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Warning! Threading in a Multiprocessor

Warning! Threading in Review Experience Java Idg

Many authors advocate the double-checked locking idiom to access a Singleton object in an intuitively thread-safe way. Unfortunately, for counterintuitive reasons, double-checked locking doesnt work in Java.

Many authors myself included at one point advocate the double checked locking idiom to access a Singleton object in an intuitively thread safe way Unfortunately for counterintuitive reasons double checked locking doesn039t work Double checked locking in fact is characteristic of a whole slew of so called tricks that purport to eliminate synchronization overhead They seem to work on an intuitive level but they don039t work at all in practice The situation is made even worse in multiprocessor environments since a trick that indeed works on a single processor box oftentimes won039t work correctly on a multiprocessor box This article explains why Warning it039s assumed that you know how synchronized works 2000 words

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