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Fighter Virtua Legend Edition Sega Street Story Victory Gundam Championship Dark Star Knight World Arcade Bust Move Twin Bee Elevator Dragoon Robo Pit Side Tournament Gaiden Video Games Console Platforms Sega Saturn
Reviews and Comments for Cheat Chaser: Sega Saturn

Best entries for Fighter and Virtua
1 Armchair Empire: Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Tolen Dante, [9.7/10]. 'Ive played a lot of great fighters over the past two years, but Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution is the best of the lot.'
Reviewed by Tolen Dante, [9.7/10]. 'Ive played a lot of great fighters over the past two years, but Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution is the best of the lot.'
2 Armchair Empire: Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Tolen Dante, [9.7/10]. 'Ive played a lot of great fighters over the past two years, but Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution is the best of the lot.'
Reviewed by Tolen Dante, [9.7/10]. 'Ive played a lot of great fighters over the past two years, but Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution is the best of the lot.'
3 GameSpy: Virtua Fighter 5
Screenshots, movies
Screenshots, movies, news, and previews.
Fighter Sega Virtua Date Release Region Developer Previews Teen Cheats United Game Blaze Fighting News
Screenshots, movies, news, and previews.
Fighter Sega Virtua Date Release Region Developer Previews Teen Cheats United Game Blaze Fighting News
4 GameSpy: Virtua Fighter 5
Screenshots, movies
Screenshots, movies, news, and previews.
Fighter Sega Virtua Date Release Region Previews Developer Teen Cheats United Fighting Eileen Blaze Showdown
Screenshots, movies, news, and previews.
Fighter Sega Virtua Date Release Region Previews Developer Teen Cheats United Fighting Eileen Blaze Showdown
5 IGN: Virtua Fighter 5
Screenshots, videos
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfe Ty
6 IGN: Virtua Fighter 5
Screenshots, videos
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfet Y
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfet Y
7 Game Industry News - Virtua Fighter 4
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Todd Hargosh, score: 5 out of 5.
Game Industry News Trailer Taken Destiny King Review Staff Space Evil Editorial Eurofiles Elemental Hardcore Sept Source Editorials Argue
Reviewed by Todd Hargosh, score: 5 out of 5.
Game Industry News Trailer Taken Destiny King Review Staff Space Evil Editorial Eurofiles Elemental Hardcore Sept Source Editorials Argue
8 Game Industry News - Virtua Fighter 4
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Todd Hargosh, score: 5 out of 5.
Industry Game News Available Trailer Announced Review Steam Reviews Harebrained Gryphon Sept Menu Primary Schemes
Reviewed by Todd Hargosh, score: 5 out of 5.
Industry Game News Available Trailer Announced Review Steam Reviews Harebrained Gryphon Sept Menu Primary Schemes
9 Virtua Fighter 4
Official site.
Official site. Overview, story, modes, fighting styles, characters, and stages.
Virtua Fightery
Official site. Overview, story, modes, fighting styles, characters, and stages.
Virtua Fightery
10 Virtua Fighter 4
Official site.
Official site. Overview, story, modes, fighting styles, characters, and stages.
Fighter Virtuay
Official site. Overview, story, modes, fighting styles, characters, and stages.
Fighter Virtuay
11 PSX Extreme
Review, by
Review, by Arnold Katayev: 'Virtua Fighter 4 is arguably the best fighting game of all time.' [Score: 9.8 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Fighter Virtua Vita Psp Cheats Walkthroughs Screenshots Games Previews User News Playstation Wallpapers Videos Inc Undercover Pc
Review, by Arnold Katayev: 'Virtua Fighter 4 is arguably the best fighting game of all time.' [Score: 9.8 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Fighter Virtua Vita Psp Cheats Walkthroughs Screenshots Games Previews User News Playstation Wallpapers Videos Inc Undercover Pc
12 PSX Extreme
Review, by
Review, by Arnold Katayev: 'Virtua Fighter 4 is arguably the best fighting game of all time.' [Score: 9.8 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Fighter Virtua Vita Psp Cheats Walkthroughs Games Screenshots Previews Playstation News User Videos
Review, by Arnold Katayev: 'Virtua Fighter 4 is arguably the best fighting game of all time.' [Score: 9.8 out of 10]
Ps Reviews Fighter Virtua Vita Psp Cheats Walkthroughs Games Screenshots Previews Playstation News User Videos
13 MyGamer
Preview, by
Preview, by Travis Johnson: 'As marvelous as Virtua Fighter 5 looks, gamers can be even more amazed that the game isn’t even finished yet.'
Xbox Review Mygamer Awesome Cast Preview Visual Blast Collector’s Edition New Sept Video Pro Playstation Tom Label Tony Phantom
Preview, by Travis Johnson: 'As marvelous as Virtua Fighter 5 looks, gamers can be even more amazed that the game isn’t even finished yet.'
Xbox Review Mygamer Awesome Cast Preview Visual Blast Collector’s Edition New Sept Video Pro Playstation Tom Label Tony Phantom
14 MyGamer
Preview, by
Preview, by Travis Johnson: 'As marvelous as Virtua Fighter 5 looks, gamers can be even more amazed that the game isn’t even finished yet.'
Xbox Review Mygamer Visual Cast Blast Awesome Preview Collector’s New Edition Sept Pro Video Playstation Gears Releases Games Member
Preview, by Travis Johnson: 'As marvelous as Virtua Fighter 5 looks, gamers can be even more amazed that the game isn’t even finished yet.'
Xbox Review Mygamer Visual Cast Blast Awesome Preview Collector’s New Edition Sept Pro Video Playstation Gears Releases Games Member
15 Total
Review. [8.7/10]
Review. [8.7/10] 'Not as groundbreaking as it should have been. It may be hard to admit, but 'Virtua Fighter 4' has taken a giant leap compared to Tekken 4s bunny hop. But now that Namco has hit the nail on the head when it comes to fighting depth and detail, it is time for change.'
Ps Playstation Force Codes Wolfenstein Swap Skylanders Previews News Flame Moon Earth Rainbow Order Disney Guacamelee Shattered Son Daylight Havoc
Review. [8.7/10] 'Not as groundbreaking as it should have been. It may be hard to admit, but 'Virtua Fighter 4' has taken a giant leap compared to Tekken 4s bunny hop. But now that Namco has hit the nail on the head when it comes to fighting depth and detail, it is time for change.'
Ps Playstation Force Codes Wolfenstein Swap Skylanders Previews News Flame Moon Earth Rainbow Order Disney Guacamelee Shattered Son Daylight Havoc
16 GameSpot: Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Review by
Review by Jeff Gerstmann, [8.1/10]. 'Anyone looking for a wilder ride than the one offered by Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4 should definitely check out Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.' (GameCube)
Review Gamespot Reviews Fifa News Gameplay Xbox Kombat Deadly Pc Mortal Ps Alliance Sign Mobile Criterion Terms Skylanders
Review by Jeff Gerstmann, [8.1/10]. 'Anyone looking for a wilder ride than the one offered by Tekken 4 or Virtua Fighter 4 should definitely check out Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.' (GameCube)
Review Gamespot Reviews Fifa News Gameplay Xbox Kombat Deadly Pc Mortal Ps Alliance Sign Mobile Criterion Terms Skylanders
17 Super Fighter
Classic, 1993
Classic, 1993 fighter for DOS, NES, or Gameboy with information, ending sequences, and soundtrack.
Fighter Super Team Prince Magic Beggar Girl Cascade News Genesis Events Drive Sango Keen Mega Zaku Coming Wukong
Classic, 1993 fighter for DOS, NES, or Gameboy with information, ending sequences, and soundtrack.
Fighter Super Team Prince Magic Beggar Girl Cascade News Genesis Events Drive Sango Keen Mega Zaku Coming Wukong
18 JJs Fighting Game Realm
Covers the
Covers the Playstation versions of X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, and Marvel vs. Capcom.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help Advisor Local Gallery App Hosting Central Screen Localworks Found
Covers the Playstation versions of X-Men vs. Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, and Marvel vs. Capcom.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Help Advisor Local Gallery App Hosting Central Screen Localworks Found
19 The DirtyDozen Squadron
Dirtydozen squadron
Dirtydozen squadron of jaleco games Fighter Ace. Fly over 100 WW2 fighter, bomber and transport aircraft against online enemies.
Radio Fighter Squadron Group Dozen Room Take Forum Chat News Dirty Music Sign Historical Medals Training Favourite Fun
Dirtydozen squadron of jaleco games Fighter Ace. Fly over 100 WW2 fighter, bomber and transport aircraft against online enemies.
Radio Fighter Squadron Group Dozen Room Take Forum Chat News Dirty Music Sign Historical Medals Training Favourite Fun
20 GameSpy: Virtua Tennis 3
Previews, screenshots
Previews, screenshots, and movies.
Found Key Navigationshilfe Caccdafbb Messagecoderequestid Nosuchkey Hostidocvvrkycbuxzuoxoixrcqdpkmoxyboxdyunrl+fbjrmnqotglgdmj+gvhpfiikk=
Previews, screenshots, and movies.
Found Key Navigationshilfe Caccdafbb Messagecoderequestid Nosuchkey Hostidocvvrkycbuxzuoxoixrcqdpkmoxyboxdyunrl+fbjrmnqotglgdmj+gvhpfiikk=
21 GameSpy: Virtua Tennis 3
Previews, screenshots
Previews, screenshots, and movies.
Found Requestid Navigationshilfe Key Nosuchkey Codemessagehostidbjfqyg+npyqkclldqylogdkwygbrdzcnhqt+spvsfxkpjwywezmekwcbwjsxk=
Previews, screenshots, and movies.
Found Requestid Navigationshilfe Key Nosuchkey Codemessagehostidbjfqyg+npyqkclldqylogdkwygbrdzcnhqt+spvsfxkpjwywezmekwcbwjsxk=
22 IGN: Virtua Tennis 3
Screenshots, videos
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfet Y
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfet Y
23 Neoseeker: Virtua Tennis
Contains frequently
Contains frequently asked questions, cheats, and links.
Tennis Virtua Cheats Screenshots Forums Games Reviews Faqs World Pokémon Guest Dc Gear Virtuatennis Pain Jurassic Division Freedom Soccer Mercenaries
Contains frequently asked questions, cheats, and links.
Tennis Virtua Cheats Screenshots Forums Games Reviews Faqs World Pokémon Guest Dc Gear Virtuatennis Pain Jurassic Division Freedom Soccer Mercenaries
24 IGN: Virtua Tennis 3
Screenshots, videos
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board.
Navigationshilfe Ty
25 Realm of Gaming - Virtua Figher 3: TB Review
'There are
'There are not too many better Fighters on Dreamcast than this one...' Reviewed by D. Turner.
Gaming Reviews Realm News Launches Screenshots Tanks Rights Page Magic Traile Interviews Breaker Fantasy Newsstella
'There are not too many better Fighters on Dreamcast than this one...' Reviewed by D. Turner.
Gaming Reviews Realm News Launches Screenshots Tanks Rights Page Magic Traile Interviews Breaker Fantasy Newsstella
26 Pcvsconsole
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Col. Kadat, score 95/100, 'If you are going to buy a sports game this year, definitely buy Virtua Tennis.' (DreamCast)
Reviewed by Col. Kadat, score 95/100, 'If you are going to buy a sports game this year, definitely buy Virtua Tennis.' (DreamCast)
27 31st Fighter Group
WWII, 31st
WWII, 31st FG, Fighter Group, Mustang, P51.
Argan Moroccan Skin Morocco Psoriasis Oil Spinosa Stfightergroupcom Argania Leave Dizayn Eczema Oil Pure People However
WWII, 31st FG, Fighter Group, Mustang, P51.
Argan Moroccan Skin Morocco Psoriasis Oil Spinosa Stfightergroupcom Argania Leave Dizayn Eczema Oil Pure People However
28 All-Reviews
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Tom Allen, score 3/4. 'From its opening CG montage, Segas Virtua Tennis grabs your attention with its slick television-like presentation.'
Tennis Virtua Videogame Games Music Video Amazoncom Contact Review Movies Reviewscom Sports Allposterscom Netflix Pc Driving Classical
Reviewed by: Tom Allen, score 3/4. 'From its opening CG montage, Segas Virtua Tennis grabs your attention with its slick television-like presentation.'
Tennis Virtua Videogame Games Music Video Amazoncom Contact Review Movies Reviewscom Sports Allposterscom Netflix Pc Driving Classical
29 BBC
Fighter Ace
Fighter Ace squadron.
Web Hosting Design Services Creations Fx Website Company Webhosting Ecommerce Australia Internet Development Call Base
Fighter Ace squadron.
Web Hosting Design Services Creations Fx Website Company Webhosting Ecommerce Australia Internet Development Call Base
30 Pocket Fighter
Consumer reviews.
Consumer reviews.
Reviews Digital Music Books Movies Electronics Cameras Outdoor Garden Sports Computers Tablets Appliances Televisions Kids Ereaders Policies Page
Consumer reviews.
Reviews Digital Music Books Movies Electronics Cameras Outdoor Garden Sports Computers Tablets Appliances Televisions Kids Ereaders Policies Page
31 X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Consumer reviews.
Consumer reviews.
Reviews Digital Music Electronics Movies Books Cameras Computers Sports Kids Outdoor Garden Appliances Tablets Toys Baby Siteindex Car
Consumer reviews.
Reviews Digital Music Electronics Movies Books Cameras Computers Sports Kids Outdoor Garden Appliances Tablets Toys Baby Siteindex Car
32 Street Fighter EX Plus
Consumer reviews.
Consumer reviews.
Reviews Digital Music Books Electronics Cameras Movies Outdoor Garden Televisions Kids Computers Toys Appliances Tablets Baby Ereaders Car
Consumer reviews.
Reviews Digital Music Books Electronics Cameras Movies Outdoor Garden Televisions Kids Computers Toys Appliances Tablets Baby Ereaders Car