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Reviews and Comments for Object Module

Best entries for Module and Services
1 B2Services
Modules and
Modules and services for OSCommerce including: Affiliate-Module, Supplement-Module, Discount-Module, Login-Module.
Modules and services for OSCommerce including: Affiliate-Module, Supplement-Module, Discount-Module, Login-Module.
A 100%
A 100% Perl module which generates a nested data structure containing the DOM representation of an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image. Also tutorials and documentation for the SVG module, test module demos, and explore the use of SVG within the TCDS framework for multi-browser interactive games.
Superfoods Under Appreciated Roasp Juice Sesame Ricotta Blueberries Wikipedia ==gt Avocado Here Wwwhandyvergleichmobilink
A 100% Perl module which generates a nested data structure containing the DOM representation of an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image. Also tutorials and documentation for the SVG module, test module demos, and explore the use of SVG within the TCDS framework for multi-browser interactive games.
Superfoods Under Appreciated Roasp Juice Sesame Ricotta Blueberries Wikipedia ==gt Avocado Here Wwwhandyvergleichmobilink
3 Mod_Corba
A plug-in
A plug-in module for the Apache web server, it exposes the Apache 'module' API via CORBA. With this, any object in any language on any system can be used as a plugin module for an Apache web server, without recompiling or restarting the server.
Apache Mod_corba Orbit Corba Features * Since Handler Orb Supported Requirements Apihere [home] Per
A plug-in module for the Apache web server, it exposes the Apache 'module' API via CORBA. With this, any object in any language on any system can be used as a plugin module for an Apache web server, without recompiling or restarting the server.
Apache Mod_corba Orbit Corba Features * Since Handler Orb Supported Requirements Apihere [home] Per
4 CSV module for Python
Module for
Module for fast reading of CVS files. [Open Source, BSD-like]
Python News Module Development Download Support Documentation Contact Code Summary Introduction Installation Object Note Refactoring Rsums
Module for fast reading of CVS files. [Open Source, BSD-like]
Python News Module Development Download Support Documentation Contact Code Summary Introduction Installation Object Note Refactoring Rsums
5 The form module
An (incompatible)
An (incompatible) alternative to the CGI module from the standard Python distribution. [Open Source, GPL]
Module Docs Software Formpy Doxdeskcom Anddoxdeskcom Downloadlicencenew Bsd Versions Released Denial Version Apache
An (incompatible) alternative to the CGI module from the standard Python distribution. [Open Source, GPL]
Module Docs Software Formpy Doxdeskcom Anddoxdeskcom Downloadlicencenew Bsd Versions Released Denial Version Apache
6 Kitstream - MP3 Jukebox Module
Pre-assembled electronic
Pre-assembled electronic module that plays MP3 files from a hard drive.
Fips Rhelmod_auth_passthroughindex Port Frontpage Opensslebin Cgi Apache Serverat
Pre-assembled electronic module that plays MP3 files from a hard drive.
Fips Rhelmod_auth_passthroughindex Port Frontpage Opensslebin Cgi Apache Serverat
7 Perl Module Mechanics
How to
How to build a perl module, how to document a perl module, how to document a perl program. Also PerlMonth articles, Perl modules. By Steven McDougall.
Parent Directory Idiomhtml ~swmcdstevenperl Prnextgif Objectshtml Lib Linguisticshtml Module_anatomyhtml Cwprlogogif Module_mechanicshtml Program_anatomyhtml Module_podhtml
How to build a perl module, how to document a perl module, how to document a perl program. Also PerlMonth articles, Perl modules. By Steven McDougall.
Parent Directory Idiomhtml ~swmcdstevenperl Prnextgif Objectshtml Lib Linguisticshtml Module_anatomyhtml Cwprlogogif Module_mechanicshtml Program_anatomyhtml Module_podhtml
8 Start My Store
Customizable storefront
Customizable storefront builder with customer relationship module and advertising management module.
Internet Startmystorecom Consulting Easily Today Marketing Store Strategy Create Copyrightstrategic Reservedstartmystorecom Rights Firm
Customizable storefront builder with customer relationship module and advertising management module.
Internet Startmystorecom Consulting Easily Today Marketing Store Strategy Create Copyrightstrategic Reservedstartmystorecom Rights Firm
9 mod_taxonomy
The taxonomy
The taxonomy module is a RSS 1.0 module and a RDF application enabling the identification of topics covered by a RSS channel or item.
Yahoo Help Groups Group Sharing Lists Forum File Photo Community Attachments Please Free Mailing Polls Email Onlineservices Terms Homes
The taxonomy module is a RSS 1.0 module and a RDF application enabling the identification of topics covered by a RSS channel or item.
Yahoo Help Groups Group Sharing Lists Forum File Photo Community Attachments Please Free Mailing Polls Email Onlineservices Terms Homes
10 Kodak Photo CD Acquire Module
An import
An import module that allows you to read images in PhotoCD format, not necessary anymore for Photoshop 5 and 6 users.
Kodakphoto Cd Acquiremodule
An import module that allows you to read images in PhotoCD format, not necessary anymore for Photoshop 5 and 6 users.
Kodakphoto Cd Acquiremodule
11 CherryTemplate
An easy
An easy and powerful templating module for Python. It used to be part of CherryPy but is now released as a separate/standalone module. [Open Source, BSD]
An easy and powerful templating module for Python. It used to be part of CherryPy but is now released as a separate/standalone module. [Open Source, BSD]
12 mod_owa: Apache PL/SQL Gateway Module
Open source
Open source Apache module allowing PL/SQL to generate dynamic web pages.
Open source Apache module allowing PL/SQL to generate dynamic web pages.
13 Media RSS Module
An RSS module that supplements the element capabilities of RSS 2.0 to allow for more robust media syndication.
An RSS module that supplements the
14 Python Database Row Module
This Python
This Python 2.2 module defines light-weight objects which allow very flexible access to a fixed number of positional and named attributes via several interfaces. [Open Source, BSD-like]
Python Postgresql Opal Open Css Group Sourcetm Source Db Api Projects * Formatted Version English Database Spark Spanish
This Python 2.2 module defines light-weight objects which allow very flexible access to a fixed number of positional and named attributes via several interfaces. [Open Source, BSD-like]
Python Postgresql Opal Open Css Group Sourcetm Source Db Api Projects * Formatted Version English Database Spark Spanish
15 Proxy RSS Module
An RSS module that adds a capability of syndicating proxy lists in RSS 2.0 feeds.
Proxy Help Rss Elements Proxylists Specification Contact Best Change Namespace Primary Optional Secure Description Navigation Anonymous | Log
An RSS module that adds a capability of syndicating proxy lists in RSS 2.0 feeds.
Proxy Help Rss Elements Proxylists Specification Contact Best Change Namespace Primary Optional Secure Description Navigation Anonymous | Log
16 mod_Wiki
RSS 1.0
RSS 1.0 Wiki Module is an extension module for RSS to describe metadata particular to wiki applications.
Modwiki Recentchanges Interwiki Core] Earlemartin Indices Random Chrispurcell Page Unifiedrecentchanges Discussion Request Wiki [dublin Wikiuserstory Categoryrecentchanges
RSS 1.0 Wiki Module is an extension module for RSS to describe metadata particular to wiki applications.
Modwiki Recentchanges Interwiki Core] Earlemartin Indices Random Chrispurcell Page Unifiedrecentchanges Discussion Request Wiki [dublin Wikiuserstory Categoryrecentchanges
17 RMS: Roxen Module Source
The place
The place to go when you need a Roxen module of any kind. Features discussion, information, and resources for Roxen users.
Web Commerce Internet Roxen Riverweb Business Pike Hosting Design Central Caudium Challenger Posted Solutions Small Pennsylvania Available Hubbes Packages
The place to go when you need a Roxen module of any kind. Features discussion, information, and resources for Roxen users.
Web Commerce Internet Roxen Riverweb Business Pike Hosting Design Central Caudium Challenger Posted Solutions Small Pennsylvania Available Hubbes Packages
18 Using the Ruby MySQL Module
Article describes
Article describes how to install the Tomita Masahiros MySQL module and use it to write MySQL-based Ruby scripts. By Paul DuBois.
Mysql Ruby Result Statements Null Module Processing Return Mysqlerror Values Statement Based Metadata Api Methods
Article describes how to install the Tomita Masahiros MySQL module and use it to write MySQL-based Ruby scripts. By Paul DuBois.
Mysql Ruby Result Statements Null Module Processing Return Mysqlerror Values Statement Based Metadata Api Methods
19 mod_annotation
An RSS1.0
An RSS1.0 module, that provides support for resources that annotate, follow-up to, or reference other resources. Examples would include annotation system such as crit, Usenet, and most web-based discussion groups. The module can be used in combination with other modules (e.g. Dublin Core) to provide additional information about resources.
Yahoo Groups Help Group Lists Sharing Community File Photo Please Free Attachments Forum Mailing Travel Join Movies
An RSS1.0 module, that provides support for resources that annotate, follow-up to, or reference other resources. Examples would include annotation system such as crit, Usenet, and most web-based discussion groups. The module can be used in combination with other modules (e.g. Dublin Core) to provide additional information about resources.
Yahoo Groups Help Group Lists Sharing Community File Photo Please Free Attachments Forum Mailing Travel Join Movies
20 Using MySQL with Ruby
By Paul
By Paul DuBois. Two parts: Using the Ruby MySQL Module, Using the Ruby DBI Module. HTML, PDF, online, downloads (tar, zip). [Kitebird.com]
Mysql Html Article File Pdf Ruby Writing Example Zip Tar Compressed Jdbc Access Java Python
By Paul DuBois. Two parts: Using the Ruby MySQL Module, Using the Ruby DBI Module. HTML, PDF, online, downloads (tar, zip). [Kitebird.com]
Mysql Html Article File Pdf Ruby Writing Example Zip Tar Compressed Jdbc Access Java Python
A Python
A Python DB-API 2 module for accessing Windows databases like SQL Server, Access, Visual FoxPro or any other database for which there exists a Windows ODBC driver. This module uses the efficient Open Database Transport Protocol. [Open Source, LGPL]
Serverpermanently The Port Apache
A Python DB-API 2 module for accessing Windows databases like SQL Server, Access, Visual FoxPro or any other database for which there exists a Windows ODBC driver. This module uses the efficient Open Database Transport Protocol. [Open Source, LGPL]
Serverpermanently The Port Apache
22 pnConcept
Developers of
Developers of several points-based modules including a module that allows users to gain points for being active on the site through posts and articles (pncUserPoints), site members can apply to a different group (pncGroups) and a statistics module for member points (pncSimpleStats) [Open Source, GPL].
Navigationshilfe Ty
Developers of several points-based modules including a module that allows users to gain points for being active on the site through posts and articles (pncUserPoints), site members can apply to a different group (pncGroups) and a statistics module for member points (pncSimpleStats) [Open Source, GPL].
Navigationshilfe Ty
23 Perl/Tk Tutorial - Create GUI with Perls Tk Module
A tutorial
A tutorial for Perl/Tk language. Teaches how to create and code GUI (Graphical User Interface) programs using Perl and using the Tk module.
Perl Tutorial Perltk Create Perls Tcltk Module Scripts Bin Php Javascript Others Programs Windows Disqus Co Bundlecpan Html
A tutorial for Perl/Tk language. Teaches how to create and code GUI (Graphical User Interface) programs using Perl and using the Tk module.
Perl Tutorial Perltk Create Perls Tcltk Module Scripts Bin Php Javascript Others Programs Windows Disqus Co Bundlecpan Html
24 mod_servicestatus
This module
This module extends RSS to include elements which allow the description of the status and current availability of services and servers. (on a temporary non-Purl URL at the moment)
Yahoo Groups Help Group Sharing Lists Free Community Forum Please Attachments File Photo Mailing Celebrity
This module extends RSS to include elements which allow the description of the status and current availability of services and servers. (on a temporary non-Purl URL at the moment)
Yahoo Groups Help Group Sharing Lists Free Community Forum Please Attachments File Photo Mailing Celebrity
25 DNS Resolver Module SWI interface
For the
For the ANT Resolver module [ANT].
Resolver Support Security Risc Wildlife Internet Acorn Privacy Module Blog Vigaycom Computing Ant Dns Software Net Bsd Bandit Bbc Wimp
For the ANT Resolver module [ANT].
Resolver Support Security Risc Wildlife Internet Acorn Privacy Module Blog Vigaycom Computing Ant Dns Software Net Bsd Bandit Bbc Wimp
26 Mod_DCTerms
This module
This module is designed to allow Qualified Dublin Core metadata to be used in addition to the Dublin Core metadata that the RSS 1.0 Dublin Core module permits.
Yahoo Help Groups Sharing Group Lists Forum Mailing File Free Photo Community Please Attachments Egroups Celebrity
This module is designed to allow Qualified Dublin Core metadata to be used in addition to the Dublin Core metadata that the RSS 1.0 Dublin Core module permits.
Yahoo Help Groups Sharing Group Lists Forum Mailing File Free Photo Community Please Attachments Egroups Celebrity
27 Vicomsoft Ltd
InterGate software
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Spam Learn Filter Archiving Filtering Vicomsoft Trial Protection Blocker Premise Blocking
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Spam Learn Filter Archiving Filtering Vicomsoft Trial Protection Blocker Premise Blocking
28 Vicomsoft Ltd
InterGate software
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Learn Spam Archiving Filtering Filter Trial Protection Vicomsoft Blocker Premise
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Learn Spam Archiving Filtering Filter Trial Protection Vicomsoft Blocker Premise
29 Vicomsoft Ltd
InterGate software
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Spam Learn Filtering Archiving Filter Vicomsoft Trial Protection Premise Blocker Application Cloud
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Spam Learn Filtering Archiving Filter Vicomsoft Trial Protection Premise Blocker Application Cloud
30 Vicomsoft Ltd
InterGate software
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Learn Spam Archiving Filtering Filter Protection Vicomsoft Trial Premise Blocker
InterGate software offers web caching, stateful inspection firewall, content filtering and network management services. Anti spam module also available. [Mac OS, Windows]
Email Intergate Security Web Free Learn Spam Archiving Filtering Filter Protection Vicomsoft Trial Premise Blocker
31 Just For You Software
Details regarding
Details regarding BizMan product and custom module development services. Also provides software testimonials and company press releases.
Software Management Business Accounting Custom Development Bizman Integrated Services Contact Sydney Manager Totally Festival Pose Logger Line
Details regarding BizMan product and custom module development services. Also provides software testimonials and company press releases.
Software Management Business Accounting Custom Development Bizman Integrated Services Contact Sydney Manager Totally Festival Pose Logger Line
32 DynaWerx
Offers commercial
Offers commercial PostNuke installation, module consulting, Xanthia theme design services and web hosting packages [Commercial].
Life Foods Business Investment Types Negative Calorie Skinny Abundance Weight Full Feel Happiness Lose Should Andoftentimes Makeit Althoughresearching
Offers commercial PostNuke installation, module consulting, Xanthia theme design services and web hosting packages [Commercial].
Life Foods Business Investment Types Negative Calorie Skinny Abundance Weight Full Feel Happiness Lose Should Andoftentimes Makeit Althoughresearching