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Reflections on the 25th Anniversary

Reflections on the Review Experience Mail Spam

Discussion of spam history and early spam sightings.

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Best entries for Mail and Spam

1 Spam Expected to Outnumber Non-Spam More than
More than 30 percent of all e-mail is unsolicited and MessageLabs predicts that spam will continue its exponential growth into 2003, surpassing the amount of non-spam e-mail by around July.
2 The Age: E-mail users want spam off the menu Spam, spam
Spam, spam, spam, spam! In Monty Pythons day, it was comical, but today the unavoidable excess of spam has gone way beyond a joke.
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3 CNET: Spam doesnt kill appetite for e-mail Spam hasnt
Spam hasnt killed enthusiasm for e-mail among U.S. workers, according to a new study on e-mail use in the workplace.
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4 New Battle Strategies Heat Up War On Spam Some say
Some say the only way to stop the spread of e-mail Spam is to charge e-mail users a fee -- but the strategy has failed to stem the tide of regular junk mail. [NewsFactor]
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5 Spam Strikes Back Do marketers
Do marketers have the right to flood the e-mail boxes of unsuspecting Internet users with unwanted e-mail, otherwise known as spam? One Washington state judge has effectively said yes -- and has sparked an instant debate about the constitutionality of laws that limit the use of spam. [E-Commerce Times]
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6 But we dont like spam - Junk e-mail detested, polls find Nearly 9
Nearly 9 out of 10 Americans who use e-mail at work support legislation that would require warning labels on sexually explicit or pornographic spam and establish criminal penalties for spam that contains misleading information about the identity of the sender.
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7 In Defense of Spam No one
No one will admit to liking spam -- the canned pseudo-meat or the unsolicited e-mail that bears its name. But despite the current efforts of governments in North America and Europe to get it back into the can, spam is destined to be, and should be, a fact of Internet life -- just like junk mail is in the real world. [E-Commerce Times]
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8 The Age: Spam, spam, virus, porn and spam on spam The e-mail
The e-mail system is wilting under the attack of confidence tricksters and the mad inventors of viruses, warns Garry Barker.
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9 AvirMail Mail filter.
Mail filter. Flexible time based new-mail checking. Includes Anti-Spam filter, sends reply-to mail, delete mail from your mail server, tells when a file is attached, shows mail headers and how big (Kb), and starts your favorite mail client.
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10 GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP Server based
Server based anti spam for Exchange Server and other email servers. With extensive Spam filter features for effective anti spam. GFI MailEssentials also features disclaimers, mail monitoring, mail archiving, mail reporting, POP3 downloading and auto replies.
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11 Internet Drummer! Check multiple
Check multiple POP3 accounts and delete spam remotely from server before downloading to e-mail client. Spam filters, new mail notifiers and URL monitoring available.
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12 Christian Science Monitor: War on e-mail spam ratchets up in courts, legislatures | A lawsuit
A lawsuit against spam on the Internet is part of a larger effort to control the proliferation of unsolicited e-mail.
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13 AT&T spam filter loses valid e-mail AT&T WorldNet
AT&T WorldNet this week activated a risky spam-filtering technique that it shortly had to defuse after subscribers discovered they were losing legitimate e-mail.
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14 Spam Report: U.S. Regulators Ignore Most Junk E-Mail To date
To date, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has only gone after spam in cases in which deceptive advertising was being prosecuted. Unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE) itself, regardless of its contents, has not been a target. [E-Commerce News]
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15 CNET: Fat times for spam In September
In September, more than 17 percent of all e-mail traveling across the Internet could be classified as spam, according to data collected by UK e-mail service provider MessageLabs. The companys figures are presented in its latest monthly report.
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16 E-mail Marketers Target Spam A group
A group of 15 companies has announced that they will form a coalition to design e-mail standards to limit spam. Among the companies involved in the Responsible Electronic Communication. [PC World]
17 Spam Sleuth Enterprise Anti-spam software
Anti-spam software that filters spam, viruses, web bugs, and phishing scams. Eliminates unwanted junk e-mail from corporate servers. [Windows]
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18 Wired: Not All Asian E-Mail Is Spam A new
A new great wall is being built, this time across the Internet. Constructed by frustrated systems administrators and intended only to stop spam, the wall could eventually cut off much of the e-mail communications between the East and the West.
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19 Standards group takes aim at spam An influential
An influential Internet standards-setting body has begun a close scrutiny of the mounting problem of e-mail spam, in an effort that could have broad-ranging implications for future e-mail use and security.
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20 Wired: Going to Extremes to Fight Spam On Monday
On Monday, the two co-founders of AvantGo launched a new spam filter that takes the most drastic anti-spam approach possible: Users only receive e-mail from people on a list of pre-approved senders.
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21 Mail Unknown Anti-Spam Filter for
Filter for a POP3 e-mail server that uses authentication as a way to filter spam.
22 Computerworld: Spam: Arriving en masse to an e-mail address near you Shifting from
Shifting from daily nuisance to serious IT and business concern, uncontrolled spam is prompting customers to arm themselves with tools to fight back against productivity loss, potential liability and bandwidth-clogging consequences that unsolicited commercial e-mail can bring to an enterprise.
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23 San Francisco Chronicle: Court upholds anti-spam law / Unsolicited e-mail not protected, judges say In a
In a victory to thrill anyone annoyed by the 'spam' that clogs e-mail accounts, an appellate court has upheld the constitutionality of Californias tough 1998 law regulating unwanted commercial messages.
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24 Computerworld: Usenix: Arms race between spammers, spam filters under way Classifying e-mail
Classifying e-mail as 'good' or 'junk' before its sent to be scanned by spam filters could speed up the delivery of legitimate e-mail, according to a paper presented today at the 2004 Usenix Annual Technical Conference.
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25 MSN Criticized For Open Spam Relays Responding to
Responding to complaints that the Microsoft Network is allowing spammers to relay junk e-mail through MSN servers, the Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) has added several MSN systems to its notorious anti-spam blacklist. The action could potentially disrupt emails from thousands of legitimate MSN subscribers. [InternetNews]
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26 Wired: Spam Showdown at Battle Creek The small
The small city of Battle Creek, Michigan, wants to lock up an anti-spam activist who it believes crashed its mail server. Never mind that the town government was using a buggy version of the Lotus Domino e-mail server, and that newer releases have fixed the problem. And never mind that anti-spammers may have been conducting a routine scan for possible sources of bulk e-mail.
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27 The SPAM-L FAQ - Tracking Spam Instructions for
Instructions for reading e-mail headers and complaining to the spammers ISP.
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28 The SPAM-L FAQ - Tracking Spam Instructions for
Instructions for reading e-mail headers and complaining to the spammers ISP.
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29 Spam killer
Spam killer software. It blocks spam before it is even delivered to your mail server. [Windows]
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30 MSNBC: Has the spam dam really burst? Spam, some
Spam, some say, has gotten so bad that its on the verge of killing e-mail. But if the Internet sky really is falling, why doesnt someone do something?
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31 Atqui Spam Filter Filters spam
Filters spam email from current e-mail address of user.
32 Katharion Anti Spam Solutions Provides spam
Provides spam and virus filtering services that keep unwanted mail off the network.
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More Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Spam Infos

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