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Best entries for System and Computer
1 Viking Waters - Computer Consulting and Services
System Development
System Development and Program Consulting Services for IBM OS/MVS Mainframe and IBM System 390 Computer Operating Systems
Documentation Engine Websites Waters Website Viking Design Optimization Computer Advanced Privacy Contact Software Philipson Seo Custom
System Development and Program Consulting Services for IBM OS/MVS Mainframe and IBM System 390 Computer Operating Systems
Documentation Engine Websites Waters Website Viking Design Optimization Computer Advanced Privacy Contact Software Philipson Seo Custom
2 Strange Art Projects: IBM System 370
A students
A students 1/48 scale model of an IBM System/370 Model 138 computer system, complete with 3800-1 laser printer. Pictures and the story behind it.
System Dos Os Drive Strange Projects Zmoq Btsburstertrimmerstacker Theres They Whilewe Ilearnedthen Disk
A students 1/48 scale model of an IBM System/370 Model 138 computer system, complete with 3800-1 laser printer. Pictures and the story behind it.
System Dos Os Drive Strange Projects Zmoq Btsburstertrimmerstacker Theres They Whilewe Ilearnedthen Disk
3 FreeForm Modeling System
SensAbles modeling
SensAbles modeling system allows designers to model on the computer with their sense of touch. The system provides an physical, analog interface to create a valuable, digital asset.
Geomagic Training Support Design Products Freeform Visit Scanning Software Plus Contact Center Services Careers Geomagic® Why Case
SensAbles modeling system allows designers to model on the computer with their sense of touch. The system provides an physical, analog interface to create a valuable, digital asset.
Geomagic Training Support Design Products Freeform Visit Scanning Software Plus Contact Center Services Careers Geomagic® Why Case
4 FreeForm Modeling System
SensAbles modeling
SensAbles modeling system allows designers to model on the computer with their sense of touch. The system provides an physical, analog interface to create a valuable, digital asset.
Geomagic Training Support Products Design Visit Freeform Services Community Software Geomagic® Scanning Contact Careers Center Educational Need
SensAbles modeling system allows designers to model on the computer with their sense of touch. The system provides an physical, analog interface to create a valuable, digital asset.
Geomagic Training Support Products Design Visit Freeform Services Community Software Geomagic® Scanning Contact Careers Center Educational Need
5 Journal of Computer and System Sciences
A bimonthly
A bimonthly journal covering computer and system sciences and their underlying mathematical theory.
Openvolume Highlights Research Abstract Issue Volume Sciencedirectcom Computer Sciences Journal Login System Refworks Forgotten Articles
A bimonthly journal covering computer and system sciences and their underlying mathematical theory.
Openvolume Highlights Research Abstract Issue Volume Sciencedirectcom Computer Sciences Journal Login System Refworks Forgotten Articles
6 TwoCell Computer Consulting
Tempe-based computer
Tempe-based computer consultancy servicing local small businesses in networking, software, hardware, web design and hosting, computer security, Linux firewalls, Windows, Mac OS X, and most other system-related areas.
Arizona Tempe Phoenix Consultants Computer Philosophy Twocell Pricing Tempes Non Metro Terms Contact Xhtml Client Technology Logo
Tempe-based computer consultancy servicing local small businesses in networking, software, hardware, web design and hosting, computer security, Linux firewalls, Windows, Mac OS X, and most other system-related areas.
Arizona Tempe Phoenix Consultants Computer Philosophy Twocell Pricing Tempes Non Metro Terms Contact Xhtml Client Technology Logo
7 TeraByte Computer Systems
Computer System
Computer System parts, service and assistance to professionals.
Click Terbytecom Herez Proceed
Computer System parts, service and assistance to professionals.
Click Terbytecom Herez Proceed
8 MicroWiz
Used and
Used and refurbished, remanufactured computer hardware, computer system. Located in Yuma Arizona.
Microwiz Computer Hardware Recycle Terms Sorry Miscellaneous Printers Rb Digital Wizcom Browsing Yuma Systems Bin Software Sales@micro Parts
Used and refurbished, remanufactured computer hardware, computer system. Located in Yuma Arizona.
Microwiz Computer Hardware Recycle Terms Sorry Miscellaneous Printers Rb Digital Wizcom Browsing Yuma Systems Bin Software Sales@micro Parts
9 Computer Security
How to
How to secure your Unix computer system (emphasis on HP-UX).
Unix Security Tutorials Software Linux System Webmasters Training Other File Html Unixtools Basics Hp Ux Checklist Website
How to secure your Unix computer system (emphasis on HP-UX).
Unix Security Tutorials Software Linux System Webmasters Training Other File Html Unixtools Basics Hp Ux Checklist Website
For fee
For fee, e-mail service for computer support in the Sacramento area. Call-back system, specialized credit system of payment for services.
Navigationshilfet Y
For fee, e-mail service for computer support in the Sacramento area. Call-back system, specialized credit system of payment for services.
Navigationshilfet Y
11 Java Grid Project (jCluster Project)
Software project
Software project investigating the possibilities in creating a distributed computer system - a so called grid - based on the distributed nature of Java and Jini. It is the intension to allow computer resources and data to be shared and to provide a dynamic high availability system for hosting services.
Software project investigating the possibilities in creating a distributed computer system - a so called grid - based on the distributed nature of Java and Jini. It is the intension to allow computer resources and data to be shared and to provide a dynamic high availability system for hosting services.
12 PCTechBytes
Computer tech
Computer tech support for Windows PCs. Offers a broad range of computer advice in a forum to help you repair and upgrade your system.
Windows Reading Computer Dave Internet Microsoft Repair System Writer Tech Pctechbytes Guest Guide Free Help
Computer tech support for Windows PCs. Offers a broad range of computer advice in a forum to help you repair and upgrade your system.
Windows Reading Computer Dave Internet Microsoft Repair System Writer Tech Pctechbytes Guest Guide Free Help
13 Moore Computer Consultants, Inc.
Computer systems
Computer systems engineering company specializing in the development of high performance firmware, system software, hardware and silicon for OEM electronics manufacturers.
Mcci Catena Support Company Embedded Products Testing Software Product Services Drivers Legal Contact News Interconnect Certification Suspend Consumer
Computer systems engineering company specializing in the development of high performance firmware, system software, hardware and silicon for OEM electronics manufacturers.
Mcci Catena Support Company Embedded Products Testing Software Product Services Drivers Legal Contact News Interconnect Certification Suspend Consumer
14 DBCSoft
BizControl primarily
BizControl primarily is an ERP business system that integrates all departments and functions of a company onto a single computer system to serve all the different departments particular needs.
Bizcontrol Software Erp Support Dbcsoft Cost Solutions Package Business Iras Best Enquiry Level Truly Request Services Service
BizControl primarily is an ERP business system that integrates all departments and functions of a company onto a single computer system to serve all the different departments particular needs.
Bizcontrol Software Erp Support Dbcsoft Cost Solutions Package Business Iras Best Enquiry Level Truly Request Services Service
15 Computer Associates: Clipper forum at Tek-Tips
Clipper technical
Clipper technical support forums and mutual help system for computer professionals.
Clipper Join Andrewmozley Tek Tips Forum Jobs Computer Forums Close Associates Click Whitepapers Policies Kotharikailash Posting
Clipper technical support forums and mutual help system for computer professionals.
Clipper Join Andrewmozley Tek Tips Forum Jobs Computer Forums Close Associates Click Whitepapers Policies Kotharikailash Posting
16 J and R Computer Associates, Inc.
Provides web
Provides web site design, customized programming, and computer network installations for small businesses. Features include portfolio samples, client listing, clients only area, and Membership Management System (MMS).
Computer Associates Illinois Mokena Noonans Bobbie Services Web Portfolio Microsoft Inc Contact Chicago World Company Site Bobbie Access
Provides web site design, customized programming, and computer network installations for small businesses. Features include portfolio samples, client listing, clients only area, and Membership Management System (MMS).
Computer Associates Illinois Mokena Noonans Bobbie Services Web Portfolio Microsoft Inc Contact Chicago World Company Site Bobbie Access
17 SID
A framework
A framework for building computer system simulations. Specifically, a simulation is comprised of a collection of loosely coupled components. Simulated systems may range from a CPUs instruction set to a large multi-processor embedded system. [Open source, GPL with changes].
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
A framework for building computer system simulations. Specifically, a simulation is comprised of a collection of loosely coupled components. Simulated systems may range from a CPUs instruction set to a large multi-processor embedded system. [Open source, GPL with changes].
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
18 CSCW Evaluation in Five Types
One of
One of the potentially confusing aspects of evaluation within computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) is that there are many activities one might wish to carry out at different times that evaluate socio-technical systems. I identify five ideal types: the effects of a new computer system in an organisation, the formative development of a piece of software, the evaluation of conceptual developments, the evaluation of a cooperative system where factors other than the computers are more interesting, and the determination of which piece of software to buy.
Latest Contact Business Undergraduate Notice Research Events News Problem Navigation Information Scc Science Privacy Scc@lancasteracuk
One of the potentially confusing aspects of evaluation within computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) is that there are many activities one might wish to carry out at different times that evaluate socio-technical systems. I identify five ideal types: the effects of a new computer system in an organisation, the formative development of a piece of software, the evaluation of conceptual developments, the evaluation of a cooperative system where factors other than the computers are more interesting, and the determination of which piece of software to buy.
Latest Contact Business Undergraduate Notice Research Events News Problem Navigation Information Scc Science Privacy Scc@lancasteracuk
19 MediaTexX Software Solutions
Control and
Control and automate the Windows system with handheld infrared remote controls. Make the computer a home theater system, listen to mp3 music with Winamp, watch DivX/DVD or give business presentations the extra touch.
Control Infrared Uice Winamp Universal Mediatexx Windows Cph Theater Remote Solutions Mediatexxcom Feature Tour Media Audigydrive Dvd Business Hauppauge Controlled
Control and automate the Windows system with handheld infrared remote controls. Make the computer a home theater system, listen to mp3 music with Winamp, watch DivX/DVD or give business presentations the extra touch.
Control Infrared Uice Winamp Universal Mediatexx Windows Cph Theater Remote Solutions Mediatexxcom Feature Tour Media Audigydrive Dvd Business Hauppauge Controlled
20 Broadax Systems, Inc.
Rugged portable
Rugged portable computer, industrial computer, rack mount chassis and system, industrial display and all other industrial computing products.
Rackmount Computer Rms Pc Mount Server Wall Workstation Industrial Panel Monitor Embedded Lcd Size Picmg
Rugged portable computer, industrial computer, rack mount chassis and system, industrial display and all other industrial computing products.
Rackmount Computer Rms Pc Mount Server Wall Workstation Industrial Panel Monitor Embedded Lcd Size Picmg
21 CST Digital Communication (Pty) Ltd
SMS-Eventlog application
SMS-Eventlog application allow system administrators, software technicians, computer users, and software engineers to forward local and remote Windows NT events from the system, security and/or application logs via the GSM network to a Mobile phone.
Tech Soft Comp Babylon Event Windows Products Industrial Smseventlog Xman News Xray Guitar Ethernet History Digital Sms Eventlog Interface Look
SMS-Eventlog application allow system administrators, software technicians, computer users, and software engineers to forward local and remote Windows NT events from the system, security and/or application logs via the GSM network to a Mobile phone.
Tech Soft Comp Babylon Event Windows Products Industrial Smseventlog Xman News Xray Guitar Ethernet History Digital Sms Eventlog Interface Look
22 Excalibur Technology
Offering computer
Offering computer training, web design, hosting, network services, system backup services, computer sales and service, and software sales. Located in Barrington, Illinois, United States.
Support Learn Network Tech Services Computer Resolution Pc Cloud Net Sales Technology Website Hosting Solution Technical Safe Backup Pc’s
Offering computer training, web design, hosting, network services, system backup services, computer sales and service, and software sales. Located in Barrington, Illinois, United States.
Support Learn Network Tech Services Computer Resolution Pc Cloud Net Sales Technology Website Hosting Solution Technical Safe Backup Pc’s
23 ASTRA32 - Advanced System Information Tool
Performs computer
Performs computer configuration analysis, and provides detailed information on computer hardware and its working modes. Includes product development history, mode screen displays, support links and product download page.
Astra System Tool Version Information Sse Hardware Troubleshooter Advanced Windows Smart Sysinfo Scsi Drivers Serial Features
Performs computer configuration analysis, and provides detailed information on computer hardware and its working modes. Includes product development history, mode screen displays, support links and product download page.
Astra System Tool Version Information Sse Hardware Troubleshooter Advanced Windows Smart Sysinfo Scsi Drivers Serial Features
24 Professor to wire computer chip into his nervous system
A professor
A professor plans to take a step closer to becoming a cyborg - part human, part computer - by implanting a silicon chip than communicates with his brain. Story in technology section of
World Cnn Technology Cnncom Business Chip Cup Headlines News Judge Sports Eu Robotic Europe Asia Guidelines South Scoreboards
A professor plans to take a step closer to becoming a cyborg - part human, part computer - by implanting a silicon chip than communicates with his brain. Story in technology section of
World Cnn Technology Cnncom Business Chip Cup Headlines News Judge Sports Eu Robotic Europe Asia Guidelines South Scoreboards
25 uReserve Online Resource Scheduling System
An online
An online resource scheduling system that allows members in your organization to share and reserve any type of resource such as conference rooms, computer systems, and electronic equipment.
Resource Scheduling Scheduler Ureserve Edition Deluxe Dual Dependency Gold System Conference Demos Here Checkout
An online resource scheduling system that allows members in your organization to share and reserve any type of resource such as conference rooms, computer systems, and electronic equipment.
Resource Scheduling Scheduler Ureserve Edition Deluxe Dual Dependency Gold System Conference Demos Here Checkout
26 The Tech Zone
How to
How to build an all SCSI computer system.
Navigation Stupid Sleep Wordpress Babes Thesis Blogger Steve News Turn Baby Create Reviews Techzonecom Drycase Dragons
How to build an all SCSI computer system.
Navigation Stupid Sleep Wordpress Babes Thesis Blogger Steve News Turn Baby Create Reviews Techzonecom Drycase Dragons
27 Scherstad Systems Inc.
Computer parts
Computer parts and system upgrades.
Services Gt Request Security Managed Support@ithemescom Networking Consultingnginx Computer Troubleshooting Scherstad Minneapolis
Computer parts and system upgrades.
Services Gt Request Security Managed Support@ithemescom Networking Consultingnginx Computer Troubleshooting Scherstad Minneapolis
29 Snapp Key
Web site
Web site that describes the theory of grid computing. USB grid processing hardware for sale to make a computer faster. SNAPP is a novel implementation of grid computing architectural concepts installed to a single computer program, device or system without the need of a distributed network (even the Internet).
Web site that describes the theory of grid computing. USB grid processing hardware for sale to make a computer faster. SNAPP is a novel implementation of grid computing architectural concepts installed to a single computer program, device or system without the need of a distributed network (even the Internet).
30 A Better Computer System, Inc.
Distributor for
Distributor for Adam Systems automotive software.
Adam Software Partners Support Cool Marketing Gartner Contact Says Management News Vendor Proceses Technology Pcm
Distributor for Adam Systems automotive software.
Adam Software Partners Support Cool Marketing Gartner Contact Says Management News Vendor Proceses Technology Pcm
31 NetWorld UK
Suppliers of
Suppliers of Computer Associates system mgmt products.
Prism Software Inventory Asset Cloud Adobe Management Manager Application Audit Server Suite Creative Information Download
Suppliers of Computer Associates system mgmt products.
Prism Software Inventory Asset Cloud Adobe Management Manager Application Audit Server Suite Creative Information Download
32 Hypertech Computers, Inc.
Computer service
Computer service, repairs and system builds.
Contact Services Computers Hypertech Click Conditions Products Privacy Terms Policy Sales@hypertechcomputercom Stories Blog Experience Partners Open Sun
Computer service, repairs and system builds.
Contact Services Computers Hypertech Click Conditions Products Privacy Terms Policy Sales@hypertechcomputercom Stories Blog Experience Partners Open Sun