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Blended Technologies

Blended Technologies Review Experience Arduino Python

Programming weblog for a small, newly formed, and curious company, covers mostly Python.

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Best entries for Arduino and Python

1 Python: Yes, You Should Be Using It! Alex Martelli
Alex Martelli gives an overview of the possibilities offered by Python, along with samples allowing the newcomer to experience Python code. [Free registration required to view this article.]
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11 Python Persistence Management Using serialization
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12 Python Squeezes the Web A practical
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13 XML-RPC for Python An XML-RPC
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15 Orbtech They offer
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16 Writing CGI Programs in Python Introduces using
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20 Five Minutes to a Python CGI By David
By David Mertz. Brief introduction to writing CGI programs, Python CGI module, formatting output, error logging/debugging.
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22 Python Does Scripts and Objects Jeffrey P.
Jeffrey P. Shell (Byte Magazine) describes how Python 'can handle simple scripting jobs or build large OOP libraries.'
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23 A Conversation with Guido van Rossum Python creator
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30 Inside JPython and Python for .NET David Mertz
David Mertz interviews Mark Hammond, Finn Bock, and Barry Warsaw, the developers of JPython and Python for .NET.
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32 A hosting
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