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ArkiData Corporation

ArkiData Corporation Review Experience Software Databases

Developed automated data cleaning technology that is effective in eradicating errors from large historic databases.

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Software Databases Data Warehousing Data Integrity And Cleansing Tools

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Best entries for Software and Databases

1 XML and Databases Discusses the
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6 Introduction to Databases for the Web This tutorial
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7 StarQuest Software, Inc. Offers access
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8 Taurus Software Data extraction-transform-load
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9 ASCII Databases Shareware & Technical Assistant Software for
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19 Dynamic Information Systems Corporation (DISC) Omnidex --
Omnidex -- third party indexing (TPI) for Image databases. TPI supports rapid searching of databases.
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20 Ladybridge Systems Ltd Supplies QM
Supplies QM, a low-cost MultiValue/Pick database for Microsoft Windows and Linux systems that offers a high degree of compatibility with most other MultiValue/Pick databases. Provides software products, consulting and training services, application development and maintenance to users of MultiValue/Pick databases.
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21 Object-Oriented Databases versus Object-Relational Databases Gives a
Gives a rough definition of relational, object-oriented and object-relational databases and compares these paradigms using criteria such as simplicity of use, scalability and maturity.
22 Ooi, Beng Chin National University
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23 Introduction to Databases for the Web: Pt 4 This tutorial
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24 ONgroup Offers ONware
Offers ONware, an Application Program Interface that allows users of MultiValue/Pick databases to run applications on Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. Supports Blacksmith 4GL tool. Located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
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25 Seagrass Software Limited Providing software
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29 GAAP Software, Inc Produces accounting
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31 Mills & Murphy Software Systems, Inc Develops custom
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