CDS Associates
Experience Web Analysis
Uses sophisticated analysis tools originally developed for large corporations to track and analyze customer online behaviors.CDS Associates applies the sophisticated analysis tools originally developed for large corporations to track and analyze your customers behavior

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Web Analysis Analytics Services Associates Customer Traffic Visitor Business They Cds Intelligence Content Analyze Consulting Data Software Internet Site Management Log Analysis Commercial Outsourced Analysis Cds Associates Web Analytics Asp Real Time Business Intelligence Web Traffic Analysis Application Service Provider B2b Roi Internet Statistics Analytics Customer Relationship Management Data Mining Web Services Visitor Segmentation Web Audit Web Log Analysis Audience Analysis Commerce Analytics Trend Analysis Site Path Analysis E Commerce Analysis Advertising Effectiveness Web Traffic Web Marketing Online Profitability Web Content Web Site Analysis E Business Intelligence Web Reporting Customer Analytics Content Grouping Site Metrics Emarketing Analysis
Reviews and Comments for CDS Associates

Best entries for Web and Analysis
1 WebTrends Enterprise Suite
Web site
Web site management solution, combining cartridges for Web server traffic analysis, streaming media server analysis, proxy server analysis, link analysis, and quality control and monitoring. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Measurement Support Optimization Partners Partner Webtrends Multi Channel Analytics Services Contact Training Portal Center Collaboration Data Users
Web site management solution, combining cartridges for Web server traffic analysis, streaming media server analysis, proxy server analysis, link analysis, and quality control and monitoring. [Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Measurement Support Optimization Partners Partner Webtrends Multi Channel Analytics Services Contact Training Portal Center Collaboration Data Users
2 SEO Analysis - Web Log Analysis
Affordable web
Affordable web log processing and detailed analysis of website traffic trends for large and small companies.
Analysis Marketing Web Report Seo Log Most Development Logs Contact Activity Glossary Spotting Very Statistics Sem Withouta
Affordable web log processing and detailed analysis of website traffic trends for large and small companies.
Analysis Marketing Web Report Seo Log Most Development Logs Contact Activity Glossary Spotting Very Statistics Sem Withouta
3 PAQ Services, Inc.
PAQ job
PAQ job analysis training teaches human resources analysts how to conduct job analysis and write job descriptions using the position analysis questionnaire.
Flsa Overtime Services Eris Job Analyses Exempt Occupational Exemption Analysis Assessor State Paq Tests Policy Studied Eripaq Order Report
PAQ job analysis training teaches human resources analysts how to conduct job analysis and write job descriptions using the position analysis questionnaire.
Flsa Overtime Services Eris Job Analyses Exempt Occupational Exemption Analysis Assessor State Paq Tests Policy Studied Eripaq Order Report
Program for
Program for canonical community ordination by [partial] [detrended] [canonical] correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. [Commercial]
Canoco Microcomputer Ms Dos Power Braak Order Canodrawtm Carlo Version Microcomputerpowercatalog Ltprevious Furnas Formprice Nextgt Statistical Researchers
Program for canonical community ordination by [partial] [detrended] [canonical] correspondence analysis, principal components analysis and redundancy analysis. [Commercial]
Canoco Microcomputer Ms Dos Power Braak Order Canodrawtm Carlo Version Microcomputerpowercatalog Ltprevious Furnas Formprice Nextgt Statistical Researchers
5 Roc Research
Provides business
Provides business research and market information services focusing on company specific data, market analysis, industry information, competitor information, trend analysis, geography based analysis, market or product penetration and customer or segment analysis.
Research Market Analysis Analytics Company Rocsearch Business Intelligence Decision Contact Work People Capabilities Dedicated Career Including
Provides business research and market information services focusing on company specific data, market analysis, industry information, competitor information, trend analysis, geography based analysis, market or product penetration and customer or segment analysis.
Research Market Analysis Analytics Company Rocsearch Business Intelligence Decision Contact Work People Capabilities Dedicated Career Including
6 PlusFORT Fortran Analysis Toolkit
Product from
Product from Polyedron for Fortran source code restructuring, global static analysis, coverage analysis, automated make, and version selection.
Intel Fortran Tools Studio Composer Xe Automake Windows Absoft Software Performance Suite Qmerge Visual System Aix Ultrix Hpux
Product from Polyedron for Fortran source code restructuring, global static analysis, coverage analysis, automated make, and version selection.
Intel Fortran Tools Studio Composer Xe Automake Windows Absoft Software Performance Suite Qmerge Visual System Aix Ultrix Hpux
7 Norsys Software Corp.
Belief networks
Belief networks and influence diagrams for data mining, decision analysis, diagnosis, prediction, creating software agents, real-time control, signal conditioning, sensor fusion, expert system building, statistical analysis, probabilistic modeling and risk management / portfolio analysis.
Software Causal Norsys Model Net Probabilistic Modelling Bayesian Bayes Modeling Network Netica Corp Environmental Graphical Belief Markov
Belief networks and influence diagrams for data mining, decision analysis, diagnosis, prediction, creating software agents, real-time control, signal conditioning, sensor fusion, expert system building, statistical analysis, probabilistic modeling and risk management / portfolio analysis.
Software Causal Norsys Model Net Probabilistic Modelling Bayesian Bayes Modeling Network Netica Corp Environmental Graphical Belief Markov
8 SEO Analysis
Offering website
Offering website optimizing, analysis and consultation. Burtonsville, Maryland.
Analysis Engine Marketing Optimization Design Contact Glossary Email Development Jose Seo Log Faq Reserved Learn Philosophy
Offering website optimizing, analysis and consultation. Burtonsville, Maryland.
Analysis Engine Marketing Optimization Design Contact Glossary Email Development Jose Seo Log Faq Reserved Learn Philosophy
9 Counterpane: Log Analysis Resources
Info aimed
Info aimed at detecting intrusions, but also good general 'analysis' tips.
Services Bt Business Assure Network Security Professional Management Contact Managed Mobility Private Banking Virtual Continuity End
Info aimed at detecting intrusions, but also good general 'analysis' tips.
Services Bt Business Assure Network Security Professional Management Contact Managed Mobility Private Banking Virtual Continuity End
10 42 North Web Consulting
Provides website
Provides website planning and design (information architecture), usability analysis, and traffic analysis.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Provides website planning and design (information architecture), usability analysis, and traffic analysis.
Navigationshilfe Ty
11 Construsoft
Xsteel and
Xsteel and PowerFrame software for steel stucture modelling and analysis, and PowerPlate FEM for analysis of plate and grid structures.
Tekla Bim Bouw Software Sketchup Structures Bimsight Vico Construsoft Trimble Informatie De Model Cad Levert Goede Extranet Pro Safari
Xsteel and PowerFrame software for steel stucture modelling and analysis, and PowerPlate FEM for analysis of plate and grid structures.
Tekla Bim Bouw Software Sketchup Structures Bimsight Vico Construsoft Trimble Informatie De Model Cad Levert Goede Extranet Pro Safari
12 SageMetrics
SageAnalyst provides
SageAnalyst provides geographic analysis of visitors, visual sales funnel dropoff, and affinity analysis of visitor behaviors
ï¼Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ç¨®é¡Ã…¾ã®ã‚³ã‚¨ãÆ’³ã‚¶ã‚¤ãÆ’ qï¼Ã¢â‚¬Ëœï¼Ã‚ÂãÂÂÅ’細胞ã²ã¨ã¤ã²ã¨ã¤ã«å…ƒæ°Ã¢â‚¬â€ã‚’ä¸Ã…½ãˆã¦æ¯Ã…½æâ€‥イ&
SageAnalyst provides geographic analysis of visitors, visual sales funnel dropoff, and affinity analysis of visitor behaviors
ï¼Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ç¨®é¡Ã…¾ã®ã‚³ã‚¨ãÆ’³ã‚¶ã‚¤ãÆ’ qï¼Ã¢â‚¬Ëœï¼Ã‚ÂãÂÂÅ’細胞ã²ã¨ã¤ã²ã¨ã¤ã«å…ƒæ°Ã¢â‚¬â€ã‚’ä¸Ã…½ãˆã¦æ¯Ã…½æâ€‥イ&
A statistical
A statistical analysis program, that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis, and curve fitting. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Regression Nlreg Linear Nonlinear Curve Fitting Analysis Non Program Functions Data Function Shareware Software Polynomial
A statistical analysis program, that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis, and curve fitting. [Win95/98/Me/NT/2000]
Regression Nlreg Linear Nonlinear Curve Fitting Analysis Non Program Functions Data Function Shareware Software Polynomial
14 Clickstream Analysis
Web content
Web content management product measures every page display. Log file and website analysis available with their internet tracking software.
Web content management product measures every page display. Log file and website analysis available with their internet tracking software.
15 TraceWatch
An advanced
An advanced website traffic analysis application with extensive statistics report pages, path analysis, graphs and more. [Freeware]
Analysis Tracewatch Stats Traffic Free Website Working Statistics Contact Support Project See Download Documentation Advanced Discussion Arash Introduction
An advanced website traffic analysis application with extensive statistics report pages, path analysis, graphs and more. [Freeware]
Analysis Tracewatch Stats Traffic Free Website Working Statistics Contact Support Project See Download Documentation Advanced Discussion Arash Introduction
16 CDRoller
CD media
CD media analysis tool and tester, complete analysis, diagnostic and test of file system and disk surface under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Dvd Recover Cd Cdroller Data Recovery Windows Download Bd Software Ray File Blu Usa_ Dvds Ram
CD media analysis tool and tester, complete analysis, diagnostic and test of file system and disk surface under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Dvd Recover Cd Cdroller Data Recovery Windows Download Bd Software Ray File Blu Usa_ Dvds Ram
17 Planease
Developed for
Developed for the commercial investment real estate professional, enables financial analysis of income producing properties and cost comparison analysis.
Development Analysis Unit Cash Representation Apartment Sales Video Tenant Subdivision Lease Property Land Consulting Partnership History Owner Sell
Developed for the commercial investment real estate professional, enables financial analysis of income producing properties and cost comparison analysis.
Development Analysis Unit Cash Representation Apartment Sales Video Tenant Subdivision Lease Property Land Consulting Partnership History Owner Sell
18 Humansystems Inc.
Specializes in
Specializes in Human Factors and Applied Ergonomics. A consultant company involved in web site analysis, HCI, task analysis and modeling. Located in Canada.
Human Factors User Control Services Simulation Design Emergency Analysis Operations Process Trials Needs Generation Defence Centred Humansystems Critical
Specializes in Human Factors and Applied Ergonomics. A consultant company involved in web site analysis, HCI, task analysis and modeling. Located in Canada.
Human Factors User Control Services Simulation Design Emergency Analysis Operations Process Trials Needs Generation Defence Centred Humansystems Critical
19 Tracking Users: What Marketers Really Want to Know
Comprehensive overview
Comprehensive overview of web traffic analysis techniques, from log file analysis to real-time feeds from packet sniffing monitors.
Conference Development Testing Summit Dobbs Programming Tools Dr Blogs Mobile Languages Web Cloud Parallel Design Java Jvm Google Gandi Investments Provability
Comprehensive overview of web traffic analysis techniques, from log file analysis to real-time feeds from packet sniffing monitors.
Conference Development Testing Summit Dobbs Programming Tools Dr Blogs Mobile Languages Web Cloud Parallel Design Java Jvm Google Gandi Investments Provability
20 OlapX Software
OLAP multidimensional
OLAP multidimensional database creation and browsing tool that enables the interactive analysis, reporting and presentation of Microsoft Analysis Services databases.
Æ’jÆ’iÆ’_’“ÂÂ݈õ‚Ì‹ÂÂÂÂl‚ð’t‚·Ã‚Ââ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡¨Ã… ©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ßÆ’tÆ’cÆ’g‚t‘i Æ’jÆ’iÆ’_‚ÅÂÂaÂÂe ’ñÅ’gÆ’tÆ’cÆ’g ÂÂâÆ’Å Æ’nƒ‹ÂÂ[Æ’gÆ’gÂÂ[Æ’wÆ’fƒ“ƒg‚Ì“]ÂÂeŽx‰‡‚ÌÂÂÚÂÂׂðÅ’©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡é ‹ÂÂÂÂl Æ’jÆ’iÆ’_‚ŶŠˆ‚·Ã¢â‚¬Å¡&ea
OLAP multidimensional database creation and browsing tool that enables the interactive analysis, reporting and presentation of Microsoft Analysis Services databases.
Æ’jÆ’iÆ’_’“ÂÂ݈õ‚Ì‹ÂÂÂÂl‚ð’t‚·Ã‚Ââ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡¨Ã… ©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ßÆ’tÆ’cÆ’g‚t‘i Æ’jÆ’iÆ’_‚ÅÂÂaÂÂe ’ñÅ’gÆ’tÆ’cÆ’g ÂÂâÆ’Å Æ’nƒ‹ÂÂ[Æ’gÆ’gÂÂ[Æ’wÆ’fƒ“ƒg‚Ì“]ÂÂeŽx‰‡‚ÌÂÂÚÂÂׂðÅ’©Ã¢â‚¬Å¡é ‹ÂÂÂÂl Æ’jÆ’iÆ’_‚ŶŠˆ‚·Ã¢â‚¬Å¡&ea
21 FuturePlus Systems
Sells bus
Sells bus analysis tools which include an electrical and mechanical connection from a computer bus to an Agilent logic analyzer which then allows state, timing, and performance analysis.
Information Features Ordering Summary Ddr Requirements System Library Assistance Dimm Support Characteristics Specifications Keysight Tektronix
Sells bus analysis tools which include an electrical and mechanical connection from a computer bus to an Agilent logic analyzer which then allows state, timing, and performance analysis.
Information Features Ordering Summary Ddr Requirements System Library Assistance Dimm Support Characteristics Specifications Keysight Tektronix
22 Atrenta, Inc.
The Spyglass
The Spyglass suite of tools uses predictive analysis technique that performs structural analysis on Verilog and VHDL RTL to detect design problems in SoCs and ASICs.
Atrenta White Sheets Papers Data Learn Power Support Lint Contact Spyglass News Policy Advanced Customer Click
The Spyglass suite of tools uses predictive analysis technique that performs structural analysis on Verilog and VHDL RTL to detect design problems in SoCs and ASICs.
Atrenta White Sheets Papers Data Learn Power Support Lint Contact Spyglass News Policy Advanced Customer Click
23 Madtek
Search engine
Search engine positioning analysis, traffic analysis, user interface design, and web development services. Located in Cary, North Carolina, United States.
Madtek Hosting Applications Solutions Joomla Secure Contact Open Hacked Support Restoration Website Monday Become Friday Matters Web
Search engine positioning analysis, traffic analysis, user interface design, and web development services. Located in Cary, North Carolina, United States.
Madtek Hosting Applications Solutions Joomla Secure Contact Open Hacked Support Restoration Website Monday Become Friday Matters Web
24 Automated Analysis of Natural Language Texts
Megaputer white
Megaputer white paper about popular text analysis methods and possible business opportunities. Part of documentation for TextAnalyst software.
Megaputer white paper about popular text analysis methods and possible business opportunities. Part of documentation for TextAnalyst software.
25 Enventive Engineering, Inc.
Software for
Software for the combination of preliminary design, mechanism motion simulation, travel and effort studies, critical parameter identification and analysis, optimization, and tolerance analysis.
Enventive Software Design Engineering Tolerance Mechanical Analysis Contact Purchase Products Why News Jobs Request Xlarge
Software for the combination of preliminary design, mechanism motion simulation, travel and effort studies, critical parameter identification and analysis, optimization, and tolerance analysis.
Enventive Software Design Engineering Tolerance Mechanical Analysis Contact Purchase Products Why News Jobs Request Xlarge
26 FindGraph
Data-analysis, and
Data-analysis, and graph plotting tool suitable for students and engineers. Regression analysis, neural network approximation. With graphics editor to easily add and move points.
Fitting Digitizing Software Curve Findgraph Regression Features Order Graph Graphing Program Analysis Lines Download Graphs Best Fit Non Linear Procrustes Quickly
Data-analysis, and graph plotting tool suitable for students and engineers. Regression analysis, neural network approximation. With graphics editor to easily add and move points.
Fitting Digitizing Software Curve Findgraph Regression Features Order Graph Graphing Program Analysis Lines Download Graphs Best Fit Non Linear Procrustes Quickly
27 ProClarity Inc.
Provides the
Provides the foundation for building a business analysis environment around Microsoft SQL Server with integrated Analysis Services and provides an open, flexible and extensible ActiveX/COM platform for the development of custom analytical applications.
Error Requesty
Provides the foundation for building a business analysis environment around Microsoft SQL Server with integrated Analysis Services and provides an open, flexible and extensible ActiveX/COM platform for the development of custom analytical applications.
Error Requesty
28 Web Traffic Analysis Could Save Your Site
Kevin Ferguson
Kevin Ferguson reports on the problems and importance of Web traffic-analysis tools in this article for Zdnet.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Kevin Ferguson reports on the problems and importance of Web traffic-analysis tools in this article for Zdnet.
Navigationshilfe Ty
29 The SOX Group
Provides Sarbanes
Provides Sarbanes Oxley compliance services, gap analysis, IT security, business and technical writing, and business analysis.
Documentation Technical Services Group Security Contact Policy Privacy Process Procedures Careers Legal Sox Policies Consultants Narrativesworkflows Standard Disaster
Provides Sarbanes Oxley compliance services, gap analysis, IT security, business and technical writing, and business analysis.
Documentation Technical Services Group Security Contact Policy Privacy Process Procedures Careers Legal Sox Policies Consultants Narrativesworkflows Standard Disaster
30 Sawtooth Software, Inc.
Provides software
Provides software for online surveys, conjoint analysis, and quantitative marketing research. Products include ACA, CBC, CVA, Ci3, and hierarchical Bayes analysis.
Software Sawtooth Conjoint Choice Events Maxdiff Survey Workshop News Analysis Market Technical Based Surveys Acbc Park Support Company Includes
Provides software for online surveys, conjoint analysis, and quantitative marketing research. Products include ACA, CBC, CVA, Ci3, and hierarchical Bayes analysis.
Software Sawtooth Conjoint Choice Events Maxdiff Survey Workshop News Analysis Market Technical Based Surveys Acbc Park Support Company Includes
31 Cantata++
Allows developers
Allows developers to efficiently perform unit and integration testing of C/C++ software. It has facilities for dynamic testing, coverage analysis and static analysis.
Allows developers to efficiently perform unit and integration testing of C/C++ software. It has facilities for dynamic testing, coverage analysis and static analysis.
32 Link Popularity Analysis
Provides analysis
Provides analysis of inbound links on Google and the links pagerank and anchor text.
Building Link Optimization Backlink Leave Seo Engine Under Filed Build How Authority Tonyh Strategies Sing Backlinks
Provides analysis of inbound links on Google and the links pagerank and anchor text.
Building Link Optimization Backlink Leave Seo Engine Under Filed Build How Authority Tonyh Strategies Sing Backlinks