Alternate Access
Experience Voice Servers
Provides e-business solutions for companies who value the telephone as their communication lifeline to customers.
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Voice Servers Telephony Call Telephones Click Ip Contact Management Pbx Centers Boards Interface Hosted Multiple Features Systems Alternate Tools Custom Speech Technology Telephony
Reviews and Comments for Alternate Access

Best entries for Voice and Servers
Game servers
Game servers with control panel, Webhosting and Voice servers.
Servers Hosting Dedicated Ventrilo Game Voice Teamspeak Server Minecraft Battlefield Host Contact Gameserverscom Clan Dayz Rustservers
Game servers with control panel, Webhosting and Voice servers.
Servers Hosting Dedicated Ventrilo Game Voice Teamspeak Server Minecraft Battlefield Host Contact Gameserverscom Clan Dayz Rustservers
2 Multi-Tech Systems
Voice and
Voice and data communication equipment manufacturer of global modems, remote access servers (RAS), VPN gateway routers/firewall, and Voice over IP (VoIP) products.
Multi Tech Modems Systems Communications Cellular Services Device Support Analog Mm Networking Installation Machine Modem Wireless Multitech
Voice and data communication equipment manufacturer of global modems, remote access servers (RAS), VPN gateway routers/firewall, and Voice over IP (VoIP) products.
Multi Tech Modems Systems Communications Cellular Services Device Support Analog Mm Networking Installation Machine Modem Wireless Multitech
3 Humanity-Oriented Technology Corp.
Manufacturer of
Manufacturer of voice-activated remote controls, voice-dialing hands free kits, voice-dialing carkits, voice-indexed phone book & auto dialer, PC voice commander, voice-operated wireless keyboard.
Hotech Corp Humanity Technology Orientedcopyright Z
Manufacturer of voice-activated remote controls, voice-dialing hands free kits, voice-dialing carkits, voice-indexed phone book & auto dialer, PC voice commander, voice-operated wireless keyboard.
Hotech Corp Humanity Technology Orientedcopyright Z
4 Computer Telephony via Voice Modems
Software solution
Software solution for handling incoming and outgoing voice phone calls based on AI voice processing feature. It can call customers and give them different personalized sets of voice information based on custom scripts.
Autosecretary Telephony Machine Computer Voice Phone Answering Calling Software Call Solutions Dtfm Dialing Modems Calls Abramov Subscribe Telephone
Software solution for handling incoming and outgoing voice phone calls based on AI voice processing feature. It can call customers and give them different personalized sets of voice information based on custom scripts.
Autosecretary Telephony Machine Computer Voice Phone Answering Calling Software Call Solutions Dtfm Dialing Modems Calls Abramov Subscribe Telephone
5 Better eSolution
Application service
Application service provider for Voice Over IP, Voice Conferencing and Voice Chat for Businesses, eLearning and Web Communities.
Angeles Web Linux Los Programmer Php Development Software Hosting Security Voice Design State Art Windows Optimization Engine Database Jsp
Application service provider for Voice Over IP, Voice Conferencing and Voice Chat for Businesses, eLearning and Web Communities.
Angeles Web Linux Los Programmer Php Development Software Hosting Security Voice Design State Art Windows Optimization Engine Database Jsp
6 Broca Networks
Develops custom
Develops custom voice applications and services to businesses globally with a specialty in voice authentication and voice portal hosting.
Æ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’cƒ‹‚ÅÆ’pÆ’aÆ’zƒ‹ƒtÆ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’cƒ‹ Æ’nÂÂ[Æ’hÆ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’cƒ‹ Æ’lÆ’cƒ‹‚Ì‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡á‚ê‚ð‚æ‚èÃ…Â y‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Þ‚½Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ß‚É’m‚Á‚Ä‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡½Ã¢â‚¬Å¡¢Ã†â€™vÆ’`’mŽ¯Ã†â€™Ã†â€™tÆ’gÆ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’
Develops custom voice applications and services to businesses globally with a specialty in voice authentication and voice portal hosting.
Æ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’cƒ‹‚ÅÆ’pÆ’aÆ’zƒ‹ƒtÆ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’cƒ‹ Æ’nÂÂ[Æ’hÆ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’cƒ‹ Æ’lÆ’cƒ‹‚Ì‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡á‚ê‚ð‚æ‚èÃ…Â y‚µÃ¢â‚¬Å¡Þ‚½Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ß‚É’m‚Á‚Ä‚¨Ã¢â‚¬Å¡«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡½Ã¢â‚¬Å¡¢Ã†â€™vÆ’`’mŽ¯Ã†â€™Ã†â€™tÆ’gÆ’wÆ’fƒ‹ƒlÆ’
7 Voice Recorders Pty. Ltd.
Australian dealers
Australian dealers for the Total Recall Voice recorder, a voice recording and logging solution for smaller capacity requirements.
Recorders Voice Recording Call Australia Price Voip Loggers Telephone List Contact Information Radio Recall Isdn Pdf
Australian dealers for the Total Recall Voice recorder, a voice recording and logging solution for smaller capacity requirements.
Recorders Voice Recording Call Australia Price Voip Loggers Telephone List Contact Information Radio Recall Isdn Pdf
8 Computer telephony voice cards
Intel Dialogic
Intel Dialogic voice cards, voice and fax cards by Rhetorex and Pika technologies, voice mail software and fax broadcasting software packages.
Djct Dialogic Used Dpci Digital Cards Analog Pci Voice Telephony Rhetorex Disi Tw Lsw Ls Accessories
Intel Dialogic voice cards, voice and fax cards by Rhetorex and Pika technologies, voice mail software and fax broadcasting software packages.
Djct Dialogic Used Dpci Digital Cards Analog Pci Voice Telephony Rhetorex Disi Tw Lsw Ls Accessories
9 Active Voice, LLC
Provides PC-based
Provides PC-based call processing systems, which integrate traditional office telephone systems with voice mail, automated attendant, and interactive voice response functions.
Unified Avst Uc Communications Business Interoperability Mobile Whitepaper Messaging Voice Resources Voicemail Callxpress Solutions Introducing Hands Free
Provides PC-based call processing systems, which integrate traditional office telephone systems with voice mail, automated attendant, and interactive voice response functions.
Unified Avst Uc Communications Business Interoperability Mobile Whitepaper Messaging Voice Resources Voicemail Callxpress Solutions Introducing Hands Free
10 Western NRG
Authorized manufacturer
Authorized manufacturer of Nortels Marathon product line, including routers, multiplexers, and terminal servers. Supports voice, fax, and legacy formats.
Voice Products Micro Mux Marathon Marathonstorecom Nortel Vu Routers Management Relay Clear Multiplexer Dsucsu Multiplexers Superior Industry Pro Transfer
Authorized manufacturer of Nortels Marathon product line, including routers, multiplexers, and terminal servers. Supports voice, fax, and legacy formats.
Voice Products Micro Mux Marathon Marathonstorecom Nortel Vu Routers Management Relay Clear Multiplexer Dsucsu Multiplexers Superior Industry Pro Transfer
11 Say-Now (Voice Recognition Software)
Software to
Software to allow you to command and control any Windows application. Create voice commands to make Windows programs do what you want them to do. Use your voice instead of the mouse.
Voice Control Command Dictation Computer Say Windows Sapi Now Interface Microsofts Through Speech Framework Application
Software to allow you to command and control any Windows application. Create voice commands to make Windows programs do what you want them to do. Use your voice instead of the mouse.
Voice Control Command Dictation Computer Say Windows Sapi Now Interface Microsofts Through Speech Framework Application
12 Complete Systems Design
Servicing Southern
Servicing Southern California and covering the entire IT Infrastructure, Internet and WAN connections, VPN & firewalls, Web Servers, SMTP, e-mail servers, file servers, database servers, switches, wiring, workstations & DRP.
Servers Planning Systems Server Complete Migration Design Solutions Windows Hardware Infrastructure Support Backup Tips Office Management Drp News Archive
Servicing Southern California and covering the entire IT Infrastructure, Internet and WAN connections, VPN & firewalls, Web Servers, SMTP, e-mail servers, file servers, database servers, switches, wiring, workstations & DRP.
Servers Planning Systems Server Complete Migration Design Solutions Windows Hardware Infrastructure Support Backup Tips Office Management Drp News Archive
13 Home Automated Living
Voice recognition
Voice recognition software for Windows 95/98 that supports HVAC, telephony, infrared, Internet, X-10, and security. Voice controlled digital home systems integration software, including HAL1000, HAL2000, HAL3000 and Virtual Voice Assistant.
Hal Software Voice Control Automated Recognition Store Automate Automation Living Halbasic Videos Downloads Company Board Message Center Dealers
Voice recognition software for Windows 95/98 that supports HVAC, telephony, infrared, Internet, X-10, and security. Voice controlled digital home systems integration software, including HAL1000, HAL2000, HAL3000 and Virtual Voice Assistant.
Hal Software Voice Control Automated Recognition Store Automate Automation Living Halbasic Videos Downloads Company Board Message Center Dealers
14 Home Automated Living
Voice recognition
Voice recognition software for Windows 95/98 that supports HVAC, telephony, infrared, Internet, X-10, and security. Voice controlled digital home systems integration software, including HAL1000, HAL2000, HAL3000 and Virtual Voice Assistant.
Hal Software Voice Automated Control Store Recognition Home Automation Automate Living Support Center Music Anywhere Voice Hpnp
Voice recognition software for Windows 95/98 that supports HVAC, telephony, infrared, Internet, X-10, and security. Voice controlled digital home systems integration software, including HAL1000, HAL2000, HAL3000 and Virtual Voice Assistant.
Hal Software Voice Automated Control Store Recognition Home Automation Automate Living Support Center Music Anywhere Voice Hpnp
15 eWings Multilingual Voice Portal Services Provider
Features voice
Features voice portal, unified messaging, call center, voice XML based services for customized talking Web-based information applications.
Mobile Technology Cloud Products Customer Company Contact Support Career Ivdr Data Voice Cloud雲æµÃ‚Âç§Ã¢â‚¬ËœæŠ€ Partners Focus Changed
Features voice portal, unified messaging, call center, voice XML based services for customized talking Web-based information applications.
Mobile Technology Cloud Products Customer Company Contact Support Career Ivdr Data Voice Cloud雲æµÃ‚Âç§Ã¢â‚¬ËœæŠ€ Partners Focus Changed
16 The Voice User Interface Company
Consultancy that
Consultancy that provides expertise in the design, development and evaluation of telephony based voice user interfaces. Specializes in the details of dialog design, grammar development, voice branding, dialog failure recognition strategies.
Voice User Speech Interface Company Development Recognition Dialog Research Technology Evaluation Services Design Telephony Applied Facing Contact Magazine
Consultancy that provides expertise in the design, development and evaluation of telephony based voice user interfaces. Specializes in the details of dialog design, grammar development, voice branding, dialog failure recognition strategies.
Voice User Speech Interface Company Development Recognition Dialog Research Technology Evaluation Services Design Telephony Applied Facing Contact Magazine
17 Active Voice Inc.
Inserts voice
Inserts voice mail, email and fax in your Lotus Notes mailbox.
Learn Avst Cx Business Communications Unified Mobile Voice Now User Speech Uc Cloud Register Attendant Assistant Government Hands Free Process Ny Public
Inserts voice mail, email and fax in your Lotus Notes mailbox.
Learn Avst Cx Business Communications Unified Mobile Voice Now User Speech Uc Cloud Register Attendant Assistant Government Hands Free Process Ny Public
18 Voice Automated
Reseller specialty
Reseller specialty medical vocabularies to be used with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and IBM Via Voice.
Dragon Medical Legal Naturallyspeaking Information Contact Voice Philips Automated | Policy Speechmikes Return Prices Account Checkout
Reseller specialty medical vocabularies to be used with Dragon NaturallySpeaking and IBM Via Voice.
Dragon Medical Legal Naturallyspeaking Information Contact Voice Philips Automated | Policy Speechmikes Return Prices Account Checkout
19 Voice Technologies
Provides Interactive
Provides Interactive Voice Response services, fax, and e-commerce solutions.
Provides Interactive Voice Response services, fax, and e-commerce solutions.
20 Fresh Air Studios
Specialises in
Specialises in recording voice prompts for IVR (Interactive Voice Response) TUI systems.
| Audio Fresh Production Services Studios Communicationscorporate Prompts Redirectingair Ivr Wwwfreshairstudioscouk Advertising
Specialises in recording voice prompts for IVR (Interactive Voice Response) TUI systems.
| Audio Fresh Production Services Studios Communicationscorporate Prompts Redirectingair Ivr Wwwfreshairstudioscouk Advertising
21 Voice Products Solutions
Providers of
Providers of Digital Dictation, Voice Logging and Document management.
Video Firstline Document Interview Dictation Speech Transcription Recognition Communication Recording Management Room Since Blog Products Then
Providers of Digital Dictation, Voice Logging and Document management.
Video Firstline Document Interview Dictation Speech Transcription Recognition Communication Recording Management Room Since Blog Products Then
22 World Voice Cafe
Offers free
Offers free voice chat with text and sound communications available.
Videos Worldvoicecafecom Music Bookmarks World Members Playlists Users Login Most Viewed Action Advertisement Animation Photos Indian Rover Added
Offers free voice chat with text and sound communications available.
Videos Worldvoicecafecom Music Bookmarks World Members Playlists Users Login Most Viewed Action Advertisement Animation Photos Indian Rover Added
23 Disenter
List of
List of public news servers. Search for servers carrying particular newsgroups. Provides some statistics on listed servers.
News Servers Free Usenet Server Newsgroups Stuttgartde Public Open Csnewscsnctuedutw Avg Hdrs Readmaxwellsyredu Newsparrot Post Speed Newsfeedx Privatorg
List of public news servers. Search for servers carrying particular newsgroups. Provides some statistics on listed servers.
News Servers Free Usenet Server Newsgroups Stuttgartde Public Open Csnewscsnctuedutw Avg Hdrs Readmaxwellsyredu Newsparrot Post Speed Newsfeedx Privatorg
24 NetworkClue - DNS & DNS Servers
An overview
An overview on how DNS works and tutorials for installing and configuring DNS servers on Linux and Microsoft Servers.
An overview on how DNS works and tutorials for installing and configuring DNS servers on Linux and Microsoft Servers.
25 Sytec-USA, Inc.
A miami
A miami based company installating and setting up complete data and telephony networks. With services ranging from voice-mail to multi-line telephony and data servers.
Cabling Phone Systems Business Florida Avaya Miami System Network Fiber Office Ip Pbx Optic Structured Data Wireless
A miami based company installating and setting up complete data and telephony networks. With services ranging from voice-mail to multi-line telephony and data servers.
Cabling Phone Systems Business Florida Avaya Miami System Network Fiber Office Ip Pbx Optic Structured Data Wireless
26 Warehouse Management Voice Technology Solutions
BCPs Accord
BCPs Accord warehouse management system uses speech technology to provide voice directed picking, goods receiving, pallet movements, and stock checking. Fully integrated voice software enables real-time interaction with the system.
Voice Wms Picking Software Food Warehouse Solutions Wholesale Retail Management Accord Drink Distribution Stories Order Questions
BCPs Accord warehouse management system uses speech technology to provide voice directed picking, goods receiving, pallet movements, and stock checking. Fully integrated voice software enables real-time interaction with the system.
Voice Wms Picking Software Food Warehouse Solutions Wholesale Retail Management Accord Drink Distribution Stories Order Questions
27 OnNet Web Hosting
Offers true
Offers true virtual servers, dedicated servers, web control panel, and reseller plans. Servers are hosted on redundant OC-12 connections.
Hosting Dedicated Servers Reseller Free Domain Bandwidth Domains Vps Unmetered Now Linux Unlimited Order
Offers true virtual servers, dedicated servers, web control panel, and reseller plans. Servers are hosted on redundant OC-12 connections.
Hosting Dedicated Servers Reseller Free Domain Bandwidth Domains Vps Unmetered Now Linux Unlimited Order
28 VoiceGuide
Software for
Software for creation of Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Voicemail and Autodialer systems for use with voice modems or Dialogic cards.
Ivr Voiceguide Forum Evaluation Support Outbound Solutions Dialer Systems Software Free Download Scripts Screenshots Hardware Voip Queueing Deployment Easilyno
Software for creation of Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Voicemail and Autodialer systems for use with voice modems or Dialogic cards.
Ivr Voiceguide Forum Evaluation Support Outbound Solutions Dialer Systems Software Free Download Scripts Screenshots Hardware Voip Queueing Deployment Easilyno
29 Voice Systems Research, Inc.
Provides unified
Provides unified messaging, voice mail, advanced call routing, and IP-based telephony solutions.
Provides unified messaging, voice mail, advanced call routing, and IP-based telephony solutions.
30 Pulse Teleservice Inc.
Provider of
Provider of managed telephony solutions, such as interactive voice response (IVR) and other voice-based telecom products.
‹âÂÂÀÆ’jƒ‰ÂÂ[‚ÌËœr’e–Ñ‚Ì•]‰¿Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÍÂÂh ’e–ÑÆ’gÆ’xÆ’eÆ’tƒƒ“‚ÌÅ’ûÆ’rÆ’~‚ÍÂÂmâ€â€p‚Å‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡éÂÂh Æ’tÆ’cÆ’gÆ’}Æ’bÆ’v Æ’gÆ’xÆ’eÆ’eÆ’bÆ’bÆ’ntbc‚ÌÅ’ûÆ’rÆ’~ÂÂ`’e–ÑÅ’ø‰Ê•ÒÂÂ` Æ’rÂÂ[Æ’gÆ’xÆ’rÂÂ[Æ’g‚ªÃ…’&u
Provider of managed telephony solutions, such as interactive voice response (IVR) and other voice-based telecom products.
‹âÂÂÀÆ’jƒ‰ÂÂ[‚ÌËœr’e–Ñ‚Ì•]‰¿Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÍÂÂh ’e–ÑÆ’gÆ’xÆ’eÆ’tƒƒ“‚ÌÅ’ûÆ’rÆ’~‚ÍÂÂmâ€â€p‚Å‚«Ã¢â‚¬Å¡éÂÂh Æ’tÆ’cÆ’gÆ’}Æ’bÆ’v Æ’gÆ’xÆ’eÆ’eÆ’bÆ’bÆ’ntbc‚ÌÅ’ûÆ’rÆ’~ÂÂ`’e–ÑÅ’ø‰Ê•ÒÂÂ` Æ’rÂÂ[Æ’gÆ’xÆ’rÂÂ[Æ’g‚ªÃ…’&u
31 InnoMedia
Voice gateway
Voice gateway products, including InfoTalk voice over IP appliance. Includes InnoSphere global network based on these gateways.
Solutions Press Esbc Business Contact Management Customer Center Sales Testimonials Sip Bbua Documentation Pri Support Lines Innomedia Offices Element Enterprise
Voice gateway products, including InfoTalk voice over IP appliance. Includes InnoSphere global network based on these gateways.
Solutions Press Esbc Business Contact Management Customer Center Sales Testimonials Sip Bbua Documentation Pri Support Lines Innomedia Offices Element Enterprise
32 Clear Voice Solutions, Inc
Professional voice
Professional voice prompts for IVR, auto attendant or on-hold applications. Wide variety of languages and media formats.
Voice Talent Solutions Clear Services Prompts Professional Hold Contact Customer Welcome Reserveddesign Website
Professional voice prompts for IVR, auto attendant or on-hold applications. Wide variety of languages and media formats.
Voice Talent Solutions Clear Services Prompts Professional Hold Contact Customer Welcome Reserveddesign Website