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XYZZYnews: The Art of the

XYZZYnews: The Art Review Experience Neil Zarf

Three accomplished IF authors discuss the art of creating puzzles for a game.

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Reviews and Comments for XYZZYnews: The Art of

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Best entries for Neil and Zarf

1 Reviews of Commercial Games by Zarf Reviews of
Reviews of graphical adventure games by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin, author of many innovative text adventures.
Myst Uru Games Reviews Journey Holmes Lost Dark Hill Sherlock Ages Legend Live Zork Rhem Prophecy Pcgame Prince Lightbringer Realmyst
2 GameAxis Review by
Review by Neil Ong, with screen shots. Score: 8.1 out of 10.
Magazines Privacy Pdpa Statement Exist Moved Use Page Regn Copyright Access Longer Youre Pteltd Wordpress Y
3 GameAxis [6.1/10] Review
[6.1/10] Review by Neil Ong. Includes screen shots.
Looking Privacy Pteltd Pdpa Regn Robotsgonebad Youre Access Exist Conditions Longer Moved Use Been Published Y
4 Gamers Hell Reviewed by:
Reviewed by: Neil J. Sloan, [9/10]. Also includes screenshots.
Review Games Gamecube Fantasy Crystal Final Chronicles Videos Downloads Reviews News Cheats Wii Casual Truck San Faqs Cry
5 Imperius Maximus DBA-Based Colonial
DBA-Based Colonial Wargames Rules by Neil Laird.
6 ToTheGame Patrick Durante
Patrick Durante interviews Senior Producer Neil Donnell.
Filedirectory Resource Looking Server Temporarily Foundthe Namechanged Unavailablebeen Error Might Removed
7 XYZZYnews: Romancing the Genre An interview
An interview with game author Amy Briggs by Neil deMause.
Infocom Xyzzynews Plundered Hearts Ive Briggs Romancing Issue Massachusetts Page Imps English Myst Interview Great Genre
8 GameAxis: Demo Impression Preview of
Preview of PC version by Neil Ong. Includes screen shots.
Been Longer Page Youre Copyright Moved Use Magazines Statement Robotsgonebad Pdpa Regn Wordpress Conditions Published Y
9 GameAxis Review [8.3/10] By
[8.3/10] By Neil Ong. 'PlanetSide is immensely addictive, and is guaranteed to keep you coming back for more.'
Robotsgonebad Regn Pteltd Wordpress Pdpa Published Privacy Access Powered Exist Moved Use Conditions Been Statement Y
10 Gamers Hell [6.9/10] Review
[6.9/10] Review by Neil J. Sloan with screen shots. 'I played it for ten hours straight before stopping to eat.'
Games Review Empire Magic Downloads Videos News Reviews Cheats Pc Casual Wii Screenshots Guide Ps Bleedout List Streaming Xcom
11 GamesFirst: Interview Aaron Stanton
Aaron Stanton interviews Neil Wiser, President and Founder of the UltraPrime Network. Contains also concept images.
Evolvers Wiser Neal Gf Reviews Gamesfirst Articles Ultraprime Neil However Tvseries Network Interview President Games Cheats Final Demos
12 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Strong in
'Strong in every aspect.'
Ive Riven Thats Theyre Once Review Aunt Superb Gehn Now Reviews Very Maybe Every Official Half Enough Those
13 GameAxis Preview by
Preview by Neil Ong. '[F]rom what weve seen and played in PlanetSide so far, this game looks very promising indeed. Its got a lot of potential, and despite only being in beta right now, its got enough pace, action and depth to keep us going back for more.'
Moved Use Page Exist Conditions Magazines Longer Regn Pdpa Published Wordpress Youre Pteltd Copyright Robotsgonebad Y
14 The Electric Playground Review by
Review by Neil Harris, [7.5/10]. 'A slightly above-average third person action adventure with some frustrations that shouldnt take too much away from an otherwise decent game.'
Forbidden Forbidden Youy
15 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Interesting in
'Interesting in places, but not impressive.'
Ive Cryptic Notes Doom Nightfall Diary Magic Well Systems Review Zarfhome There Spot Mediocre Youre Therewas Ireduced Never Kagi
16 The Electric Playground Review by
Review by Neil Harris, 7/10. 'Force Commanders take on the RTS genre offers many improvements, but using the interface is like trying to perform a circumcision with a light saber.'
Forbidden Forbidden Youy
17 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Ico is
'Ico is certainly the most well-designed console adventure game Ive played.'
Ill Review Now Thepuzzle Game Hill Riven Thats Scea Titanic They Zarfhome Reviews Stupendous Creators Realizing Tomb
18 Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'A perfectly
'A perfectly acceptable puzzle-hunt, very satisfying, but not very challenging.'
Riddle Thats Sphinx Ive Review Pretty Just Creative Islanders Reviews Easter Atlanteans Omni Interactive Group Pentium Mary Dirt
19 Nintendojo Review of
Review of GameCube version by Neil Aschliman. 'A weekend may be enough for most, as the flaws of unimpressive graphics, brief-lived audio humor and questionable control are substantial.' Score: 6.6 out of 10.
Nintendo Previews Reviews Game Ds Boy News Wii Advance Nes Hiring Story Contact Request Interviews
20 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'If you
'If you have any interest in graphical IF, you should play The Last Express. For the sheer chutzpah of it all, if nothing else.'
Last Express_ Express German Even Well Review Russian Just Paris American Game Myst Interface Consider Why Youve Orient
21 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Rhem is
'Rhem is the most intricate pure-puzzle adventure game Ive played in years.'
Rhem Youre Review Ive Youll Fall Yes Reviews Cds Youmight Knut Almost Cosmic Fall_ Dark Gameplay
22 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'If you
'If you are a Myst fan, the single-player Uru is an enjoyable new chapter, and a tempting invitation to Uru Live.'
Cyan Myst Uru Ages Review Beyond Live_ Theyre Dni Riven Persia Worlds Reviews Yes Okay Ive Nearly Live
23 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'RealMyst... is
'RealMyst... is a fine new version, which captures everything that was Myst and then improves on a few rough corners.'
Myst Realmyst Even Review Riven Cyan Ill Game Once Besides Reviews Dark Actually Real Excellent People
24 The Electric Playground Review by
Review by Neil Harris, 9/10. 'Definitely at the top of the current crop of space-combat sims, Tachyon delivers solid gameplay based on a good story and lots of player interaction.'
Forbidden Forbidden Youy
25 The Electric Playground PC review
PC review by Neil Harris, 75%. 'Starlancers presentation and user interface are pretty close to perfection, but the AI of your opponents will have you thinking youre an ace pilot, even when youre not.'
Forbidden Forbidden Youy
26 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'It explores
'It explores a lot of ground that I want other games to explore... But due to large problems and small, Lighthouse just isnt much fun.'
Lighthouse Review Sierra Other Well Zarfhome Reviews Plus They Game System Line Okay Buteven Hell Yeesh Scientist Availability
27 Mini-review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin Reviewer finds
Reviewer finds TimeScape realistically depicted, poorly written, and frustrating.
Pompeii Roman Journey Mini Review Realistic Timescape Game Tribe Zarfhome Vesuvius World Reviews None Arxel
28 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Starship Titanic
'Starship Titanic is full of puzzles that are entirely impossible to solve, unless youre Douglas Adams.'
Adams Mbytes Titanic Arboretum Succ Bus Starship Well Douglas Review Game Cd Rom Robots Super However Zarfhome Thats Galactic Village Conclusion Plus Guide_
29 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Very pretty
'Very pretty, and enjoyable, but perhaps too lightweight to pay full price for. On the other hand, perhaps the story will work for you. It didnt for me.'
Right Amerzone French Review Birds Official Zarfhome Youre Casterman White Amazon Reviews Excellent Crystal Pretty Only Amerzonia Microiumlds
30 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Zork Nemesis
'Zork Nemesis is really good... It has a few flaws in its graphics and a few more in its puzzle design, but dont let that stop you from snatching it.'
Zork Nemesis_ Review Sometimes Nemesis They Maybe Myst Reviews Activision Official Theres Game Lots Plot Mckillip Gameplay Very Now
31 Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Chemicus is
'Chemicus is a well-put-together pure-puzzle adventure game -- even ignoring the fact that its educational and put together out of real-world chemistry ideas.'
Theres Chemicus Review Good Heureka Klett Game Actually Ill Thats Tivola Inquisitor Ruske German Longest Worst Itsnot
32 Review by Andrew 'Zarf' Plotkin 'Morpheus gave
'Morpheus gave me a very enjoyable nine hours of play time, and had elements that could have made it truly brilliant, but it didnt quite follow through.'
Dark Herculania Good Review Holmes Morpheus Matthew Grand Official Eye Nemesis Well Pharris Ive Cd Graphics North See Definitely

More XYZZYnews: The Art of the Puzzle Infos

roundtable adam neil take zarf find tell about leia lucian north that puzzle isaid balance but cant they bureaucracy vogon muds plus mike yourconversational essentially olmsted curses especially theinteresting theplayer motivations ditto systems breakfast obviously burn thenyou serve space yousort neildemause leadersthat anaheim parrot god from christminster art puzzle_ imtrying cheating plotkin tads again warn sorry andi capable ifstories levels pipe thecandlestick reagan mustard spellbreaker grahamhave hills morningstar hard rees games president one implementation depends photo lps most book prez which ive i throw whats whereas provide proust just husband yeah cookbook maybe only except accuse luke xyzzynews thats this edifice well its theres if show heres thing right what sister ifese even go with far picture spices okay lights think cadre having itrequires rescue babel otherwise issue ill yes lost there puzzles blow seriously have good clue lets flip see more smith lny wife exactly and aliensare start specious sleeping todo york nobody dissing ormaybe open loby iagree ofrecipes power out dont abstraction each sure c buckley andblow america twilight anticipation short basically yetthat newyork either gareth zarfand game deus sofar leias include iconsidered some door andrewzarf lower then butterscotch translate tvinstead youd ivesometimes andthat since howto iprovided incredulous before who agb whatever layers define evenwith youll also showphoto south yorklny atleast ican those mo unfair ihad screw you exercise where brute like frederick adams lukeleia guide lead australia shall grahams discuss oneof yknow baby recipe houston thesecond spaceinvaders thepuzzles around review lemme accusing adna unless ivegot links lukes andsuddenly tapestry asin easy invaders ininform itdbe showing locked back hmm leiaand greetings hearts guard gumshoe ifplayers mastermind motivating stranger the ultimately hypothesis every outwith blowspices apologize would apuzzle angeles still many asktell puzzle ilike whatpurpose national imcurrently adamwants william oops your

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