Brian W. Kernighan
Experience Programming Ampl
His Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies page. Co-inventor of C programming language, with Dennis Ritchie, and one of the foreground figures in ancient Unix history.
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Programming Ampl Language Kernighan Source Unix File Engineering Chris Information Brian Kb Wyk System Tcltk Workshop Problem Mb Modeling History Pioneers Kernighan, Brian
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Best entries for Programming and Ampl
1 Practically Groovy: MVC Programming with Groovy Templates
Views are
Views are integral to MVC programming, which is ubiquitous to enterprise programming, shows how Groovy template engine framework simplifies view programming, makes code more maintainable. By Andrew Glover. IBM developerWorks.
Views are integral to MVC programming, which is ubiquitous to enterprise programming, shows how Groovy template engine framework simplifies view programming, makes code more maintainable. By Andrew Glover. IBM developerWorks.
2 Jayasiri, Parinda
Information about
Information about algorithmic programming (Dynamic Programming, Network Flow and Minimum Spanning Tree) and artificial intelligence (Neural Networks and Genetic Programming).
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Information about algorithmic programming (Dynamic Programming, Network Flow and Minimum Spanning Tree) and artificial intelligence (Neural Networks and Genetic Programming).
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3 Jayasiri, Parinda
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Information about algorithmic programming (Dynamic Programming, Network Flow and Minimum Spanning Tree) and artificial intelligence (Neural Networks and Genetic Programming).
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4 Java Programming: From the Beginning
By K.
By K. N. King. Assumes no previous programming experience. Includes over 700 review questions, exercises, and programming projects. Features unique Q&A sections and in-depth case studies.
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By K. N. King. Assumes no previous programming experience. Includes over 700 review questions, exercises, and programming projects. Features unique Q&A sections and in-depth case studies.
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5 Youth Tech Coding Microsphere
A programming
A programming site for teens, by teens. A members showcase, programming challenges, resources, and information on most programming languages.
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A programming site for teens, by teens. A members showcase, programming challenges, resources, and information on most programming languages.
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6 Original Green Tablet Newton Programming
Dedicated to
Dedicated to entry level Newtonscript programming with a focus on simple games for the Newton. Large selection of links, source code, and programming information.
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Dedicated to entry level Newtonscript programming with a focus on simple games for the Newton. Large selection of links, source code, and programming information.
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7 Forth, Inc.
Premier vendor
Premier vendor of Forth tools and programming services since 1973. Home of SwiftForth Windows development system, SwiftX cross-compilers for embedded systems, Forth books, expert programming services, and Forth programming courses.
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8 Barry, Patrick - Pats Programming
A site
A site dedicated to game programming using the C programming language. Programs with sources: Cards, Pacman Clone, Space games, Draw image editor. Serial communications library. Hidden Treasures PRG project.
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A site dedicated to game programming using the C programming language. Programs with sources: Cards, Pacman Clone, Space games, Draw image editor. Serial communications library. Hidden Treasures PRG project.
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9 PC Game Programming Explorer
Book by
Book by Dave Roberts that takes readers inside the world of PC game programming and reveals the essential techniques to make game programming easy and fun.
Explorer Game Programming Zpc
Book by Dave Roberts that takes readers inside the world of PC game programming and reveals the essential techniques to make game programming easy and fun.
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10 Newton Programming Docs
Home to
Home to an extensive listing of Newton programming FAQs, the Llama files, and Apple Programming documents. A great place for beginner and expert Newton programmers alike.
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Home to an extensive listing of Newton programming FAQs, the Llama files, and Apple Programming documents. A great place for beginner and expert Newton programmers alike.
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11 IDL Programming Techniques
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A book to describe by example those IDL programming techniques essential in daily programming tasks.
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A book to describe by example those IDL programming techniques essential in daily programming tasks.
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12 Stanford Business Software
Sells Fortran
Sells Fortran 77 optimization codes MINOS (linear programming and nonlinear optimization), SNOPT (large-scale quadratic and nonlinear programming), NPSOL (nonlinear programming), LSSOL (Linearly constrained linear least squares problems and convex quadratic programmmin), and QPOPT (linear and quadratic programming).
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Sells Fortran 77 optimization codes MINOS (linear programming and nonlinear optimization), SNOPT (large-scale quadratic and nonlinear programming), NPSOL (nonlinear programming), LSSOL (Linearly constrained linear least squares problems and convex quadratic programmmin), and QPOPT (linear and quadratic programming).
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13 Programming from the Ground Up
By Jonathan
By Jonathan Bartlett is an introduction to programming using assembly language. It starts with nothing, and gradually introduces you to the basics of assembly language and computer programming.
By Jonathan Bartlett is an introduction to programming using assembly language. It starts with nothing, and gradually introduces you to the basics of assembly language and computer programming.
14 Free computer tutors and articles
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15 Genetic Programming
Contains information
Contains information on genetic algorithms and programming techniques. Sponsors a genetic programming contest in java.
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Contains information on genetic algorithms and programming techniques. Sponsors a genetic programming contest in java.
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16 Software Developer Group
Designing, Developing
Designing, Developing, Implementing and Maintaining Software. Custom-made software with an emphases in application programming, system programming and web-based application programming.
Construction Undery
Designing, Developing, Implementing and Maintaining Software. Custom-made software with an emphases in application programming, system programming and web-based application programming.
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17 Cocoa: The Objective-C Programming Language
A detailed
A detailed introduction to object-oriented programming in the context of the Objective-C programming language.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A detailed introduction to object-oriented programming in the context of the Objective-C programming language.
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18 OCaml for Scientists
This book
This book teaches the fundamentals of programming using OCaml, assuming little prior knowledge of computer programming. Particular emphasis is placed upon programming paradigms rarely seen in current scientific computing, such as exceptions, polymorphism, higher-order functions, nested functions, pattern matching and modules.
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This book teaches the fundamentals of programming using OCaml, assuming little prior knowledge of computer programming. Particular emphasis is placed upon programming paradigms rarely seen in current scientific computing, such as exceptions, polymorphism, higher-order functions, nested functions, pattern matching and modules.
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19 Programming in Malbolge
Introduction to
Introduction to Malbolge programming. Also propose modificatins of Malbolge for making programming in it more worse.
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Introduction to Malbolge programming. Also propose modificatins of Malbolge for making programming in it more worse.
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20 Neville Silverman - Visual Basic Programming
Visual Basic
Visual Basic programming and software design using SQL Server, ADO, Sheridan,True DBGrid. Also Visual Basic for Applications (Microsoft’s Word, Outlook, Excel, Access) and Internet programming.
Visual Basic programming and software design using SQL Server, ADO, Sheridan,True DBGrid. Also Visual Basic for Applications (Microsoft’s Word, Outlook, Excel, Access) and Internet programming.
21 On Lisp
By Paul
By Paul Graham, Prentice Hall, 1993, ISBN 0130305529. Thorough study of advanced methods, with bottom-up programming as unifying theme. First full description of macros and their uses. Covers important topics related to bottom-up programming: functional programming, rapid prototyping, interactive development, embedded languages. Free download, PDF.
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By Paul Graham, Prentice Hall, 1993, ISBN 0130305529. Thorough study of advanced methods, with bottom-up programming as unifying theme. First full description of macros and their uses. Covers important topics related to bottom-up programming: functional programming, rapid prototyping, interactive development, embedded languages. Free download, PDF.
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22 Meta-Genetic Programming
Information on
Information on how to implement a genetic programming system using genetic programming itself.
Information on how to implement a genetic programming system using genetic programming itself.
23 Ramus Home Page
Questions and
Questions and solutions for a computer programming course in the C programming language.
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Questions and solutions for a computer programming course in the C programming language.
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24 Web Based Programming Tutorials
Directory resources
Directory resources for learning to program using various programming languages.
Java Programming Perl Visual Basic Teach Yourself Html Unleashed Developers Oracle Days Guide Based Edition Jee Style
Directory resources for learning to program using various programming languages.
Java Programming Perl Visual Basic Teach Yourself Html Unleashed Developers Oracle Days Guide Based Edition Jee Style
25 YOV408 Programming Resources
Community featuring
Community featuring programming news, articles and tutorials.
Community featuring programming news, articles and tutorials.
26 Web Wizard Design
Web hosting
Web hosting and programming, including mod_perl, CGI, and non-web programming. Free scripts are also available.
Web Servers Programming Training Contact Server Hosting Design Mysql Python Support Dedicated Virtual Jsp Services
Web hosting and programming, including mod_perl, CGI, and non-web programming. Free scripts are also available.
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27 How efficient is OOP in PHP?
Compares and
Compares and contrasts linear programming vs OOP programming in PHP and analyzes performance results.
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
Compares and contrasts linear programming vs OOP programming in PHP and analyzes performance results.
Permanently The Server Apache Portz
28 C Programming Club
Come and
Come and share your current projects, get help to solve a bug or anything related to programming in C or C++.
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Come and share your current projects, get help to solve a bug or anything related to programming in C or C++.
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29 ShaderX Programming
Links to
Links to demos on Direct3D and DirectX Graphics Programming.
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Links to demos on Direct3D and DirectX Graphics Programming.
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30 HellCreatorWorld
OpenGL, DirectX
OpenGL, DirectX, DSound, DInput, FMod game programming techniques in C/C++. Lua programming.
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OpenGL, DirectX, DSound, DInput, FMod game programming techniques in C/C++. Lua programming.
Lua Page Programming Added Web Internet Scripts Hosting Free Working Mainframe Highupdated Solution
31 TI-85 Assembler Programming
Contains lessons
Contains lessons on how to program the TI-85 calculator in Z80 assembly language, designed for beginners in Z80 programming.
Using Ticalcorg Program Loops Ti Output Data Assembler Zshell Programming Memory Language Assemble Function Text Instructions Jumps
Contains lessons on how to program the TI-85 calculator in Z80 assembly language, designed for beginners in Z80 programming.
Using Ticalcorg Program Loops Ti Output Data Assembler Zshell Programming Memory Language Assemble Function Text Instructions Jumps
32 Introduction to Web Programming
A four
A four half-day free course covering the basics of Web Programming , CGI and both basic and advanced Java .
Apacheport Server Permanently The Z
A four half-day free course covering the basics of Web Programming , CGI and both basic and advanced Java .
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