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ExcelSavvy Review Experience Spreadsheet Excel

Software to discover spreadsheet errors, help with auditing and understand complex models.

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Reviews and Comments for ExcelSavvy

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16 WinCurveFit A scientific
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19 WinCurveFit A scientific
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21 Develops Excel
Develops Excel spreadsheet solutions, including an automated expense sheet manager, invoice sheet manager, and budget planner.
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29 Create/Format an Excel Workbook Using Visual J++ Automation Describes automating
Describes automating Excel 97 or later from a Visual J++ client. Project uses the Excel type library, and illustrates object oriented programming. (Microsoft)
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32 Create and Format an Excel Workbook Using Visual J++ Auto This article
This article describes Automating Excel 97 from a Visual J++ client using the Java programming language. The project uses the Excel 8.0 type library, and illustrates object oriented programming. (Microsoft)
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