Emoticons or Smileys
Experience Emoticons Yahoo
Help to show emotions while chatting or writing your email.Emoticons and Smillies are used in e mail SMS Chat and Whatsapp Find a short history and full explanation of emoticons and smileys on the web here

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Reviews and Comments for Emoticons or Smileys

Best entries for Emoticons and Yahoo
1 All Emoticons
Find your
Find your emoticons (emotion icons) for emails, chatting, message boards and documents here.
Emoticons Avatars Film Country Cartoon Crazy Evil Dressed Drinking Angels Cool Games Computers Drugs Angry Items Love
Find your emoticons (emotion icons) for emails, chatting, message boards and documents here.
Emoticons Avatars Film Country Cartoon Crazy Evil Dressed Drinking Angels Cool Games Computers Drugs Angry Items Love
2 Free MSN Emoticons
Collection of
Collection of freely downloadable emoticons. Includes categories for smoking, faces and hands (gestures).
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Collection of freely downloadable emoticons. Includes categories for smoking, faces and hands (gestures).
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3 Emoticons or Smileys
A sequence
A sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard. Emoticons are used in e-mail and other forms of communication.
Emoticons Yahoo Emoticon Acronyms Smilies Smileys History Bonus Messenger Sms Smiley Faces Here Explained Chat Olympic Smile
A sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard. Emoticons are used in e-mail and other forms of communication.
Emoticons Yahoo Emoticon Acronyms Smilies Smileys History Bonus Messenger Sms Smiley Faces Here Explained Chat Olympic Smile
4 Emoticons 4 U
Provides emoticons
Provides emoticons and smilies for forums, emails, web sites and MSN.
Emoticons Contact Messenger Angels News Help Extra Smilies Smileys Forum Aliens Family Happy Email Violent Animal Cool Coffee Live Country
Provides emoticons and smilies for forums, emails, web sites and MSN.
Emoticons Contact Messenger Angels News Help Extra Smilies Smileys Forum Aliens Family Happy Email Violent Animal Cool Coffee Live Country
5 Daves Emoticons Page
Hundreds of
Hundreds of free animated emoticons, GIFs, avatars, letter, and numbers as well as links to free award templates.
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Hundreds of free animated emoticons, GIFs, avatars, letter, and numbers as well as links to free award templates.
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6 Rosenfeld, Lou: Yahoo! is Dead. Long Live Yahoo!
Discussion on
Discussion on the inevitable collapse of Yahoo directory due to its size and complexity. He Predicts mini-yahoo sites within corporate intranets.
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Discussion on the inevitable collapse of Yahoo directory due to its size and complexity. He Predicts mini-yahoo sites within corporate intranets.
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7 Yahoo! Companion
A free
A free, personalizable toolbar that includes Yahoo! search, alerts for Yahoo! Mail and an option to save bookmarks online and access them from any computer.
Yahoo Help Page Central Privacy Terms Policy Also Requested Advanced Most Incyahoos Sorry
A free, personalizable toolbar that includes Yahoo! search, alerts for Yahoo! Mail and an option to save bookmarks online and access them from any computer.
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8 Yahoo! Briefcase
Provides 25
Provides 25 MB of free space to registered Yahoo users. Lets you share files with other Yahoo users.
Provides 25 MB of free space to registered Yahoo users. Lets you share files with other Yahoo users.
9 My Yahoo
My Yahoo
My Yahoo is a customizable web page with news, stock quotes, weather, and many other features.
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My Yahoo is a customizable web page with news, stock quotes, weather, and many other features.
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10 My Yahoo
My Yahoo
My Yahoo is a customizable web page with news, stock quotes, weather, and many other features.
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My Yahoo is a customizable web page with news, stock quotes, weather, and many other features.
Yahoo Game Win Bonnaroo West British Napa Weather Birthday Finance White Funky Beer Entrepreneur French Seat Year Barley
11 Yahoo Netrospective
Yahoo celebrates
Yahoo celebrates its 10th birthday with an overview of the most important web moments during these years.
Yahoo celebrates its 10th birthday with an overview of the most important web moments during these years.
12 Yahoo Netrospective
Yahoo celebrates
Yahoo celebrates its 10th birthday with an overview of the most important web moments during these years.
Yahoo celebrates its 10th birthday with an overview of the most important web moments during these years.
13 Yahoo Messenger
Allows you
Allows you to instant message with anyone on the Yahoo server. Tells you when you get mail, and gives stock quotes.
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Allows you to instant message with anyone on the Yahoo server. Tells you when you get mail, and gives stock quotes.
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14 Yahoo Netrospective
Yahoo celebrates
Yahoo celebrates its 10th birthday with an overview of the most important web moments during these years.
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Yahoo celebrates its 10th birthday with an overview of the most important web moments during these years.
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15 The Unofficial Yahoo! Weblog
Nino Marchetti
Nino Marchetti writes about news and business developments related to Yahoo.
Nino Marchetti writes about news and business developments related to Yahoo.
16 Scarletts Yahoo Skinz
Skins designed
Skins designed for Yahoo messenger. Comprise of animals, military, cartoons, travel, and others to choose from.
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Skins designed for Yahoo messenger. Comprise of animals, military, cartoons, travel, and others to choose from.
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18 Yahoo! and Inktomi Announce Completion of Acquisition
Yahoo! and
Yahoo! and Inktomi Corp., a leading Web search provider, today announced the completion of Yahoo!s acquisition of Inktomi.
Yahoo! and Inktomi Corp., a leading Web search provider, today announced the completion of Yahoo!s acquisition of Inktomi.
19 Yahoo Battles sex.com over Link
'Yahoo Inc.
'Yahoo Inc., which is trying to distance itself from adult-oriented merchandise and advertising, has landed in another sex skirmish.' [Wall Street Journal]
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'Yahoo Inc., which is trying to distance itself from adult-oriented merchandise and advertising, has landed in another sex skirmish.' [Wall Street Journal]
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20 Yahoo! Buzz Index
Displays the
Displays the keyword searches data collected from Yahoo! search log files. Updated each weekday, it shows the percentage of users searching for a specific subject on a given day.
News Play Yahoo Flickr Trending Tech Prices Health Google+ Sponsored New World Tumblr Local Hellip Cars Officers Newssearch Phone Finance Music
Displays the keyword searches data collected from Yahoo! search log files. Updated each weekday, it shows the percentage of users searching for a specific subject on a given day.
News Play Yahoo Flickr Trending Tech Prices Health Google+ Sponsored New World Tumblr Local Hellip Cars Officers Newssearch Phone Finance Music
21 Emoticon Zone
A community
A community for sharing emoticons.
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A community for sharing emoticons.
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22 Yahoo! Points
Collect points
Collect points by shopping or using a Yahoo Visa card. Redeem them for gift certificates or use to bid in online auctions.
Yahoo New Live News State Mobile Chris Farrah Welcome Privacy Gisele Tumblr Maci Flickr Easier
Collect points by shopping or using a Yahoo Visa card. Redeem them for gift certificates or use to bid in online auctions.
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23 Yahoo curbs message board spam
Yahoo blocks
Yahoo blocks access to sites advertised in spam sent to its users. [CNET]
Clickfound The Here Proceedfound
Yahoo blocks access to sites advertised in spam sent to its users. [CNET]
Clickfound The Here Proceedfound
24 Yahoo Pipes
An interactive
An interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. List of hot pipes to subscribe to, and ability to create your own (yahoo account required).
Navigationshilfet Y
An interactive feed aggregator and manipulator. List of hot pipes to subscribe to, and ability to create your own (yahoo account required).
Navigationshilfet Y
25 Yahoo Java Groups
Directory of
Directory of Java-related mailing lists from Yahoo, on topics from certification and development, to user group specific.
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Directory of Java-related mailing lists from Yahoo, on topics from certification and development, to user group specific.
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26 AOK Chat
Express yourself
Express yourself to other teens and adults with sound and emoticons.
Aokchatcomhere Goclick
Express yourself to other teens and adults with sound and emoticons.
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27 Messmilies.com
Smilies, emoticons
Smilies, emoticons and avatars, free to download.
Smilies, emoticons and avatars, free to download.
28 SmileyCentral
Download free
Download free smileys, emoticons, and other animations.
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Download free smileys, emoticons, and other animations.
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29 Yahoo!
Yahoo!s webservers
Yahoo!s webservers exclusively run FreeBSD. In addition, all the non-production servers and developer workstations run FreeBSD.
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Yahoo!s webservers exclusively run FreeBSD. In addition, all the non-production servers and developer workstations run FreeBSD.
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30 Yahoo!
Yahoo!s webservers
Yahoo!s webservers exclusively run FreeBSD. In addition, all the non-production servers and developer workstations run FreeBSD.
Yahoo World Press * Slideshow__ Sports Clinton News Costco Flickr Monday Finance Argentina Screen French Sunday Kehm Headlines
Yahoo!s webservers exclusively run FreeBSD. In addition, all the non-production servers and developer workstations run FreeBSD.
Yahoo World Press * Slideshow__ Sports Clinton News Costco Flickr Monday Finance Argentina Screen French Sunday Kehm Headlines
31 Yahoo!
Yahoo!s webservers
Yahoo!s webservers exclusively run FreeBSD. In addition, all the non-production servers and developer workstations run FreeBSD.
Yahoo World Iraq Press * Iraqi Saturday News Sunday Gulf Obama Sports Italy President Baghdad United Plane Philadelphia Graduation
Yahoo!s webservers exclusively run FreeBSD. In addition, all the non-production servers and developer workstations run FreeBSD.
Yahoo World Iraq Press * Iraqi Saturday News Sunday Gulf Obama Sports Italy President Baghdad United Plane Philadelphia Graduation
32 Yahoo! Exec: Its the Experience, Stupid
Brian Morrissey
Brian Morrissey reports for Internet News on the launch of Yahoo! Platinum, which focuses on branded news and entertainment.
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Brian Morrissey reports for Internet News on the launch of Yahoo! Platinum, which focuses on branded news and entertainment.
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