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Best entries for Maxmoncom and Instructions
1 SP Instructions
Windows. Instructions
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Windows. Instructions for the Do-it-yourself Offline HTML Validator using SP.
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2 5th Power Instructions
Step by
Step by step tutorials and resources for graphic design. Instructions and links.
Step by step tutorials and resources for graphic design. Instructions and links.
3 Vacation Auto-Reply (Unix)
Simple instructions
Simple instructions for one variant of the vacation(1) program on Unix. (This doesnt appear to be the most standard version, but the general instructions look relatively ok.)
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Simple instructions for one variant of the vacation(1) program on Unix. (This doesnt appear to be the most standard version, but the general instructions look relatively ok.)
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Simple example with instructions.
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Many descriptions.
Many descriptions. [MacHax Group]
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Many descriptions. [MacHax Group]
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Understandable instructions about how to setup natd under FreeBSD.
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Understandable instructions about how to setup natd under FreeBSD.
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Instructions and
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Instructions and RPMs.
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Comprehensive instructions
Comprehensive instructions for setting up the encryption software.
Comprehensive instructions for setting up the encryption software.
10 Red Hat Linux on a Dell Inspiron 3200
Installation and
Installation and configuration instructions.
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Installation and configuration instructions.
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11 Web Design in 15-Minutes
Brief web
Brief web authoring tutorial with links to more in-depth instructions.
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Brief web authoring tutorial with links to more in-depth instructions.
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12 Using the Recorder for Scripts
Joyce Evans
Joyce Evans instructions on recording actions and re-using them.
Z Request Y
Joyce Evans instructions on recording actions and re-using them.
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Assembly, BASIC
Assembly, BASIC, and ZShell games for the TI-86 along with instructions on their use.
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14 Red Hat Linux on a Dell Inspiron 3200
Installation and
Installation and configuration instructions.
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Installation and configuration instructions.
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16 VirusSpy.com
Instructions on
Instructions on what programs to download to remove viruses and spyware.
Instructions on what programs to download to remove viruses and spyware.
17 Dans MacQuarium
Includes building
Includes building instructions, photographs, and links.
Includes building instructions, photographs, and links.
18 Adas introduction to CGI
Clear and
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Clear and simple instructions on how to install a CGI script.
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A few free AutoCAD utilities for download, with instructions and a support forum.
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Instructions on using free applets in html pages.
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22 BlogFeed
Perl script
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Perl script for creating RSS feeds. Includes installation instructions.
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Open source
Open source text-based tar interface for Windows. Downlaod and instructions.
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Open source text-based tar interface for Windows. Downlaod and instructions.
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Collection of scanned packaging, instructions, media and more for Commodore 64 games.
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Provides desktop, laptop, and peripheral hack examples and instructions.
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Provides desktop, laptop, and peripheral hack examples and instructions.
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26 Perl5 for IRIX
Download locations
Download locations, description, notes, and installation instructions.
Download locations, description, notes, and installation instructions.
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Description of
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Description of Explore.zip, removal instructions, and links.
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Instructions and links to relevant tools.
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Instructions and links to relevant tools.
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30 Marvs Computer Tips & Tricks
Various helpful
Various helpful instructions, including registry hacks.
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Various helpful instructions, including registry hacks.
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31 WGDs Resources
Photo Impact
Photo Impact objects, presets and shapes that are available for download. With instructions on how to use them.
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Photo Impact objects, presets and shapes that are available for download. With instructions on how to use them.
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32 Nokia Animation Melodies
Ring tones
Ring tones from various anime, along with instructions on how to program phone.
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Ring tones from various anime, along with instructions on how to program phone.
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