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GameSpot: Black Dawn

GameSpot: Black Dawn Review Experience Giant Abnormaltraffic

Review by Staff, [7.6]. 'This game is what loud, engaging gameplay is all about.' (PlayStation)

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Reviews and Comments for GameSpot: Black Dawn

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Best entries for Giant and Abnormaltraffic

1 GamesPaper: Hotel Giant Offers game
Offers game preview with screenshots.
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2 IGN Review of
Review of the Playstation version, scoring 6.8/10: 'Sometimes all you really need is a well-crafted game of giant robot destruction.'
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3 JoWood Traffic Giant Includes demo
Includes demo, add-ons, patches, screen shots, and links.
4 Cinescape Reviewed by
Reviewed by James Stevenson [Grade: A]. 'Another giant step for this relatively young series.' (GameCube)
5 Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg MobyGames entry
MobyGames entry with screenshots, credits, score [3.6/5] and cover images.
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6 Cinescape Reviewed by
Reviewed by James Stevenson [Grade: B-]. 'My other complaint is that the environments arent very interactive. There is a giant amusement park that you cant really do too much to.'
7 GameSpot Review by
Review by Denny Atkin, scoring 9/10: 'Overall, Heavy Gear II is the most impressive game yet in the giant robot genre.'
Xbox Gamespot News Reviews Ps Pc Wii Ii Gear Heavy Activision Trailers Latest New Sign Sights Giant Association Most
8 Armchair Empire Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Mr. Nash, 7/10. 'Now I know that giant robots are popular both in North America and Japan, but this is starting to get out of hand.'
9 Hotel Giant Official site.
Official site. Offers news, information, downloads, screenshots, forum, and links. [English and German]
10 IGN (GameCube) UK import
UK import review, by Ben Cartledge: 'Doshin the Giant is a solid game if you can see past the tediousness of repeating the same tasks every day.' [Score: 6.8 out of 10]
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11 Mech Commander 2 Reviewed by
Reviewed by Jake The Snake, [4/5]. 'Fans of giant robots and strategy games will enjoy stomping around in this one.'
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12 IGN (GameCube) UK import
UK import review, by Ben Cartledge: 'Doshin the Giant is a solid game if you can see past the tediousness of repeating the same tasks every day.' [Score: 6.8 out of 10]
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13 The Changeling Palace A resource
A resource website organized in the format of a giant mansion. Features chatrooms and resources for storytellers &, players.
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14 GameSpot Review Rated 9.0/10
Rated 9.0/10 by Denny Atkin. 'Heavy Gear II is the most impressive game yet in the giant robot genre.' Free reader reviews and 7 screenshots.
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15 Gamezilla Review by
Review by Josh Campbell, 85%. 'What Jedi Knight lacks in spark, it compensates for with the oodles of money that a giant like LucasArts can throw into the development process.'
16 AllRPG Review Rated 7.5/10
Rated 7.5/10 by Chris Grasinger. 'Newcomers to the series and old veterans of the giant will be equally entertained by the hours of fun that this slide show point and click RPG has in store.'
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17 Gaming Target (GameCube) Review, by
Review, by Mariadele Arcuri: 'Doshin the Giant is quite an unbalanced game that requires patience and curiosity much more than it craves reflexes and coordination.' [Score: 7.4 out of 10]
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18 GameSpy - Preview Preview, by
Preview, by Benjamin Turner: 'Have no doubt: Im quite looking forward to playing the final version of Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg.'
Billy Hatcher Team Sonic Release Developer Date Sega Giant Gamespy Publisher Page Previews Articles Soccer Entertainment Wars
19 GameSpy - Preview Preview, by
Preview, by Benjamin Turner: 'Have no doubt: Im quite looking forward to playing the final version of Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg.'
Billy Hatcher Team Sonic Release Date Developer Giant Sega Gamespy Publisher Previews Page Everyone Gamestats Eventually Soccer Features
20 Pineapple Leader The home
The home of 'Hurrah' - a Risus WWI Flying Ace sourcebook, and 'Die like a Liao,' for Risus-ized giant robot battles.
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21 Industry Giant II Review - PC PC Review
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22 FiringSquad - Review Review, by
Review, by Marcus Yam: 'Although there are parallels to Mario Sunshine, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg is a highly original game' [Score: 70%]
23 FiringSquad - Review Review, by
Review, by Marcus Yam: 'Although there are parallels to Mario Sunshine, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg is a highly original game' [Score: 70%]
24 Game Revolution Reviewed by
Reviewed by Johnny Liu [grade: B+]. 'The game grows on you the more you play it. It doesnt make any giant leaps, but its still a blast. And it made me laugh.'
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25 The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers Large archive
Large archive and general trivia repository for the creators of classic video games of the 1970s and 1980s.
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26 Hedgend Maze Giant hedge
Giant hedge maze plus a range of other activities. Find prices, tea room, group specials, photo gallery and contact details.
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27 Industry Giant II for PC Review PC Review
PC Review by Tom Chick
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28 SonicTeam Developer of
Developer of titles such as Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, and Sonic the Hedgehog games. Features news and links to official game sites.
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29 Antonio Casola Farms Holmdel. Details
Holmdel. Details of pumpkin picking, Belgian Draft pulled hayrides, Giant American Eagle corn maze, and class trips, plus discount landscaping coupons.
30 Total Review. [8.7/10]
Review. [8.7/10] 'Not as groundbreaking as it should have been. It may be hard to admit, but 'Virtua Fighter 4' has taken a giant leap compared to Tekken 4s bunny hop. But now that Namco has hit the nail on the head when it comes to fighting depth and detail, it is time for change.'
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31 Computer and Video Games [82/100] By
[82/100] By Rhianna Pratchett. 'I dont know about you, but rarely do I get to experience the unrestrained childish euphoria I felt when I found myself smacking a giant robot about the kneecaps with a traffic light.' Includes screen shots.
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32 Hangomoto Hangman style
Hangman style game where wrong guesses results in a giant monster crushing parts of your city. Word categories include: animals, geography, music groups, politics, science fiction, and toons.

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