Micro-Processor Services, Inc.
Experience Cobol Plm
Embedded systems design, development and consulting services for all micro-controllers.Software provider of migration tools and services to convert legacy ASSEMBLY COBOL PLI PASCAL PLM to C C++ C Java J XML

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Cobol Plm Migration Mainframe Legacy Conversion Software Pli Modernization Supported Services C++ Systems Pricing Alliance Languages Consultants Embedded Systems Cobol Assembly Pli Pl1 Pli Pl1 Pascal Delphi Plm Plm Plm86 Plm51 Plm96 Translator Converter Sql Db2 Mainframe Jcl Job Control Language Cobol 68 Cobol 74 Cobol 85 Cobol Ii Migration Porting Conversion Translation Legacy C Kampr Ansi C Java J C Cs C++ Cpp Modernization Transformation Reengineering
Reviews and Comments for Micro-Processor Services, Inc.

Best entries for Cobol and Plm
1 CA-Migrate/COBOL
A COBOL analysis, transformation and migration system designed to provide a smooth and cost-effective migration to IBMs VS COBOL II or COBOL/370 language from a variety of COBOL languages. CA-Migrate/COBOL makes migration to VS COBOL II and COBOL/370 more feasible with its automated conversion and reformatting facility. It also provides detailed analysis information about your COBOL inventory.
A COBOL analysis, transformation and migration system designed to provide a smooth and cost-effective migration to IBMs VS COBOL II or COBOL/370 language from a variety of COBOL languages. CA-Migrate/COBOL makes migration to VS COBOL II and COBOL/370 more feasible with its automated conversion and reformatting facility. It also provides detailed analysis information about your COBOL inventory.
2 COBOL Gold Mine
COBOL is dead, Long Live COBOL! An international site where technical staff and management can discover and learn about the possibilities of the new COBOL/OO COBOL. Free International discussion forum.
International Cobol Welcome Gold Mine® Ilsz
COBOL is dead, Long Live COBOL! An international site where technical staff and management can discover and learn about the possibilities of the new COBOL/OO COBOL. Free International discussion forum.
International Cobol Welcome Gold Mine® Ilsz
3 Siber Systems
The CobolTransformer
The CobolTransformer Toolkit product family contains COBOL parser, COBOL Program Tree, and COBOL Code Generator that together form a base on which all other CobolTransformer products are built. COBOL Data File Readers read COBOL data files and convert them to various non-COBOL data formats.
Cobol Coboltransformer Data Dataviewer Products News Dataaccess Library Success Introduction Tools List Customer Partial Readers Features
The CobolTransformer Toolkit product family contains COBOL parser, COBOL Program Tree, and COBOL Code Generator that together form a base on which all other CobolTransformer products are built. COBOL Data File Readers read COBOL data files and convert them to various non-COBOL data formats.
Cobol Coboltransformer Data Dataviewer Products News Dataaccess Library Success Introduction Tools List Customer Partial Readers Features
4 COBOL Portal: COBOL Books
The one-stop
The one-stop shop for COBOL related news, programming tips, resources and everything COBOL.
Cobol Modernization Product Visual Micro Enterprise Services Application Products Solutions Focus Rumba Borland Corba Support Management Instructor Documentation
The one-stop shop for COBOL related news, programming tips, resources and everything COBOL.
Cobol Modernization Product Visual Micro Enterprise Services Application Products Solutions Focus Rumba Borland Corba Support Management Instructor Documentation
5 COBOL Portal
resource site
resource site for Cobol developers. Cobol related news, programming tips, resources and everything Cobol.
Cobol Modernization Micro Product Visual Enterprise Focus Products Services Solutions Application Borland Rumba Support Trials Code Customers
resource site for Cobol developers. Cobol related news, programming tips, resources and everything Cobol.
Cobol Modernization Micro Product Visual Enterprise Focus Products Services Solutions Application Borland Rumba Support Trials Code Customers
6 COBUG: COBOL User Groups - COBOL Standards
A directory
A directory of references to ANSI COBOL standards and COBOL history.
Cobol Standards Cobug History Ansi Standard Sarbanes Oxley User Training Groups Forums Language Join Legacy
A directory of references to ANSI COBOL standards and COBOL history.
Cobol Standards Cobug History Ansi Standard Sarbanes Oxley User Training Groups Forums Language Join Legacy
7 COBOL Gold Mine at ILS International
COBOL has been pronounced dead and buried more often than enough yet comes back younger and more powerful than ever. Surf the pages of COBOL Gold Mine and find out why COBOL is still the language that makes the business world go round.
Cobol Gold Mine® International Logic Mine Systems Integrated Welcome Action Classified Consulting Cloud Inc Free Global Egroup
COBOL has been pronounced dead and buried more often than enough yet comes back younger and more powerful than ever. Surf the pages of COBOL Gold Mine and find out why COBOL is still the language that makes the business world go round.
Cobol Gold Mine® International Logic Mine Systems Integrated Welcome Action Classified Consulting Cloud Inc Free Global Egroup
8 J & C Migrations
Convert RPGII
Convert RPGII, RPGIII, RPG/400 and CPG applications to readable structured COBOL. Target environments include COBOL for MVS, MF COBOL, and ACUCOBOL-GT.
Jcmigrationscom Informationen Steht Verkauf Website Finden Request Speziellen Allgemeinen Htmlses=yjlptentaotmymzumdgnpzddzeuamntawdyyxrpbzlmnvbtunfkzmiznmrlyteljmyodqmtajmzratyndmwmzcmzumdgfzazzzwfyygmzgtywlupwpjbwlncmfawucyjbmczlntrkzgjinenzjymvknjimczsywndwfnztkzszhxlkpti=keyword=token= Jcmigrations Alles Thema Y
Convert RPGII, RPGIII, RPG/400 and CPG applications to readable structured COBOL. Target environments include COBOL for MVS, MF COBOL, and ACUCOBOL-GT.
Jcmigrationscom Informationen Steht Verkauf Website Finden Request Speziellen Allgemeinen Htmlses=yjlptentaotmymzumdgnpzddzeuamntawdyyxrpbzlmnvbtunfkzmiznmrlyteljmyodqmtajmzratyndmwmzcmzumdgfzazzzwfyygmzgtywlupwpjbwlncmfawucyjbmczlntrkzgjinenzjymvknjimczsywndwfnztkzszhxlkpti=keyword=token= Jcmigrations Alles Thema Y
9 COBOL Compiler and COBOL Interpretor Directory
Links to
Links to several COBOL Compilers and Interpretors.
Cobol Compilers Amp Tools Software Sponsors Bookstore Source Open Center Focus Micro Directory Newswire Interpretors Whitepapers Services
Links to several COBOL Compilers and Interpretors.
Cobol Compilers Amp Tools Software Sponsors Bookstore Source Open Center Focus Micro Directory Newswire Interpretors Whitepapers Services
10 Standard Object-Oriented Cobol
Book by
Book by Ned Chapin. Covers the new syntax in COBOL-97 and stresses the design that must be done before a COBOL program is written. The text builds on software engineering principles and practices combined with object-oriented technology to enable effective use of this latest form of COBOL.
Cobol Object Oriented Design Standard Wiley Chapin Technology Software Books Computer First Example Building Possible
Book by Ned Chapin. Covers the new syntax in COBOL-97 and stresses the design that must be done before a COBOL program is written. The text builds on software engineering principles and practices combined with object-oriented technology to enable effective use of this latest form of COBOL.
Cobol Object Oriented Design Standard Wiley Chapin Technology Software Books Computer First Example Building Possible
11 The COBOL Center Bookstore
Learning resources
Learning resources for COBOL and COBOL programming.
Cobol Structured Programming Micro Cics Focus Guide Application Object Design Using Bookstore Programmer Murachs Workbench Oriented
Learning resources for COBOL and COBOL programming.
Cobol Structured Programming Micro Cics Focus Guide Application Object Design Using Bookstore Programmer Murachs Workbench Oriented
12 COBOL Center
Dedicated to
Dedicated to COBOL and to those with an investment in it. Many Internet sites have information on COBOL, but this site assembles it so you need not search the whole Web to find it. Practical help is here: standards, programming, reengineering, tools, skill improvement, sample code, jobs.
Found Additionally Servererrordocumentfound The Port Apache
Dedicated to COBOL and to those with an investment in it. Many Internet sites have information on COBOL, but this site assembles it so you need not search the whole Web to find it. Practical help is here: standards, programming, reengineering, tools, skill improvement, sample code, jobs.
Found Additionally Servererrordocumentfound The Port Apache
13 COBOL Programmers Back In The Game
ITWorld.com -
ITWorld.com - Youre wrong if you think COBOL programmers are doomed to go the way of the Edsel. COBOL developers who know the Internet can write their own job ticket.
Data Itworld Business Cloud Knowledge Tech Vault Management Robots Blogs Recovery Network Research Should Software Webcasts Disaster Consumerization Flawless Computing
ITWorld.com - Youre wrong if you think COBOL programmers are doomed to go the way of the Edsel. COBOL developers who know the Internet can write their own job ticket.
Data Itworld Business Cloud Knowledge Tech Vault Management Robots Blogs Recovery Network Research Should Software Webcasts Disaster Consumerization Flawless Computing
14 Advanced COBOL for Structured and Object-Oriented Programming
Book by
Book by Gary DeWard Brown. A timely, pre-millennial update to the classic COBOL resource. This classic reference has been updated to address the current realities of life as a COBOL programmer, focusing on client/server applications and featuring a hands-on tutorial on implementing object-oriented COBOL.
Cobol Edition Wiley Programming Object Advanced Data Structured Less Stern Gary Oriented Statements Computer Inputoutput Reed Cross System
Book by Gary DeWard Brown. A timely, pre-millennial update to the classic COBOL resource. This classic reference has been updated to address the current realities of life as a COBOL programmer, focusing on client/server applications and featuring a hands-on tutorial on implementing object-oriented COBOL.
Cobol Edition Wiley Programming Object Advanced Data Structured Less Stern Gary Oriented Statements Computer Inputoutput Reed Cross System
15 SoftwareMining
Tools and
Tools and services for Business Rule extraction from COBOL and CA-IDEAL code, translation of COBOL and COOL:Gen to Java or C#, COBOL rehosting and refactoring, HTML documentation of existing code.
Cobol Java Softwaremining Converter Migration Modernization Contact Conversion Gradual Business + Tool Object Ibm Unisys
Tools and services for Business Rule extraction from COBOL and CA-IDEAL code, translation of COBOL and COOL:Gen to Java or C#, COBOL rehosting and refactoring, HTML documentation of existing code.
Cobol Java Softwaremining Converter Migration Modernization Contact Conversion Gradual Business + Tool Object Ibm Unisys
16 Flexus COBOL Page
Automatically migrate
Automatically migrate existing COBOL screen definitions to windows or open systems. Flexus offers user interface conversion tools and services for COBOL programmers.
Automatically migrate existing COBOL screen definitions to windows or open systems. Flexus offers user interface conversion tools and services for COBOL programmers.
17 CyberMetrics
PowerStructure COBOL
PowerStructure COBOL flowchart and structure chart tool generates structure charts from COBOL source automatically. Get an intuitive feel for COBOL program logic nearly instantly or draw your own flow diagrams and flowcharts.
Tool Flowchart Cobol Generator Cybermetrics Flowcharting Visual Basic Jcl Powerstructure Mvs Chart Code Structure Arizona
PowerStructure COBOL flowchart and structure chart tool generates structure charts from COBOL source automatically. Get an intuitive feel for COBOL program logic nearly instantly or draw your own flow diagrams and flowcharts.
Tool Flowchart Cobol Generator Cybermetrics Flowcharting Visual Basic Jcl Powerstructure Mvs Chart Code Structure Arizona
18 Object COBOL / OOCOBOL / COBOL and Objects
Object-oriented COBOL
Object-oriented COBOL resource directory.
Cobol Object Center Amp Sponsors Oriented Compilers Tools Programming Objects Services Newswire Software Oocobol Bookstore
Object-oriented COBOL resource directory.
Cobol Object Center Amp Sponsors Oriented Compilers Tools Programming Objects Services Newswire Software Oocobol Bookstore
19 Fujitsu NetCOBOL for .Net
NetCOBOL (previously
NetCOBOL (previously called Fujitsu COBOL) for .Net is a complete COBOL development environment that allows you to create standalone COBOL applications and/or components for use with Microsoft visual tools.
Request Nginxz
NetCOBOL (previously called Fujitsu COBOL) for .Net is a complete COBOL development environment that allows you to create standalone COBOL applications and/or components for use with Microsoft visual tools.
Request Nginxz
20 LegacyJ PERCobol
LegacyJ provides
LegacyJ provides an ANSI-85 and extensions COBOL compiler, with modern IDE (Eclipse). PERCobol compiles COBOL source to Java bytecode for execution as applications or within appservers, with maintenance and debug remaining in COBOL.
LegacyJ provides an ANSI-85 and extensions COBOL compiler, with modern IDE (Eclipse). PERCobol compiles COBOL source to Java bytecode for execution as applications or within appservers, with maintenance and debug remaining in COBOL.
21 LegacyJ PERCobol
LegacyJ provides
LegacyJ provides an ANSI-85 and extensions COBOL compiler, with modern IDE (Eclipse). PERCobol compiles COBOL source to Java bytecode for execution as applications or within appservers, with maintenance and debug remaining in COBOL.
Cannot Contacterrorplease Providerfor Page Displayed
LegacyJ provides an ANSI-85 and extensions COBOL compiler, with modern IDE (Eclipse). PERCobol compiles COBOL source to Java bytecode for execution as applications or within appservers, with maintenance and debug remaining in COBOL.
Cannot Contacterrorplease Providerfor Page Displayed
22 COBOL Developer News
A newsletter
A newsletter for the COBOL development community from Fujitsu Software Corporation. The newsletter covers topical issues such as late-breaking COBOL news, new products, hints and tips, and user success stories.
Video Netcobol Software Support News Events Product Videos Cics Windows Case Cobol Mainframe Gt Announces Cloud Coarse Grained Terms Ibm
A newsletter for the COBOL development community from Fujitsu Software Corporation. The newsletter covers topical issues such as late-breaking COBOL news, new products, hints and tips, and user success stories.
Video Netcobol Software Support News Events Product Videos Cics Windows Case Cobol Mainframe Gt Announces Cloud Coarse Grained Terms Ibm
23 Micro Focus Brings COBOL to the Web
Michael Vizard
Michael Vizard and Dana Gardner for InfoWorld. Micro Focus will bring its large installed base of COBOL programmers into the age of the Internet this week with the release of Net Express 3.0, an update to its application development environment that facilitates linking COBOL applications to the Web.
Data Cloud Infoworld White Windows See Security Google Paper Tech Microsoft Watch New Idg | Knowledge Smart Virtualize Pdf
Michael Vizard and Dana Gardner for InfoWorld. Micro Focus will bring its large installed base of COBOL programmers into the age of the Internet this week with the release of Net Express 3.0, an update to its application development environment that facilitates linking COBOL applications to the Web.
Data Cloud Infoworld White Windows See Security Google Paper Tech Microsoft Watch New Idg | Knowledge Smart Virtualize Pdf
24 COBOL Examples, Syntax and Functions
This site
This site contains COBOL examples, syntax and functions for download. Includes examples for standard COBOL users and some that are specific to Micro Focus (Merant) NetExpress.
Web Page Cobol Free Other Hosting Thanks High Close Speed Providerwelcome Dont Com
This site contains COBOL examples, syntax and functions for download. Includes examples for standard COBOL users and some that are specific to Micro Focus (Merant) NetExpress.
Web Page Cobol Free Other Hosting Thanks High Close Speed Providerwelcome Dont Com
25 Allexperts COBOL Q&A
Volunteer experts
Volunteer experts answer questions about programming in Cobol for free.
Cobol Question Profile Response Na * Answers Ask Volunteer Knowledgeability Computingtechnology Available Politeness Ti Past Total Tell User Collins
Volunteer experts answer questions about programming in Cobol for free.
Cobol Question Profile Response Na * Answers Ask Volunteer Knowledgeability Computingtechnology Available Politeness Ti Past Total Tell User Collins
26 COBOL Gold Mine
Forms and
Forms and bulletins, COBOL services directory. Who in the world is accessing CGM?
Cobol Internet Gold International Services Logic Mine® Inc Copyright Page Forms Mine Yourworst Much Integrated Germans Classified
Forms and bulletins, COBOL services directory. Who in the world is accessing CGM?
Cobol Internet Gold International Services Logic Mine® Inc Copyright Page Forms Mine Yourworst Much Integrated Germans Classified
27 ZingCOBOL: A Beginners Guide to COBOL Programming
Offer the
Offer the basics of COBOL including debugging code and program samples.
Cobol Reference Data Defining Zingcobol Tutorial Part Beginners Programming Guide Divisions Basics Useful Started Debugging
Offer the basics of COBOL including debugging code and program samples.
Cobol Reference Data Defining Zingcobol Tutorial Part Beginners Programming Guide Divisions Basics Useful Started Debugging
28 Murachs Structured COBOL
New single
New single volume release of the classic COBOL book series written by Mike Murach.
Books Programming Web Murach How Development Instructors Courseware Website Customer Contact Design International Mobile Use
New single volume release of the classic COBOL book series written by Mike Murach.
Books Programming Web Murach How Development Instructors Courseware Website Customer Contact Design International Mobile Use
30 The SimoTime COBOL Connection
Find out
Find out how to do bit-manipulation, display a field in hex-dump format, access a parameter provided from JCL and other tricks. It is all done in COBOL and the source code may be downloaded.
Request Rejectedy
Find out how to do bit-manipulation, display a field in hex-dump format, access a parameter provided from JCL and other tricks. It is all done in COBOL and the source code may be downloaded.
Request Rejectedy
31 OO COBOL Overview
Object-Orientation and
Object-Orientation and associated abilities give facilities to develop OO programs using COBOL, describes basic concepts and definitions of objects, classes, encapsulation, methods, inheritance, polymorphism.
Cobol Object Cbl Division Class Method Data Null Methodcbl Invoke Id Self Classes Reference Environment Created Create Ispersistent
Object-Orientation and associated abilities give facilities to develop OO programs using COBOL, describes basic concepts and definitions of objects, classes, encapsulation, methods, inheritance, polymorphism.
Cobol Object Cbl Division Class Method Data Null Methodcbl Invoke Id Self Classes Reference Environment Created Create Ispersistent
32 COBOL User Groups: COBUG
A COBOL programming portal. References to jobs, compilers, sample code, and other programming resources.
Cobol Mainframe Jobs Cobug Examples News Legacy Design Program Tutorials Training Forums Detailed Programming Product Bases
A COBOL programming portal. References to jobs, compilers, sample code, and other programming resources.
Cobol Mainframe Jobs Cobug Examples News Legacy Design Program Tutorials Training Forums Detailed Programming Product Bases