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Wanglong Group Co., Ltd.

Wanglong Group Co. Review Experience Potassium Chemicals

Specializing in the production of food preservatives including sorbic acid and potassium sorbate, Kosher certified.

Wanglong Chemicals manufactures and supplys Food IngredientsIndustrial chemicalsBiological productsNatural extracted productsPharmaceuticals and Intermediatessuch as Potassium SorbateSorbic AcidChitosan Etc

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Potassium Chemicals Products Sorbate Ingredients Sorbic Biological Food Extracted Wanglong Natural Chitosan Acid Enter Pharmaceuticals Taurine Manufacturer Chemicals Specialties Potassium Sorbate Sorbic Acid Chitosan Taurine Glycine Food Ingredients Natural Extracted Products Biological Products Calcium Sorbate

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Manufacturer of a range of inorganic chemicals and solvents, including oxies, sulfates, carbonates, and fluorides of magnesium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, and manganese, as well as several other industrial chemicals.
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3 Chem One, Ltd Wholesaler and
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4 Chem One, Ltd USA. Wholesaler
USA. Wholesaler and distributor of copper sulfate, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, dry acids, ammonium, and zinc. MSDS. Detailed information on chemicals, patent ownership and products. Links to chemicals related sites.
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6 Shangyuchem Oxygen bleach
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7 Time Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufacturer and
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14 Shanxi Friends Union Chemicals Co. Ltd. Manufacturer and
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31 Gemhold (SJZ) Trading Co., Ltd. Handles inorganic
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32 Navdeep Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures sulphonic
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