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Wireless Business and Technology

Wireless Business and Review Experience Cloud Mobile

Wireless Business and Technology from Sys-Con. Everything you wanted to know about mobile and were afraid to ask.

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Reviews and Comments for Wireless Business and Technology

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Best entries for Cloud and Mobile

1 UniqMinds Provides mobile
Provides mobile messaging software products for mobile operators. UniqMinds PEAKm is a mobile services platform enabling Mobile Operators to connect, deploy and manage mobile messaging services efficiently.
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2 Mobile PDA Learn about
Learn about the new hardware for the mobile internet, the latest software for your palm, PDA or mobile, reviews & news
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3 A2Z Mobile Office Solutions Offers accessories
Offers accessories for the mobile person including a mobile laptop desk, batteries, chargers, cases and adapters.
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4 DreamSpring Mobile computing
Mobile computing software developer producing applications for EPOC and Symbian based mobile computers, PDAs, handhelds, mobile communicators and smart phones.
5 Group Mobile Provider of
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6 Mobile Automation A client/server
A client/server, mobile systems management solution which provides a central console for an administrator to distribute software, patches and upgrades and manage applications, assets and configurations on mobile PCs.
7 Mobile Automation A client/server
A client/server, mobile systems management solution which provides a central console for an administrator to distribute software, patches and upgrades and manage applications, assets and configurations on mobile PCs.
8 Roper Mobile Technology Roper Mobile
Roper Mobile was formed when JLT Mobile Computers and DAP Technologies merged. Roper Mobile is the leader in Rugged Fixed Mount PCs and their line card also includes Rugged Handled Computers.
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19 Mobile Automation 2000 Systems Management
Systems Management for mobile computing: centrally control software distribution, application management, & system configurations for all mobile systems, ie Laptops, Windows CE & Palm devices.
20 Progressive Intelligence Provides website
Provides website design and hosting. Located in White Cloud, Michigan.
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21 Cloud Connector Provides managed
Provides managed solutions combining firewall, VPN, traffic management, and intrusion detection.
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24 Cloud Cap Technology Provides hardware
Provides hardware and software solutions for embedded systems, focusing on the unmanned aerial vehicle marketplace. 
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25 Steel Cloud Develops turnkey
Develops turnkey server appliances for world-class software and technology companies and Managed Service Providers.
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26 Mobile Agents - Process migration technology and its implications Mobile agents
Mobile agents are agents that can physically travel across a network, and perform tasks on machines that provide agent hosting capability. In this paper, the technology behind mobile agents is examined, and an analysis of its uses and implications is offered.
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27 Amader Mobile Mobile portal
Mobile portal in Bangladesh which provides ringtones, wallpapers, games and SMS templates.
28 RannatWeb Mobile Portal Offers mobile
Offers mobile ringtones, themes, games, and software.
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29 Logix Mobile Offers SMS
Offers SMS gateway, server software for mobile and application for ERP and CRM.
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30 TJAT Mobile Instant Messaging WAP-based ICQ
WAP-based ICQ client that can be used from mobile phones.
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31 Mobileaware Ltd Provides mobile
Provides mobile solution and application for organizations to create mobile services.
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32 Beatware Mobile Designer SVG content
SVG content creation tool for mobile developers. [Commercial, Trial]
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More Wireless Business and Technology Infos

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