@enterprise Web Workflow
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@enterprise is a workflow system based on Internet technologies. It supports customers in definition, execution and controlling of business processes.
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Best entries for Found and Apache
1 Apache Week
A weekly
A weekly e-zine focused on Apache - it includes features, reviews, and Apache jobs.
Apache Issue Week Features History Articles Oreilly Network News Web General Availability Practical Patches Development
A weekly e-zine focused on Apache - it includes features, reviews, and Apache jobs.
Apache Issue Week Features History Articles Oreilly Network News Web General Availability Practical Patches Development
2 Apache Week
A weekly
A weekly e-zine focused on Apache - it includes features, reviews, and Apache jobs.
Apache Issue Week History Features Web Oreilly Articles News Availability Network General Vendor Development Other Information
A weekly e-zine focused on Apache - it includes features, reviews, and Apache jobs.
Apache Issue Week History Features Web Oreilly Articles News Availability Network General Vendor Development Other Information
3 Apache and Secure Transactions
It explains
It explains what SSL is, why Apache does not have it built in, and why it is such a complex issue. (Apache Week)
Apache Verisign Week Ssl Ssleay Netscape Canada Itar Secure Stronghold Internet Raven Transactions Oreilly Server Accredited Sslthere Microsoft
It explains what SSL is, why Apache does not have it built in, and why it is such a complex issue. (Apache Week)
Apache Verisign Week Ssl Ssleay Netscape Canada Itar Secure Stronghold Internet Raven Transactions Oreilly Server Accredited Sslthere Microsoft
4 Mod_Corba
A plug-in
A plug-in module for the Apache web server, it exposes the Apache 'module' API via CORBA. With this, any object in any language on any system can be used as a plugin module for an Apache web server, without recompiling or restarting the server.
Apache Mod_corba Orbit Corba Features * Since Handler Orb Supported Requirements Apihere [home] Per
A plug-in module for the Apache web server, it exposes the Apache 'module' API via CORBA. With this, any object in any language on any system can be used as a plugin module for an Apache web server, without recompiling or restarting the server.
Apache Mod_corba Orbit Corba Features * Since Handler Orb Supported Requirements Apihere [home] Per
5 Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
The home
The home site of 'Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C', a book about creating Web server modules using the Apache API, written by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.
Mod_perl Apache Help Perl Asf Guide Cgi Documentation Map Problems Getting Bekman Download Got Contribute Bugs Modperl Scenarios
The home site of 'Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C', a book about creating Web server modules using the Apache API, written by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.
Mod_perl Apache Help Perl Asf Guide Cgi Documentation Map Problems Getting Bekman Download Got Contribute Bugs Modperl Scenarios
6 Spyware Warrior: Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products & Web Sites
Products found
Products found to not provide proven, reliable anti-spyware protection or found to use unfair, deceptive, high pressure sales tactics and false positives to scare up sales or found to be associated with known distributors of spyware/adware or have been known to install spyware/adware themselves.
Spyware Adware Anti Same App Remover Ad Aware Privacy Advertising ] Knockoff Aggressive Security Pro Eliminator Where
Products found to not provide proven, reliable anti-spyware protection or found to use unfair, deceptive, high pressure sales tactics and false positives to scare up sales or found to be associated with known distributors of spyware/adware or have been known to install spyware/adware themselves.
Spyware Adware Anti Same App Remover Ad Aware Privacy Advertising ] Knockoff Aggressive Security Pro Eliminator Where
7 Apache Toolbox
provides a
provides a means to easily compile Apache with a variety of options and mods.
Apache Php Jakarta Java Apachetoolbox Author Andrews Bryan Compile Ming Toolbox Webdav Support Cache Openldap Mod_session Mod_disallow_id Mod_put
provides a means to easily compile Apache with a variety of options and mods.
Apache Php Jakarta Java Apachetoolbox Author Andrews Bryan Compile Ming Toolbox Webdav Support Cache Openldap Mod_session Mod_disallow_id Mod_put
8 Apache Web-Serving with Mac OS X
Series of
Series of articles by Kevin Hemenway (aka Morbus Iff) on getting Apache up and running on OS X.
Serving Part Apache Web Tiger Apps Jaguar Oreilly Mac Os Hemenway Community Kevin Books Feeds Rss
Series of articles by Kevin Hemenway (aka Morbus Iff) on getting Apache up and running on OS X.
Serving Part Apache Web Tiger Apps Jaguar Oreilly Mac Os Hemenway Community Kevin Books Feeds Rss
9 FAQTs: Apache
Questions and
Questions and answers regarding Apache installation, configuration and management.
Questions and answers regarding Apache installation, configuration and management.
10 Stronghold Enterprise Apache
Apache redesigned
Apache redesigned with rigid security features.
Enterprise Linux Training Partner Stronghold Contact Red Apache Support Clouds Learn Management Customer Cloud Solutions Storage Alliance Realtime
Apache redesigned with rigid security features.
Enterprise Linux Training Partner Stronghold Contact Red Apache Support Clouds Learn Management Customer Cloud Solutions Storage Alliance Realtime
11 Apache Module Development in C
Companion site
Companion site of a book written by Ken Coar for writing Apache modules.
Companion site of a book written by Ken Coar for writing Apache modules.
12 Iis2apache
Turn an
Turn an IIS log into an Apache log. While you can just configure IIS to log in Apache Common Log Format, this program will convert already extant logs.
Nessus Dochtml Doorn Hacks Plug Asip Status Tnscmd Checksyslog Leendert Catm Unix Dusty Iddiscovered Cleanpl Fpgetsrvrinfo Httpscanc Passed Everyone
Turn an IIS log into an Apache log. While you can just configure IIS to log in Apache Common Log Format, this program will convert already extant logs.
Nessus Dochtml Doorn Hacks Plug Asip Status Tnscmd Checksyslog Leendert Catm Unix Dusty Iddiscovered Cleanpl Fpgetsrvrinfo Httpscanc Passed Everyone
13 Webmasterworld - Apache Web Server Forum
Apache specific
Apache specific topics.
Apache Server Presentation Code Library Content Web Tools Posts Free Forums Subscribe Charter Pointers Announcements Port Register
Apache specific topics.
Apache Server Presentation Code Library Content Web Tools Posts Free Forums Subscribe Charter Pointers Announcements Port Register
14 Apache on A/UX Performance Hints
General Apache
General Apache on A/UX Notes.
Aux Apache Download Hints Performance Jagubox Even Process Backlog Ftpjagunetcom Jimjagielski Script Virtual Ossallow Limit
General Apache on A/UX Notes.
Aux Apache Download Hints Performance Jagubox Even Process Backlog Ftpjagunetcom Jimjagielski Script Virtual Ossallow Limit
15 Apache
Apache Week
Apache Week, includes security alerts.
Apache Week Html Oreilly Apacheweek Network Subscribe Development Xml Resources Request@redhatcom Web Geekboys Information Red
Apache Week, includes security alerts.
Apache Week Html Oreilly Apacheweek Network Subscribe Development Xml Resources Request@redhatcom Web Geekboys Information Red
16 Virtual DJ Studio
VDJ is
VDJ is a virtual mixing console and media player application. It plays MP3 and Wave files. VDJ3 contains many features not found in other players, and some not found in other DJ software. Product specifications, screenshots, and downloads.
Vdjcomgo Here Click Z
VDJ is a virtual mixing console and media player application. It plays MP3 and Wave files. VDJ3 contains many features not found in other players, and some not found in other DJ software. Product specifications, screenshots, and downloads.
Vdjcomgo Here Click Z
17 PHPBuilder.com: Using Webalizer to Analyze Apache Logs
An article
An article that specifies downloads, common commands, Apache configuration, and multiple domain setup. Moderated user comments are attached.
Functions Databases News File Tricks Php Operation Html Installation Code Setup Webalizer Tools Architecture Hacks Gtk Calendars Dates Object Oriented Permissions Session Mysql
An article that specifies downloads, common commands, Apache configuration, and multiple domain setup. Moderated user comments are attached.
Functions Databases News File Tricks Php Operation Html Installation Code Setup Webalizer Tools Architecture Hacks Gtk Calendars Dates Object Oriented Permissions Session Mysql
18 Apache Administrators Handbook
Book by
Book by Rich Gowen covers all aspects of running an Apache server, starting with the installation, and going through configuration, security, dynamic content, and performance tuning.
Book by Rich Gowen covers all aspects of running an Apache server, starting with the installation, and going through configuration, security, dynamic content, and performance tuning.
19 Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache
Apache adapted
Apache adapted to work with Oracles Internet Application Server.
Apache adapted to work with Oracles Internet Application Server.
20 mod_owa: Apache PL/SQL Gateway Module
Open source
Open source Apache module allowing PL/SQL to generate dynamic web pages.
Open source Apache module allowing PL/SQL to generate dynamic web pages.
21 Quick Guide to Apache Tomcat
Fast tutorial
Fast tutorial on configuring and using Apache Tomcat for desktop development of Java servlets and JavavServer Pages (JSP).
Tomcat Servlets Jsp Using Apache Core Edition Engine Configuring Setup First Configuration Secondsetting
Fast tutorial on configuring and using Apache Tomcat for desktop development of Java servlets and JavavServer Pages (JSP).
Tomcat Servlets Jsp Using Apache Core Edition Engine Configuring Setup First Configuration Secondsetting
22 Getting Started with Java Servlets using Apache JServ
Java solution
Java solution Guide for the Apache mod_jserv module.
Apache Jserv Java Hashtable Post Servlet Shed Forums Articles Printwriter Started Dev Developer String Servlets Jdbc Scripts
Java solution Guide for the Apache mod_jserv module.
Apache Jserv Java Hashtable Post Servlet Shed Forums Articles Printwriter Started Dev Developer String Servlets Jdbc Scripts
23 Getting Started with Java Servlets using Apache JServ
Java solution
Java solution Guide for the Apache mod_jserv module.
Apache Jserv Java Servlet Hashtable Post Articles Shed Forums Dev Started Servlets String Printwriter Developer Servletexception Web
Java solution Guide for the Apache mod_jserv module.
Apache Jserv Java Servlet Hashtable Post Articles Shed Forums Dev Started Servlets String Printwriter Developer Servletexception Web
24 Writing Apache modules with Perl and C
Home site
Home site of the book about creating Web server modules using the Apache API.
Mod_perl Apache Perl Help Guide Asf Cgi Documentation Bugs Stories Report Problems Fast Reporting Getting Mailing Contribute Subprojects
Home site of the book about creating Web server modules using the Apache API.
Mod_perl Apache Perl Help Guide Asf Cgi Documentation Bugs Stories Report Problems Fast Reporting Getting Mailing Contribute Subprojects
25 Apache: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition
A book
A book by Ben Laurie and Peter Laurie covers how to obtain, set up, secure, modify, and troubleshoot Apache version 1.3 and 2.0 software.
Design Review Development Windows Apps Flag Microsoft Web Programming Certification Administration Apple Security Software Mobile Engineering Electronics
A book by Ben Laurie and Peter Laurie covers how to obtain, set up, secure, modify, and troubleshoot Apache version 1.3 and 2.0 software.
Design Review Development Windows Apps Flag Microsoft Web Programming Certification Administration Apple Security Software Mobile Engineering Electronics
26 MacDevCenter.com: Apache and AppleScript
David Miller
David Miller shows how AppleScript can invoke Unix utilities through its do shell script command, thereby creating some interesting intersections with Apache.
Applescript Adddescription Apache Oreilly However $name Allowoverride Indexes Figure Accessfilename Manual Media Unix Perl Macdevcentercom Place Terminal Mo
David Miller shows how AppleScript can invoke Unix utilities through its do shell script command, thereby creating some interesting intersections with Apache.
Applescript Adddescription Apache Oreilly However $name Allowoverride Indexes Figure Accessfilename Manual Media Unix Perl Macdevcentercom Place Terminal Mo
27 Configure Web Logs in Apache
Explains improving traffic analysis by configuring Apache logs.
Portpermanently The Apache Server Z
Explains improving traffic analysis by configuring Apache logs.
Portpermanently The Apache Server Z
28 Maximum Apache Security
Book by
Book by Sams Publishing details the complex security weaknesses and risks of Apache, and provides hands-on solutions for keeping a Web site secure and buttressed against intruders.
Programming Press Web Data Development Technology Professional Edition Certification Informit Learn Analytics Management Computing Information Addison Wesley Articles Engineering See Location
Book by Sams Publishing details the complex security weaknesses and risks of Apache, and provides hands-on solutions for keeping a Web site secure and buttressed against intruders.
Programming Press Web Data Development Technology Professional Edition Certification Informit Learn Analytics Management Computing Information Addison Wesley Articles Engineering See Location
29 Apache Desktop Reference
Companion site
Companion site of an Apache reference manual, which is available here for download.
Book Reference Apache Welcome Errata Desktop Copyright Engelschall Foundation Rights Reserved Software Ralf Addison Version
Companion site of an Apache reference manual, which is available here for download.
Book Reference Apache Welcome Errata Desktop Copyright Engelschall Foundation Rights Reserved Software Ralf Addison Version
30 Apache Web Serving With Mac OS X
Theres a
Theres a powerful Apache web server built in to every Mac OS X computer. Kevin Hemenway shows how to start serving web pages within minutes, then he gives the tools for advanced techniques that seasoned system administrators use every day.
Apache Web Serving Part Oreilly Mac Os Kevin Hemenway Feeds Privacy Policy Gt Weve Rss
Theres a powerful Apache web server built in to every Mac OS X computer. Kevin Hemenway shows how to start serving web pages within minutes, then he gives the tools for advanced techniques that seasoned system administrators use every day.
Apache Web Serving Part Oreilly Mac Os Kevin Hemenway Feeds Privacy Policy Gt Weve Rss
31 Mermaid Server Services
Offering apache
Offering apache web server configuration, cobalt raq, dns, proxy, terra, and dedicated mail server application for apache servers.
Consulting Mermaid Internet Consultants Welcome Contact Products Contracting Services Support@mdcdk Server Hosting Development Aps Mermaid Carl
Offering apache web server configuration, cobalt raq, dns, proxy, terra, and dedicated mail server application for apache servers.
Consulting Mermaid Internet Consultants Welcome Contact Products Contracting Services Support@mdcdk Server Hosting Development Aps Mermaid Carl
32 Mermaid Server Services
Offering apache
Offering apache web server configuration, cobalt raq, dns, proxy, terra, and dedicated mail server application for apache servers.
Consulting Internet Mermaid Server Hosting Services Consultants Welcome Backup Support@mdcdk Programming Contracting Contact Products Development Freebsd
Offering apache web server configuration, cobalt raq, dns, proxy, terra, and dedicated mail server application for apache servers.
Consulting Internet Mermaid Server Hosting Services Consultants Welcome Backup Support@mdcdk Programming Contracting Contact Products Development Freebsd