Ratcliff, James (Falazar)
Experience Pages News
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Illuminati resources. OpenGL, Perl, PHP, Javascript scripts and tutorials, VRML.Homepages containing Artificial Intelligence programming Illuminati and perl cgi scripts javascripts vrml and many other things

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Reviews and Comments for Ratcliff, James (Falazar)

Best entries for Pages and News
1 Webcrawler.com
Web search
Web search including images, audio, video, and news. White pages, and yellow pages.
Web search including images, audio, video, and news. White pages, and yellow pages.
2 Java Skyline: News
News and
News and links to news sources on software design, the Java programming language, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JavaServer Pages (JSP), Web services, small devices, XML, SemanticWeb, and applications.
News and links to news sources on software design, the Java programming language, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JavaServer Pages (JSP), Web services, small devices, XML, SemanticWeb, and applications.
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Directory of feeds also allows for personalized news pages.
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Metasearch engine
Metasearch engine offering search of the general web, or images, audio, video and news. Also offers search of Yellow Pages and White Pages.
Metasearch engine offering search of the general web, or images, audio, video and news. Also offers search of Yellow Pages and White Pages.
7 Delphi Pages
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Metasearch tool for finding web pages, news, pictures or MP3s.
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Downloads, scripts, forums and news on the topic of designing web pages that look the same on ever computer.
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Linux desktop
Linux desktop and server OS software. Product, company, downloads, news and support pages.
Linux desktop and server OS software. Product, company, downloads, news and support pages.
11 Xandros
Linux desktop
Linux desktop and server OS software. Product, company, downloads, news and support pages.
Linux desktop and server OS software. Product, company, downloads, news and support pages.
12 News Watch
Monitors web
Monitors web pages for changes with designated search phrases at regular intervals and notifies when there is a match.
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Monitors web pages for changes with designated search phrases at regular intervals and notifies when there is a match.
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13 SignPoster
Creates meta-tags
Creates meta-tags for your pages, analyzes your pages, generates SignPosts (doorway/gateway pages) to your site, uploads these SignPosts to your Web server, and submits them to search engines. [Win95/98/NT]
Creates meta-tags for your pages, analyzes your pages, generates SignPosts (doorway/gateway pages) to your site, uploads these SignPosts to your Web server, and submits them to search engines. [Win95/98/NT]
14 SignPoster
Creates meta-tags
Creates meta-tags for your pages, analyzes your pages, generates SignPosts (doorway/gateway pages) to your site, uploads these SignPosts to your Web server, and submits them to search engines. [Win95/98/NT]
Creates meta-tags for your pages, analyzes your pages, generates SignPosts (doorway/gateway pages) to your site, uploads these SignPosts to your Web server, and submits them to search engines. [Win95/98/NT]
15 Global IRC-d
IRC server
IRC server for MacOS. Compatible with most clients on all platforms. News, shareware download, FAQ and help pages, mailing list.
IRC server for MacOS. Compatible with most clients on all platforms. News, shareware download, FAQ and help pages, mailing list.
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18 Black Cat Systems MacLinks
A directory
A directory of important Macintosh links - news sites, and software update pages.
A directory of important Macintosh links - news sites, and software update pages.
19 EpgSoft: LiveFX
Java-based web
Java-based web animation editor. Offers free trial version, sample pages, news.
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Java-based web animation editor. Offers free trial version, sample pages, news.
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20 GF-admin
A simple
A simple content management system. Support for news, pages, sections, comments and multiple site styles.
Port Permanently The Server Apachez
A simple content management system. Support for news, pages, sections, comments and multiple site styles.
Port Permanently The Server Apachez
21 Vintage Gaming Network
Site contains
Site contains up to the minute emulations news with links to the latest emulators and home pages. As well as information about the emulation scene.
Emulator Mame News Amiga Mameui Windows Written Posted Filed Emulation Mess Rest Winuae Raine Entry Network
Site contains up to the minute emulations news with links to the latest emulators and home pages. As well as information about the emulation scene.
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22 Community Connect Inc.
Provides free
Provides free personal pages, email, forums, news, chat, instant messaging, games, promotions and online events. [Uses Flash]
Interactive Radio African President Vice Digital Officer American Chief Liggins Hispanic Urban One’s Studios Video Americans Google Banner Affluent
Provides free personal pages, email, forums, news, chat, instant messaging, games, promotions and online events. [Uses Flash]
Interactive Radio African President Vice Digital Officer American Chief Liggins Hispanic Urban One’s Studios Video Americans Google Banner Affluent
23 Probabilistic Combination of Content and Links
It introduces
It introduces a probabilistic model that integrates link topology (used to identify important pages), anchor text (used to augment the text of cited pages), and activation (spread to linked pages). Experiments are on MSN Directory. [PDF format]
Page Missingspelling Report Verify Microsoft Share Checktroubleshooting Tips * Punctuation Translator
It introduces a probabilistic model that integrates link topology (used to identify important pages), anchor text (used to augment the text of cited pages), and activation (spread to linked pages). Experiments are on MSN Directory. [PDF format]
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RSS2Exchange allows
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RSS2Exchange allows you to publish your very own industry specific news pages directly into MS Exchange Public Folders.
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25 Maufait
Cellular phone
Cellular phone application that offers information such as search yellow pages, check weather, stock quotes, news, and movie show times.
Cellular phone application that offers information such as search yellow pages, check weather, stock quotes, news, and movie show times.
26 Evermap
Provide AutoSplit
Provide AutoSplit plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, used for document splitting and page extraction. Includes news, downloads, support pages, and company profile.
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Provide AutoSplit plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, used for document splitting and page extraction. Includes news, downloads, support pages, and company profile.
Pdf Split Software Adobe Mail Acrobat Edit Documents Acrobatr Llc Company Evermap Create Adober Solutions Mass Secure End User
27 Yahoo! News
Breaking news
Breaking news, local news, current events, the latest headlines, news photos, analysis & opinion, and top stories in a wide variety of categories.
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Breaking news, local news, current events, the latest headlines, news photos, analysis & opinion, and top stories in a wide variety of categories.
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28 MSD2D.com
Explore over
Explore over 10,000 pages of tips, discussions, product listings, links, news, comics, and cool products by visiting the MSD2D.com site.
Error Currently Request Sorryz
Explore over 10,000 pages of tips, discussions, product listings, links, news, comics, and cool products by visiting the MSD2D.com site.
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29 Active Server Pages and ASP.NET Training
Courses on
Courses on Active Server Pages (ASP) and Active Server Pages+ (ASP+) in San Francisco, Seattle and San Jose, taught by best-selling author Stephen Walther.
Courses on Active Server Pages (ASP) and Active Server Pages+ (ASP+) in San Francisco, Seattle and San Jose, taught by best-selling author Stephen Walther.
30 Objects Search
An uncluttered
An uncluttered interface offers options to search the web, news and blogs, includes cached pages and anchors, which are titles and descriptions from the Open Directory.
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An uncluttered interface offers options to search the web, news and blogs, includes cached pages and anchors, which are titles and descriptions from the Open Directory.
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31 CNet News: Microsoft Drops LookSmart Search Tool
The software
The software giant is ending its deal to use LookSmarts listings on its MSN pages, as it gets ready to push its own Web search technology.
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The software giant is ending its deal to use LookSmarts listings on its MSN pages, as it gets ready to push its own Web search technology.
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32 Painted Pages
Javascript to
Javascript to help webmasters choose harmonious colors for web pages.
Yahoo Geocities Sign Policy Copyright Help Archiveorg Internet Sites News Machine Reach Movies Trying Popular
Javascript to help webmasters choose harmonious colors for web pages.
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