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A Fresh Look at Efficient

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The Award winning paper presented by Larry Rosler and Uri Guttman at the 1999 Perl Conference.

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More A Fresh Look at Efficient Perl Sorting Infos

onlogn index later that every benchmarka creating practice abstract pike nrecords control tmtowtdi reverse finally each larry unixposix rosler caching trivial a ofn onoverhead internal functions note sortrecords note town first thesimple two ologn onlogncomparisons such_subkeys_ randal oreilly cookbook_ fourier johnporter after however list onlognwe insome either naive another sortmaker default these then orcish insensitive packed on even explicit appendix schwartzian key$_ sorting this perl here key$b benchmark transform number key$a efficient packing several what more cpan benchmarks next retrieval o using guttman wesley addison programming when preferred on advanced look fresh some perls maneuver internet better multi nevertheless key thisobservation techniques computing fixed about on standard simple maneuveror onbehavior everything ever different ansiiso palo varying inthis a_lgorithms indexed useful alternatively calls earlier youve standardsinstitute field total severalindividual acknowledgments references null orcishmaneuver rutka todo conclusions wanted computable external findit library michal part similarly their multiple onn perloperations computer torkington alto recipe packard hewlett within st readable algorithm sortkeys consider schwartz extracting uri just a nlogn thus laboratories links fancy sorting_ joseph astable soinstead separate complex sortings terminate cached sort calr@hplhpcom american anon instead hall sortrecords fielded than programming_ performance national laplacetransforms furthermore

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