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Chem-Trend Review Experience Chemicals Wholesale

Provider of mold release and die lubricant technologies for the rubber, tire, polyurethane, composites, rotation and die casting industries.

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Chemicals Wholesale And Distribution

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Best entries for Chemicals and Wholesale

1 Dysin Group Bangladesh. Diversified
Bangladesh. Diversified group of companies, active in wholesale distribution and trading of chemicals, laboratory instruments and textile machinery. Dyestuffs and chemicals for textile and leather processing, printing and finishing.
2 Chemical suppliers
Chemical suppliers, manufacturers and traders of chemicals - inorganic chemicals, medicinal chemicals, botanical chemicals.
3 Eka Chemicals Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of chemicals and systems for environment compatible pulp bleaching processes and chemicals systems for paper making. Also market chemicals for certain industrial applications as well as engineering, process plants and equipment.
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4 Kubo Combustion Efficiency Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of specialty industrial chemicals, oil field chemicals and a variety of specialty chemicals.
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6 Acme Synthetic Chemicals Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and exporter of fine and specialty chemicals, aroma chemicals and chromatographic adsorbents.
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7 Chengdu Chemphys Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Produces antimony
Produces antimony chemicals, lithium chemicals, and other industrial chemicals.
8 Acme Synthetic Chemicals Manufacturers of
Manufacturers of fine and speciality chemicals, aroma chemicals and chromatographic adsorbents.
9 Yick-Vic Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (HK) Ltd. Manufacturer and
Manufacturer and supplier of dyes and pigments, pharmaceutical intermediates, agricultural chemicals and industrial Chemicals.
10 Teloon Chemicals Corporation Importer and
Importer and exporter of inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food additives, and dyestuff.
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11 Akcros Chemicals Ltd. Manufacture plastic
Manufacture plastic additives for processing and manufacturing of UV cure chemicals and polysulphide chemicals for the aerospace, marine and construction industries.
12 S. Nihar Exports Exporter of
Exporter of fine chemicals, speciality chemicals, rare and hard to find chemicals, intermediates and other allied products from India.
13 King Win Chemicals Ltd. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of water treatment chemicals and sugar processing chemicals. Site has case study examples and employment information.
14 EKA Chemicals Sweden. Chemicals
Sweden. Chemicals and systems for environment compatible pulp bleaching processes, and chemicals for the wet section of paper making. Part of Akzo Nobel.
15 Calsak Corp USA. Wholesale
USA. Wholesale distributors of polymers, chemicals, colorants and industrial supplies. Dyestuffs and pigment intermediates for the textile and plastics industries.
16 Topanga Oil Products Wholesale distributor
Wholesale distributor for Castrol, Mobil, Service Pro, and Valvoline oils, chemicals, cleaners, and fluids. Delivery throughout Southern California.
17 Gemhold (SJZ) Trading Co., Ltd. Handles inorganic
Handles inorganic and organic chemicals, intermediates, food and feed additives, pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals and specialty chemicals. Contains specifics about products.
Lead Ltd Trading Co Chemicals Water Retardant Gemhold Mining Assay Treatment Nitrate Food Acetate Additives South Sjz Quality Litharge Middle Rubber
18 Navdeep Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures sulphonic
Manufactures sulphonic acids, textile finishing chemicals, corrosion inhibitors, oilfield chemicals, fatty acid derivatives, biocides, and amphoteric surfactants.
Acid Chemicals Inhibitors Sulfonic Corrosion Navdeep Agents Speciality Sulphonic Pvt Formulations Biocides Textile Inhibitor Sodium Antibacterial Catalysts
19 Navdeep Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures sulphonic
Manufactures sulphonic acids, textile finishing chemicals, corrosion inhibitors, oilfield chemicals, fatty acid derivatives, biocides, and amphoteric surfactants.
20 Sunhow Chemicals Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of fine chemicals, and pharmaceutical and agrochemical intermediates, offering a small but diverse range of predominantly aromatic chemicals. Located in Shanghai and Lanxi, China.
21 Costec, Inc USA. Wholesale
USA. Wholesale distributors of chemicals to the personal care, cosmetic, household and institutional markets. Detailed technical assistance pages. Links to supplier companies.
22 sterling rasayan pvt., ltd. wholesale supply
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23 sterling rasayan pvt., ltd. wholesale, import
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24 Great Western Bag Company Wholesale nursery
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25 Robeco, Inc Wholesale distributor
Wholesale distributor of chemicals and plastic materials. Clear, tinted, matte, opaque and expanded vinyls. Polypropylene film and sheet. High density polyethylene.
26 Abner Hood, Inc USA. Wholesale
USA. Wholesale distributors of specialty chemicals to the paint, ink, grease, and adhesive manufacturing industries, as well as food and agricultural industries.
Abner Inc Hoody
27 Stephenson Group UK. Specialty
UK. Specialty chemicals for the textile, rubber, food and printing industries. Chemicals for the processing of natural and man-made fibers, and for weaving, knitting and finishing technologies. Also, deinking chemicals for recycling purposes.
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28 The Tessenderlo Group Inc International chemicals
International chemicals group. Main activities are inorganic chemicals, fine chemicals, plastics converting, PVC and natural organic products.
29 Buoyancy Impex India. Sourcing
India. Sourcing agency and wholesale distributors of chemicals, industrial yarns and threads, bottle grade polyester chips and staple fibers, and PVC resins for textile applications.
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30 Arch Chemicals, Inc. Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of specialty chemicals headquartered in Connecticut. Products include biocides, water treatment chemicals, ingredients for personal care products, polyols, and hydrazines.
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31 KMG Corporation Located in
Located in Houston, Texas, KMG Chemicals, Inc. manufactures, markets and distributes specialty chemicals to niche market customers in North America and globally. It produces chemicals used for wood preservation and treatment, including pentachlorophenol (penta) and creosote.
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32 Clariant The company
The company has grown out of the Sandoz Chemicals division, which was floated on the stock market as a spin-off in the summer of 1995, and the Hoechst specialty chemicals businesses, integrated in the summer of 1997. The products and services of the six divisions: process and performance products, pigments and additives, masterbatches, surfactants, fine chemicals and cellulose ethers and polymerisates are based on specialty chemicals.

More Chem-Trend Infos

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