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Apple Unix Server Penelope

Apple Unix Server Review Experience Aux Unix

Provides a brief introduction to Apple Unix, and detail the procedure used to install A/UX 3.02 and Apache webserver 1.3.19 on a Quadra 800.

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Discusses DCOM on the UNIX platform. It covers platform compatibility issues, the UNIX-specific architecture of DCOM, and implementing a DCOM component on UNIX. By Christian Gross, euSOFT.
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9 Dennis M. Ritchie His Lucent
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11 Sun Expands Unix Deal with SCO Previously secret
Previously secret licensee of SCO Unix intellectual property has revealed its identity: Unix leader Sun Microsystems. Sun actually was first firm to sign with SCO, before Microsoft. [CNET]
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12 SCO: Unix is Ours SCO announces
SCO announces all rights to Unix, UnixWare technology, including copyrights, were transferred to SCO, re-threatens to terminate AIX on 16 June. Novell still claims to own Unix patents. With forum comments. [Linux Today]
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14 SCO Claims IBM Unix Contract Void SCO says
SCO says it has revoked IBM license to sell its version of Unix, AIX, and requests judge permanently block IBM Unix business. Amended suit also criticizes practices of Linux founder, leader, Linus Torvalds. [CNET]
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16 SCO Responds to Novell Claims Press Release:
Press Release: SCO owns the contract rights to the Unix OS. SCO has the contractual right to prevent improper donations of Unix code, methods or concepts into Linux by any Unix vendor. With forum comments. [Linux Today]
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17 Novell Challenges SCOs Unix Claims As pressure
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21 Unix for Fortran Programmers By Mike
By Mike Loukides. Introduces the scientific programmer to the Unix operating system and tools. Assumes some knowledge of Fortran, none of Unix or C. Covers Fortran 77. Site describes book, lists contents, and provides code examples.
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22 Computer Viruses In Unix Networks Paper which
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25 Mac OS X and Unix Tips and Tricks A site
A site is about scripting with a particular emphasis on OS X. Much of this works in any Unix interface.
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28 UNIX System Services IBM resources
IBM resources for the full UNIX implementation built into z/OS.
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Unix books and resources for programmers, systems administrators, users and students.
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