity funds.
27 Lipper Inc. Allows users
Allows users to compare and select investment funds and unit trusts, offshore and international mutual funds by performance, geographic focus and currency of record. Fund performance is displayed against averages of similar funds within the same peer group.
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28 Acuity Funds Provides three
Provides three distinct mutual fund families - Acuity Mutual Funds, Clean Environment Mutual Funds and Acuity Pooled Funds.
29 Ivy Funds Offers nine
Offers nine aggressive international funds, three aggressive domestic funds and one bond fund.
30 TD Mutual funds Large variety
Large variety of canadian mutual funds plus other country funds available to canadians.
Banking Business Investing Small Td Personal Services Trust Canada Credit Mortgages Products Accounts Foreign Featuring
31 TrustNet Limited - Investment Funds Information Service Detailed daily
Detailed daily performance data and information covering 600 UK investment trusts, offshore funds and US funds.
32 About - Exchange Traded Funds Information about
Information about ETFs, including articles, links and resources to help you better understand the difference between exchange traded funds and mutual funds.
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