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Best entries for Z and Learning
1 Learning Disabilities Online
A selection
A selection of articles on learning disabilities including symptoms, possible causes, and alternative ways to prevent learning disorders.
A selection of articles on learning disabilities including symptoms, possible causes, and alternative ways to prevent learning disorders.
2 Edbydesign.com: Learning Disabilities
Includes definition
Includes definition of Learning Disabilities, as well as links to pages about specific learning problems.
Learning Disabilities Reading Adhd Dyscalculia Dyslexia Disability Dyspraxia Parents Difficulties Intelligence Lets Resources Adhdattention
Includes definition of Learning Disabilities, as well as links to pages about specific learning problems.
Learning Disabilities Reading Adhd Dyscalculia Dyslexia Disability Dyspraxia Parents Difficulties Intelligence Lets Resources Adhdattention
3 New Mexico Learning Disabilities Association
The Learning
The Learning Disabilities Association of New Mexico (NM-LDA) is a nonprofit volunteer organization affiliated with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDAA). LDAA gives support and information to persons with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals through 50 state affiliates and 800 local units. NM-LDA is headquartered in Albuquerque.
Learning Disabilities Mexico Nm Lda Association State Checklist Full World Tapes Borrow Meeting Other Monthly
The Learning Disabilities Association of New Mexico (NM-LDA) is a nonprofit volunteer organization affiliated with the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDAA). LDAA gives support and information to persons with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals through 50 state affiliates and 800 local units. NM-LDA is headquartered in Albuquerque.
Learning Disabilities Mexico Nm Lda Association State Checklist Full World Tapes Borrow Meeting Other Monthly
4 Northwest Language and Learning Services
Seattle, WA
Seattle, WA clinic specializing in language and learning disabilities, articulation, nonverbal learning disorders, and executive function disorders.
Seattle, WA clinic specializing in language and learning disabilities, articulation, nonverbal learning disorders, and executive function disorders.
5 Tomatis Listening Method
Auditory intervention
Auditory intervention for learning disabilities, autism, PDD, ADD, and other learning challenges.
Tomatis Listening Sacarin Center Development Movement Method Alfred Effect Seattle Training Integration Auditory Bellevue Psycho Motor
Auditory intervention for learning disabilities, autism, PDD, ADD, and other learning challenges.
Tomatis Listening Sacarin Center Development Movement Method Alfred Effect Seattle Training Integration Auditory Bellevue Psycho Motor
6 Special Tools for Learning
Detailed information
Detailed information on using visual aids and instruction for people with autism and learning disabilities.
Detailed information on using visual aids and instruction for people with autism and learning disabilities.
7 Kundalini Reiki Distance Learning
We offer
We offer three levels of distant learning courses. Each attunement takes about 25 minutes.
Reiki Kundalini Energy Healing Chakra Master Crown Attunements Chakras Channels Distance Channel Other Also Full Rising Change Body
We offer three levels of distant learning courses. Each attunement takes about 25 minutes.
Reiki Kundalini Energy Healing Chakra Master Crown Attunements Chakras Channels Distance Channel Other Also Full Rising Change Body
8 Blindness Related Learning
Braille School
Braille School provides web-based communication learning tools for the visually impaired, their friends and family.
Brailleschoolcom Advance Insurance Cash Consolidation Debt Free Learn Credit Phones Privacysection Policy Browse
Braille School provides web-based communication learning tools for the visually impaired, their friends and family.
Brailleschoolcom Advance Insurance Cash Consolidation Debt Free Learn Credit Phones Privacysection Policy Browse
9 Learning Discoveries Psychological Services
Wholistic remediation
Wholistic remediation for all manner of learning difficulties, including the use of biofeedback. Located in Australia.
Wholistic remediation for all manner of learning difficulties, including the use of biofeedback. Located in Australia.
10 Learning Disabilities Unplugged
Offers training
Offers training for teachers, parents, therapists, caregivers, and others who work with people with learning difficulties.
Z Welcome Y
Offers training for teachers, parents, therapists, caregivers, and others who work with people with learning difficulties.
Z Welcome Y
11 SB-Learning
Discussions are
Discussions are about neurological issues and the impact on learning.
Yahoo Sb Learning Help Please Groups Attachments Conversations Travel Screen Ifyoure Parenting Makers Real Onlineservices Xhome Flickr
Discussions are about neurological issues and the impact on learning.
Yahoo Sb Learning Help Please Groups Attachments Conversations Travel Screen Ifyoure Parenting Makers Real Onlineservices Xhome Flickr
12 The Learning Clinic
Provides diagnostic
Provides diagnostic and therapeutic services to individuals with learning difficulties in Montana. Featuring the Fast ForWord family of programs.
Provides diagnostic and therapeutic services to individuals with learning difficulties in Montana. Featuring the Fast ForWord family of programs.
13 Health Achievement Learning Opportunities (HALO) Centers, Inc.
Medical team
Medical team approach to the diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities in children, adolescents, and adults.
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Medical team approach to the diagnosis and treatment of learning disabilities in children, adolescents, and adults.
Best Credit Free Report Cheap Luxury Pain Relief Cars Health College Phones Halocenterscom Migraine Insurance Speed Air Parental
14 The Warschaw Learning Institute
One-month dental
One-month dental front office e-learning course with teacher instruction in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Russian and Farsi.
One-month dental front office e-learning course with teacher instruction in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Russian and Farsi.
15 Kaleidoscope Learning Circle
Firm offers
Firm offers equine experiential learning programs in the form of retreats, seminars, and workshops. Features program description and registration materials. Located in Frankenmuth, MI.
Kaleidoscope Learning Circle Development Welcome Team Possibilities Resources Horses Customer Centric Work Samsa Approach Hosting Creating Website Followkaleidoscope Fun
Firm offers equine experiential learning programs in the form of retreats, seminars, and workshops. Features program description and registration materials. Located in Frankenmuth, MI.
Kaleidoscope Learning Circle Development Welcome Team Possibilities Resources Horses Customer Centric Work Samsa Approach Hosting Creating Website Followkaleidoscope Fun
16 The Learning Camp
Educational summer
Educational summer camp for children with learning challenges, including attention deficit disorder and dyslexia.
Camp Learning Adhd Add Program Foundation Facilities Ld Mountain Dyslexia Rocky Testimonials Parent Activities Summer
Educational summer camp for children with learning challenges, including attention deficit disorder and dyslexia.
Camp Learning Adhd Add Program Foundation Facilities Ld Mountain Dyslexia Rocky Testimonials Parent Activities Summer
17 Learning Disabilities Association of Wisconsin
Provides membership
Provides membership application, contacts, and outlines services, and basic information about Learning Disabilities.
Learning Disabilities Wisconsin Association Children Adults Lda Education Support Promotion Newsbriefs Design Legislation Inc Y
Provides membership application, contacts, and outlines services, and basic information about Learning Disabilities.
Learning Disabilities Wisconsin Association Children Adults Lda Education Support Promotion Newsbriefs Design Legislation Inc Y
18 Secondhand Smoke Blunts Learning
An estimated
An estimated 13 million children in the US are exposed to enough tobacco smoke to affect their learning, report summarizes.
Recipe Greene Dr Health Treatment Baby Guide Prevention Infant Diagnosis Md Pregnancy French Nutrition Care Mexican Healthcare Organic
An estimated 13 million children in the US are exposed to enough tobacco smoke to affect their learning, report summarizes.
Recipe Greene Dr Health Treatment Baby Guide Prevention Infant Diagnosis Md Pregnancy French Nutrition Care Mexican Healthcare Organic
19 Learning Disability History
Historical overview
Historical overview on the learning disability institution as well as being a resource for memorabilia and factual information on the three hospitals in Herfordshire: Cell Barnes, Harperbury and Leavesdon.
Wwwlearningdisabilityhistorycom – ãÂÂÃ…Â åÂÂÂÂå‰ÂÂcomã®ãƒˆãÆ’Æ’ãÆ’â€â€ãÆ’Å¡ãÆ’¼ã‚¸ã¸ ã“ã®ãƒ‰ãÆ’¡ã‚¤ãÆ’³ã¯ãÂÂÃ…Â åÂÂÂÂå‰ÂÂcomã§å–å¾Ã¢â‚¬â€ã•れã¦ã„ãÂÂ&
Historical overview on the learning disability institution as well as being a resource for memorabilia and factual information on the three hospitals in Herfordshire: Cell Barnes, Harperbury and Leavesdon.
Wwwlearningdisabilityhistorycom – ãÂÂÃ…Â åÂÂÂÂå‰ÂÂcomã®ãƒˆãÆ’Æ’ãÆ’â€â€ãÆ’Å¡ãÆ’¼ã‚¸ã¸ ã“ã®ãƒ‰ãÆ’¡ã‚¤ãÆ’³ã¯ãÂÂÃ…Â åÂÂÂÂå‰ÂÂcomã§å–å¾Ã¢â‚¬â€ã•れã¦ã„ãÂÂ&
20 Learning Disabilities Association of New Mexico
Provides support
Provides support and information to persons with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals. Offers a newsletter, conferences, programs, and meeting schedule.
Learning Disabilities Mexico Nm Lda Association Borrow State Full Wide Meetings Monthly Resources World Program Disabilitiesassociation Conference
Provides support and information to persons with learning disabilities, parents, teachers, and other professionals. Offers a newsletter, conferences, programs, and meeting schedule.
Learning Disabilities Mexico Nm Lda Association Borrow State Full Wide Meetings Monthly Resources World Program Disabilitiesassociation Conference
21 Cathy Cole Training
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing training and supervision provided via distance or online learning. Offers newsletter introducing professionals to MI concepts and to refresh the learning for those already practicing.
Motivational Interviewing Training Cathy Cole Video Consulting Workshops Inc Videos Classes Series Contact Page Continuing
Motivational Interviewing training and supervision provided via distance or online learning. Offers newsletter introducing professionals to MI concepts and to refresh the learning for those already practicing.
Motivational Interviewing Training Cathy Cole Video Consulting Workshops Inc Videos Classes Series Contact Page Continuing
22 The New Focus Institute for Clinical Hypnotherapy
On-site and
On-site and distance learning in beginning to advanced hypnotherapy, accelerated learning, and related disciplines. Both metaphysically and medically oriented. ABH-approved. (Canoga Park, CA)
Contact New Focuscom Construction Terms Check Messages Under Privacy Usepolicy Privacypolicy Underinterested
On-site and distance learning in beginning to advanced hypnotherapy, accelerated learning, and related disciplines. Both metaphysically and medically oriented. ABH-approved. (Canoga Park, CA)
Contact New Focuscom Construction Terms Check Messages Under Privacy Usepolicy Privacypolicy Underinterested
23 The Learning Camp
Summer camp
Summer camp for 7-17 year old ADHD, ADD, learning disabled, and dyslexic children. Located in Vail Valley, Colorado. Includes photos, staff profiles, testimonials, and registration form.
Camp Learning Adhd Add Facilities Foundation Program Testimonials Activities Dyslexia Mountain Parent Rocky Ld Privacy
Summer camp for 7-17 year old ADHD, ADD, learning disabled, and dyslexic children. Located in Vail Valley, Colorado. Includes photos, staff profiles, testimonials, and registration form.
Camp Learning Adhd Add Facilities Foundation Program Testimonials Activities Dyslexia Mountain Parent Rocky Ld Privacy
24 Learning Disabilities Association of Wisconsin
Describes organization’s
Describes organization’s goals and objectives. Information on identifying different disabilities, testing facilities and learning resources. Includes contact information and membership application form.
Learning Disabilities Wisconsin Association Adults Lda Children Education Support Enhancing Provides Advocacy Newsbriefs Copyright Y
Describes organization’s goals and objectives. Information on identifying different disabilities, testing facilities and learning resources. Includes contact information and membership application form.
Learning Disabilities Wisconsin Association Adults Lda Children Education Support Enhancing Provides Advocacy Newsbriefs Copyright Y
25 Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders
Mission is
Mission is to improve the identification, prevention and treatment of developmental and learning disorders.
Icdl Dir® Dirfloortime® Training Program Dir Learning Click Floortime Dirfloortime Information List Development Course Only Evidence Base Hampden Positive
Mission is to improve the identification, prevention and treatment of developmental and learning disorders.
Icdl Dir® Dirfloortime® Training Program Dir Learning Click Floortime Dirfloortime Information List Development Course Only Evidence Base Hampden Positive
26 Sailnet.com: Learning To Sail
A collection
A collection of articles about learning to sail.
Boat Mark Learning Sail Articles Sailnet Forum Matthews Sexton Electronics Jim Caldwell Bruce Sailing Charts List Safety Locker
A collection of articles about learning to sail.
Boat Mark Learning Sail Articles Sailnet Forum Matthews Sexton Electronics Jim Caldwell Bruce Sailing Charts List Safety Locker
27 Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities
Research and
Research and treatment facility treating an inner-ear (cerebellar-vestibular) disorder to relieve the varied symptoms characterizing Learning Disabilities as well as related Attention Deficit Disorder and phobias.
Dyslexia Dr Levinson Medical Center Treatment Adhd Contact Levinsons Disorder Media Disorders Fears Learning Diagnosis Outstanding Other
Research and treatment facility treating an inner-ear (cerebellar-vestibular) disorder to relieve the varied symptoms characterizing Learning Disabilities as well as related Attention Deficit Disorder and phobias.
Dyslexia Dr Levinson Medical Center Treatment Adhd Contact Levinsons Disorder Media Disorders Fears Learning Diagnosis Outstanding Other
28 The Learning Camp
Summer camp
Summer camp for 7-17 year old ADHD, ADD, learning disabled, and dyslexic children offers academic tutoring and traditional camp activities. Located in Vail Valley, Colorado. Includes photos, staff profiles, testimonials, and registration form.
Camp Learning Adhd Add Foundation Facilities Program Mountain Parent Ld Dyslexia Activities Rocky Testimonials Disabilities
Summer camp for 7-17 year old ADHD, ADD, learning disabled, and dyslexic children offers academic tutoring and traditional camp activities. Located in Vail Valley, Colorado. Includes photos, staff profiles, testimonials, and registration form.
Camp Learning Adhd Add Foundation Facilities Program Mountain Parent Ld Dyslexia Activities Rocky Testimonials Disabilities
29 Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois
A not-for-profit
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the education and general welfare of children and youth of normal or potentially normal intelligence who have learning disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual or coordinative nature or related problems.
Navigationshilfe Ty
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the education and general welfare of children and youth of normal or potentially normal intelligence who have learning disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual or coordinative nature or related problems.
Navigationshilfe Ty
30 Learning Disabilities Association of Colorado
Participates in
Participates in lobbying legislators and school board members on behalf of persons with learning disabilities, collects and distributes research, publishes a quarterly newsletter, maintains a lending library, and presents workshops and conferences throughout Colorado.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Business Php Affordable Name Bluehostcom Welcome Page Center Front Help Names
Participates in lobbying legislators and school board members on behalf of persons with learning disabilities, collects and distributes research, publishes a quarterly newsletter, maintains a lending library, and presents workshops and conferences throughout Colorado.
Hosting Web Domain Free Provider Business Php Affordable Name Bluehostcom Welcome Page Center Front Help Names
31 Dr.Deborah Sunbeck and Infinity Walk
Training, books
Training, books and videos: an accelerated sensory motor cognitive language development program for ages 6-adult, special education, occupational therapy, superlearning, all learning styles, dyslexia, multiple intelligence, whole brain learning, improved self-esteem, performance skills.
Sunbeck Walk Infinity Rochester Deborah Psychologist Counseling Psychotherapy Ny Phd Private Tube Training Accepted_ Natural
Training, books and videos: an accelerated sensory motor cognitive language development program for ages 6-adult, special education, occupational therapy, superlearning, all learning styles, dyslexia, multiple intelligence, whole brain learning, improved self-esteem, performance skills.
Sunbeck Walk Infinity Rochester Deborah Psychologist Counseling Psychotherapy Ny Phd Private Tube Training Accepted_ Natural
32 3M Learning
Comprehensive Internet-based
Comprehensive Internet-based learning system designed for busy healthcare and health information management (HIM) professionals. Content addresses standardized training and continuing education for coders, physician billers, and other staff members including training in APCs. [Fee based]
Coding Icd Health Data Information System Services Chief Officer Assisted Contact Documentation Clinical Navigation Improvement Professional News
Comprehensive Internet-based learning system designed for busy healthcare and health information management (HIM) professionals. Content addresses standardized training and continuing education for coders, physician billers, and other staff members including training in APCs. [Fee based]
Coding Icd Health Data Information System Services Chief Officer Assisted Contact Documentation Clinical Navigation Improvement Professional News