Coral Cliff Gaming
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Reviews and Comments for Coral Cliff Gaming Lounge

Best entries for Domain and Click
1 The Domain of Salt Lake City
Domain site
Domain site for UT-14-D, this includes archived reports for all chapters within the domain, and useful game information and links.
Navigationshilfet Y
Domain site for UT-14-D, this includes archived reports for all chapters within the domain, and useful game information and links.
Navigationshilfet Y
2 Game Revolution: Click. Click. Wheres the Bang?
Rated B-.
Rated B-. 'Exile is just an exercise that lacks the energy to make anyone ebullient. But that isnt to say its not damn pretty.'
Cheats Nintendo Xbox Phantom Video Playstation Faq Pc Pain Iphone Solid Gear Metal Games Exile Life Myst Friend Strength Fraud
Rated B-. 'Exile is just an exercise that lacks the energy to make anyone ebullient. But that isnt to say its not damn pretty.'
Cheats Nintendo Xbox Phantom Video Playstation Faq Pc Pain Iphone Solid Gear Metal Games Exile Life Myst Friend Strength Fraud
3 Clickris
Clickris is
Clickris is arcade-style puzzle game for Windows.The games goal is to get as much points as you can. You would click on groups of stones with the same picture, but not on isolated stones. If you click on such a group, the group vanishes and the stones on top of them fall down. There are new lines appeare, every some seconds.
Clickris Windows Free Game Puzzle Mobile Gold Arcade Style Subscribe Regnow Puzzles Download Youtube Clickpuzzle Slide Mail
Clickris is arcade-style puzzle game for Windows.The games goal is to get as much points as you can. You would click on groups of stones with the same picture, but not on isolated stones. If you click on such a group, the group vanishes and the stones on top of them fall down. There are new lines appeare, every some seconds.
Clickris Windows Free Game Puzzle Mobile Gold Arcade Style Subscribe Regnow Puzzles Download Youtube Clickpuzzle Slide Mail
4 Domain of the Forgotten Hour
Bangor, Maines
Bangor, Maines Camarilla domain ME-007-D. Live Action RolePlaying in White Wolfs World of Darkness!
Navigationshilfe Ty
Bangor, Maines Camarilla domain ME-007-D. Live Action RolePlaying in White Wolfs World of Darkness!
Navigationshilfe Ty
5 Domain of Boston
Official site
Official site for the Boston domain MA-001-D including a description of their charity work, their Changeling and Vampire venues, and current events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
Official site for the Boston domain MA-001-D including a description of their charity work, their Changeling and Vampire venues, and current events.
Navigationshilfe Ty
6 Domain of Hampton Roads
Domain VA-021-D
Domain VA-021-D consists of chapters Curse of the Seven Cities, Dark Harbor Chronicle, Haven of Dark Justice, and City of Sorrows.
Navigationshilfet Y
Domain VA-021-D consists of chapters Curse of the Seven Cities, Dark Harbor Chronicle, Haven of Dark Justice, and City of Sorrows.
Navigationshilfet Y
8 Dark Heartland Domain
Web site
Web site for the Dark Heartland Domain of Greater Kansas City, part of the Camarilla, White Wolfs official fan club.
Jordan Low Pas Cher Domain Bred Hogan Outlet Reports Nike Air News Hare Charity Freerice Run Free Ks
Web site for the Dark Heartland Domain of Greater Kansas City, part of the Camarilla, White Wolfs official fan club.
Jordan Low Pas Cher Domain Bred Hogan Outlet Reports Nike Air News Hare Charity Freerice Run Free Ks
9 Vampire: the Eternal Struggle....Domain of Canberra
Salem Christ
Salem Christ, the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Prince of the Domain of Canberra. The V:EKN is the players organisation for vtes, and it has the support of the games makers. This page is for stuff that is relevant to vtes players, particularly local ones.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Advisor App Hosting Gallery Local Help Network Please Compare
Salem Christ, the Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Prince of the Domain of Canberra. The V:EKN is the players organisation for vtes, and it has the support of the games makers. This page is for stuff that is relevant to vtes players, particularly local ones.
Business Yahoo Email Plans Small Ecommerce Marketing Advisor App Hosting Gallery Local Help Network Please Compare
10 UHS: Physicus
Click-through hints
Click-through hints from the Universal Hint System.
Hints Walkthrough Ordinary Uhs Physicus Hint Readers Authors Nancy Universal System Section Contact Games Whats
Click-through hints from the Universal Hint System.
Hints Walkthrough Ordinary Uhs Physicus Hint Readers Authors Nancy Universal System Section Contact Games Whats
11 UHS: The 7th Guest
Click-through hints
Click-through hints from Universal Hint System.
Hints Walkthrough Puzzles Ordinary Uhs Guest Solutions Readers Hint Th Rules Elder System Games Articles Secret Locations
Click-through hints from Universal Hint System.
Hints Walkthrough Puzzles Ordinary Uhs Guest Solutions Readers Hint Th Rules Elder System Games Articles Secret Locations
12 Game Revolution
Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Mark Cooke, B. 'If you need to look up a Klingon insult, its just a click away.'
Cheats Nintendo Xbox Phantom Playstation Video Faq Pain Pc Fallout Star Metal Gear Trek Iphone Reviews Won’t Cocaine Login
Reviewed by: Mark Cooke, B. 'If you need to look up a Klingon insult, its just a click away.'
Cheats Nintendo Xbox Phantom Playstation Video Faq Pain Pc Fallout Star Metal Gear Trek Iphone Reviews Won’t Cocaine Login
13 Universal Hint System
Click-through hints
Click-through hints revealing progressively more information about the game.
Hints Walkthrough Ordinary Earth Uhs Center Journey Readers Hint Contact Drew Universal Nancy Mine Section Whats System Games
Click-through hints revealing progressively more information about the game.
Hints Walkthrough Ordinary Earth Uhs Center Journey Readers Hint Contact Drew Universal Nancy Mine Section Whats System Games
Click advertisements
Click advertisements on a grid for a chance to win money. Pixels available for advertiser purchase.
Click advertisements on a grid for a chance to win money. Pixels available for advertiser purchase.
15 Four Fat Chicks Review
'Rhem is
'Rhem is an ode to Myst for all point-and-click lovers, a very worthwhile indie project.'
Hosting Domain Network Marketing Web Solutions Names Services Website Registration Innovative Host Name Netsol Y
'Rhem is an ode to Myst for all point-and-click lovers, a very worthwhile indie project.'
Hosting Domain Network Marketing Web Solutions Names Services Website Registration Innovative Host Name Netsol Y
16 The Mystery of Time and Space
An interactive
An interactive online point-and-click graphic adventure game.
Space Adventure Mystery Game Graphic Javascript Studio Jan Wikkedwire Albartus Copyright Blender Gamesplanet Free Motas Edge Fun
An interactive online point-and-click graphic adventure game.
Space Adventure Mystery Game Graphic Javascript Studio Jan Wikkedwire Albartus Copyright Blender Gamesplanet Free Motas Edge Fun
17 Jaw Wars
Brush those
Brush those teeth and defeat the germs before they rot and drop out. One player, simple click Shockwave game.
Web Risc Scott Wars Godalming Accessibility Surrey Design England Keep Shockwave Portfolio Os Google Contact Illustrator New Uk Coldfusion Codeigniter
Brush those teeth and defeat the germs before they rot and drop out. One player, simple click Shockwave game.
Web Risc Scott Wars Godalming Accessibility Surrey Design England Keep Shockwave Portfolio Os Google Contact Illustrator New Uk Coldfusion Codeigniter
18 Kell Hounds
Hard to
Hard to navigate (click on the rotating ship images). Includes member listing and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Help Hosting App Local Gallery Advisor Privacy Please Has New Network
Hard to navigate (click on the rotating ship images). Includes member listing and links.
Yahoo Business Email Plans Ecommerce Marketing Small Help Hosting App Local Gallery Advisor Privacy Please Has New Network
19 DM Games
Ball Click
Ball Click, Ghost Catch, X-Wing Warrior and Lildudes Legacy made with Game Maker for Windows.
Ball Click, Ghost Catch, X-Wing Warrior and Lildudes Legacy made with Game Maker for Windows.
20 USA Today
PC review
PC review by A.S. Berman, 3/4. 'Those aching for a good old-fashioned session of point-click-explode could do worse than joining this interplanetary Cold War.'
Document Object Movedthisy
PC review by A.S. Berman, 3/4. 'Those aching for a good old-fashioned session of point-click-explode could do worse than joining this interplanetary Cold War.'
Document Object Movedthisy
Review by
Review by Tim McConnaughy, 79%. 'The controls are as intuitive as a first-person shooter and as easy as point and click. The graphics and sounds are very well done, and the community is mostly friendly and approachable.'
Review by Tim McConnaughy, 79%. 'The controls are as intuitive as a first-person shooter and as easy as point and click. The graphics and sounds are very well done, and the community is mostly friendly and approachable.'
22 Stuff Magazine
[8.5/10] 'While
[8.5/10] 'While the nutball MK mythos is annoyingâ€â€Âclick through those windy speeches by Raiden as quickly as possibleâ€â€Âits all good once disembodied heads are bouncing around like popcorn.'
[8.5/10] 'While the nutball MK mythos is annoyingâ€â€Âclick through those windy speeches by Raiden as quickly as possibleâ€â€Âits all good once disembodied heads are bouncing around like popcorn.'
23 Black Magic
Information about
Information about Vivi. [Click on Vivi in the bottom-right to enter, and use the small icons which appear to navigate.]
Directory Parenty
Information about Vivi. [Click on Vivi in the bottom-right to enter, and use the small icons which appear to navigate.]
Directory Parenty
24 AllRPG Review
Rated 7.5/10
Rated 7.5/10 by Chris Grasinger. 'Newcomers to the series and old veterans of the giant will be equally entertained by the hours of fun that this slide show point and click RPG has in store.'
Please Displayedcontactcannot Page Providerfor Error
Rated 7.5/10 by Chris Grasinger. 'Newcomers to the series and old veterans of the giant will be equally entertained by the hours of fun that this slide show point and click RPG has in store.'
Please Displayedcontactcannot Page Providerfor Error
25 Just Adventure Review
'Revolution Software
'Revolution Software has developed a very worthy point and click adventure game ... and it is definitely worth your look.' by Bob Freese.
Karla Munger News Upcoming Release Review Adventure Sign Released Support Store New Releases Games Kickstarter
'Revolution Software has developed a very worthy point and click adventure game ... and it is definitely worth your look.' by Bob Freese.
Karla Munger News Upcoming Release Review Adventure Sign Released Support Store New Releases Games Kickstarter
26 Writings on Minesweeper
Contains various
Contains various articles on Microsofts Minesweeper including randomness, board cycles, first click, and bugs. Extensive experimentation.
Page Found Incorrect Uploaded Points Pageplease Have Entered Enter Owner Browser Thispage Information Upload Y
Contains various articles on Microsofts Minesweeper including randomness, board cycles, first click, and bugs. Extensive experimentation.
Page Found Incorrect Uploaded Points Pageplease Have Entered Enter Owner Browser Thispage Information Upload Y
27 Gameboomer - Review
Reviewed by
Reviewed by Jenny100. [B+] 'Recommended for fans of the first Dark Fall game and anyone who enjoys exploring a spooky and atmospheric gameworld in first person point-and-click style.'
Fall Dark Lights Games Windows Reviews Adventure Game Drive Sometimes Parker Ii Gameboomers Apparently Toshiba Sound Fortissimo
Reviewed by Jenny100. [B+] 'Recommended for fans of the first Dark Fall game and anyone who enjoys exploring a spooky and atmospheric gameworld in first person point-and-click style.'
Fall Dark Lights Games Windows Reviews Adventure Game Drive Sometimes Parker Ii Gameboomers Apparently Toshiba Sound Fortissimo
28 A for Adventure - Review
Reviewed by
Reviewed by GraveDigger on 6th February 2003, includes screenshots. 'The music and sound effects make this point-and-click adventure one of the best ever created. '
Internal Server Error Error The Please Additionallyz Errordocument
Reviewed by GraveDigger on 6th February 2003, includes screenshots. 'The music and sound effects make this point-and-click adventure one of the best ever created. '
Internal Server Error Error The Please Additionallyz Errordocument
29 Leapys Pool Master
Win/Mac freeware
Win/Mac freeware for managing NCAA basketball tournament pools. Features include statistical analysis, instant web page creation and point-and-click player entries.
Leapy Productions Check Dog Httpleapydogcom Powered Instantpagefrom Godaddy [[domain]] Godaddycom Hosted Want Contactwebpage
Win/Mac freeware for managing NCAA basketball tournament pools. Features include statistical analysis, instant web page creation and point-and-click player entries.
Leapy Productions Check Dog Httpleapydogcom Powered Instantpagefrom Godaddy [[domain]] Godaddycom Hosted Want Contactwebpage
30 Chronos Domain
Pictures, characters
Pictures, characters, and art.
Create Tripod Hosting Page Requested Errorpage Tripodcom Lycoscom Please Signup Foundwebsite Login Lycos
Pictures, characters, and art.
Create Tripod Hosting Page Requested Errorpage Tripodcom Lycoscom Please Signup Foundwebsite Login Lycos
31 Games Domain
Review [4.5/5]
Review [4.5/5] with screenshots.
Games Xe Yahoo Videos Trailer Plugged News Photos Screen Video Mobile Scalebound Xed Movies Gamescom Tv Dino Shopping
Review [4.5/5] with screenshots.
Games Xe Yahoo Videos Trailer Plugged News Photos Screen Video Mobile Scalebound Xed Movies Gamescom Tv Dino Shopping