Mcgill University Health
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Supports fundraising activities to improve the quality of patient care and research including services at Montreal Childrens Hospital, the Montreal General Hospital, and the Royal Victoria Hospital.
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Best entries for Muhc and Foundation
1 Oregon Foundation Quarter Horse Web Ring
Sites about
Sites about horses that qualify as foundation-bred under the National Foundation Quarter Horse Associations (NFQHA) guidelines.
Horses Quarter Foundation Sport Horse Popular They Original Used Breed Createranch Found Rei
Sites about horses that qualify as foundation-bred under the National Foundation Quarter Horse Associations (NFQHA) guidelines.
Horses Quarter Foundation Sport Horse Popular They Original Used Breed Createranch Found Rei
2 Detlef Schrempf Foundation
Foundation established
Foundation established by NBA basketball player Detlef Schrempf 'to strengthen the lives of children and families in the Northwest USA by raising funds for various childrens charities and youth organizations'. Missions of the Foundation, events, press releases, response form, links.
Foundation established by NBA basketball player Detlef Schrempf 'to strengthen the lives of children and families in the Northwest USA by raising funds for various childrens charities and youth organizations'. Missions of the Foundation, events, press releases, response form, links.
3 Save Our Seas Foundation
Awareness, protection
Awareness, protection, preservation and conservation of the global marine environment are the heart of the Save Our Seas Foundations mission. Save our Seas Foundation is a non-profit making Swiss foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Published Seas Foundation Shark Ocean Sharks Apr Articles Experience Sosf Videos Research Field Peter Verhoog Funding Orca
Awareness, protection, preservation and conservation of the global marine environment are the heart of the Save Our Seas Foundations mission. Save our Seas Foundation is a non-profit making Swiss foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Published Seas Foundation Shark Ocean Sharks Apr Articles Experience Sosf Videos Research Field Peter Verhoog Funding Orca
4 The Billy Foundation
William S.
William S. Graham Foundation for Melanoma Research. Located in Hayward, California.
Foundation Melanoma Clinical Magnets Contact Billy Shue Purifiers News Advanced Varicose Facts Click County Surgery Surgeon Trials_ Join People
William S. Graham Foundation for Melanoma Research. Located in Hayward, California.
Foundation Melanoma Clinical Magnets Contact Billy Shue Purifiers News Advanced Varicose Facts Click County Surgery Surgeon Trials_ Join People
5 Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Education
Dr Joseph
Dr Joseph Strausss foundation. Newsletter and a discussion forum.
Dr Joseph Strausss foundation. Newsletter and a discussion forum.
6 Jeffrey Modell Foundation
A non-profit
A non-profit research foundation devoted to primary immune deficiency.
A non-profit research foundation devoted to primary immune deficiency.
7 The Foundation Ranch
Offers information
Offers information on old-style foundation sires. Horses for sale. Located in Baldwin.
Here Blanky
Offers information on old-style foundation sires. Horses for sale. Located in Baldwin.
Here Blanky
8 Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation
This foundation
This foundation offers patient information and literature, videos and treatment options.
Fibromyalgiathewebsite Height Healthline Oregon Serif Sansthis_ Calibri
This foundation offers patient information and literature, videos and treatment options.
Fibromyalgiathewebsite Height Healthline Oregon Serif Sansthis_ Calibri
9 Foundation Stichting Vakgroep Reflexzonetherapie
Foundation whose
Foundation whose purpose is to support and protect the principles of reflexology. In Dutch, English, and German.
Request Errory
Foundation whose purpose is to support and protect the principles of reflexology. In Dutch, English, and German.
Request Errory
10 ARCH Foundation
Not-for-profit foundation
Not-for-profit foundation helping uninsured low-income patients to obtain the Mirena intrauterine contraceptive system.
Skyla Mirena Assistance Information Program Intrauterine Contraceptive System Please Arch Health Control Bayer Eligibility Patient Cost
Not-for-profit foundation helping uninsured low-income patients to obtain the Mirena intrauterine contraceptive system.
Skyla Mirena Assistance Information Program Intrauterine Contraceptive System Please Arch Health Control Bayer Eligibility Patient Cost
11 Greg Moore Foundation
Charitable organization
Charitable organization to honour the memory and accomplishments of this Canadian driver. Career highlights, foundation background, news and donation information.
Charitable organization to honour the memory and accomplishments of this Canadian driver. Career highlights, foundation background, news and donation information.
12 Amity Foundation, Drug Rehabilitation
Residential and
Residential and prison based therapeutic communities. Non-profit foundation is holistic and comprehensive in approach and geared towards all cultures and genders. In Tucson, AZ.
Residential and prison based therapeutic communities. Non-profit foundation is holistic and comprehensive in approach and geared towards all cultures and genders. In Tucson, AZ.
13 Wilson Parrot Foundation
Nonprofit foundation
Nonprofit foundation, located in Olney, Maryland, dedicated to educational and charitable activities including the rescue of abandoned, neglected, and injured birds.
Parrot Personals Foundation Wilson Bird Wilsonparrotfoundation Wordpress Rehabilitate Where Entries Servicing Wordpressorg Parrots Uncategorized Rescue Mr
Nonprofit foundation, located in Olney, Maryland, dedicated to educational and charitable activities including the rescue of abandoned, neglected, and injured birds.
Parrot Personals Foundation Wilson Bird Wilsonparrotfoundation Wordpress Rehabilitate Where Entries Servicing Wordpressorg Parrots Uncategorized Rescue Mr
14 Wilson Parrot Foundation
Nonprofit foundation
Nonprofit foundation dedicated to the rescue of abandoned, neglected and injured birds. Find information about volunteering and adopting, donations and photographs of the current flock.
Parrot Foundation Personals Wilson Bird Wordpress Wilsonparrotfoundation Servicing Rescue Rss Wordpressorg Continue Entries Parrots Where Aircon
Nonprofit foundation dedicated to the rescue of abandoned, neglected and injured birds. Find information about volunteering and adopting, donations and photographs of the current flock.
Parrot Foundation Personals Wilson Bird Wordpress Wilsonparrotfoundation Servicing Rescue Rss Wordpressorg Continue Entries Parrots Where Aircon
15 SilverWind Miniatures and Foundation Shetlands
Preserving foundation
Preserving foundation show bloodlines of Winks and Bond in Minis, Crescent in Shetlands.
Preserving foundation show bloodlines of Winks and Bond in Minis, Crescent in Shetlands.
16 Evans Ranch Foundation Quarter Horses
Features horses
Features horses for sale and foundation bred stallions at stud. Located in Lamoille.
Horses Foundation Ranch Quarter Evans Sale Stallions Breeding Nevada King Aqha Colts Line Quarterhorses Horse Lamoille
Features horses for sale and foundation bred stallions at stud. Located in Lamoille.
Horses Foundation Ranch Quarter Evans Sale Stallions Breeding Nevada King Aqha Colts Line Quarterhorses Horse Lamoille
17 Circle S Farms Foundation Quarter Horses
Standing stallion
Standing stallion, Just Talk About. Horses for sale, foundation pedigrees. Located in Brandenburg.
Calendar æ»ã¬ã¨ãÂÂÂÂã¯大éËœªã§家æâ€â€Ã‚Â葬をãÂÂâ€â€ã¦ã‚‚らã„ãŸã„ç†ç‱ Archive *人ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã¯å¿Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ãÂÂÅ¡æ»ãââ
Standing stallion, Just Talk About. Horses for sale, foundation pedigrees. Located in Brandenburg.
Calendar æ»ã¬ã¨ãÂÂÂÂã¯大éËœªã§家æâ€â€Ã‚Â葬をãÂÂâ€â€ã¦ã‚‚らã„ãŸã„ç†ç‱ Archive *人ã¨ã„ã†ã®ã¯å¿Ã¢â‚¬Â¦ãÂÂÅ¡æ»ãââ
18 Foundation Australian Shepherd Photos
Photographs of
Photographs of some of the past great Australian Shepherds and some well known champions. Links to other sites of foundation dogs.
Sign Lifestream Everything People Now Updated Places Policy Create Go Theres Inc Advertise Email Reserved Learnmore
Photographs of some of the past great Australian Shepherds and some well known champions. Links to other sites of foundation dogs.
Sign Lifestream Everything People Now Updated Places Policy Create Go Theres Inc Advertise Email Reserved Learnmore
19 Foundation Breeders Ring
Ring of
Ring of web sites dedicated to the breeding of foundation-bred Quarter Horses.
Foundation Breeders Ring Quarter Forum Hub Horse Here Close Horses Login Add Stallion Equine Members Registries
Ring of web sites dedicated to the breeding of foundation-bred Quarter Horses.
Foundation Breeders Ring Quarter Forum Hub Horse Here Close Horses Login Add Stallion Equine Members Registries
20 Foundation Stallions
Offering foundation
Offering foundation bred Quarter horses for roping, western pleasure, or halter. Standing stallions at stud. Located in Kilgore.
Aqha Stallions Quarter Horse Sale Horses Foundation Bred Ranch Penncross Apha Paint Breeding Pedigrees Inc
Offering foundation bred Quarter horses for roping, western pleasure, or halter. Standing stallions at stud. Located in Kilgore.
Aqha Stallions Quarter Horse Sale Horses Foundation Bred Ranch Penncross Apha Paint Breeding Pedigrees Inc
21 Boxer Rescue Foundation
A non-profit
A non-profit foundation based in Phoenix, Arizona that provides financial assistance to dogs while in foster care. Online auction and rescue stories.
Boxer Rescue Foundation Auction Shoppe Guidelines Grant Stories Gift Grants Directors Financial Boxershoppecom Report Board Success
A non-profit foundation based in Phoenix, Arizona that provides financial assistance to dogs while in foster care. Online auction and rescue stories.
Boxer Rescue Foundation Auction Shoppe Guidelines Grant Stories Gift Grants Directors Financial Boxershoppecom Report Board Success
22 Tiger Woods Foundation
The foundation
The foundation supports programs that encourage youth to dream big dreams, engage the community in helping youngsters pursue their goals, and ensure young peoples access to developmental opportunities in society.
Woods Tiger Foundation Tour Photos Sponsors Video National News Jupiter Browse First Store Multimedia Wyndham Championship
The foundation supports programs that encourage youth to dream big dreams, engage the community in helping youngsters pursue their goals, and ensure young peoples access to developmental opportunities in society.
Woods Tiger Foundation Tour Photos Sponsors Video National News Jupiter Browse First Store Multimedia Wyndham Championship
23 Drew Bledsoe Foundation
A resource
A resource where parents learn new effective parenting skills. This foundation provides a source of information for parents, giving them the tools necessary to create an encouraging, and loving home for their children.
Drew Pharmacy Bledsoe Prescription Drugspillblue
A resource where parents learn new effective parenting skills. This foundation provides a source of information for parents, giving them the tools necessary to create an encouraging, and loving home for their children.
Drew Pharmacy Bledsoe Prescription Drugspillblue
24 The Drew Bledsoe Foundation
A resource
A resource where parents learn new effective parenting skills. This foundation provides a source of information for parents, giving them the tools necessary to create an encouraging, and loving home for their children.
Bledsoe Pharmacy Drew Blue Pilldrugs Prescription Z
A resource where parents learn new effective parenting skills. This foundation provides a source of information for parents, giving them the tools necessary to create an encouraging, and loving home for their children.
Bledsoe Pharmacy Drew Blue Pilldrugs Prescription Z
25 The Girdle Foundation
Nostalgic look
Nostalgic look at the fashion history of the girdle and foundation garment.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Sign Help Sorry News Guidelines Mapsterms Finance Popular Wayback
Nostalgic look at the fashion history of the girdle and foundation garment.
Yahoo Geocities Copyright Policy Sign Help Sorry News Guidelines Mapsterms Finance Popular Wayback
26 Foundation Quarter Horse Chronicle
Articles about
Articles about foundation bred Quarter Horses from present day back to the colonial era with six generation pedigrees accompanying some of these articles. U.S.A.
Articles about foundation bred Quarter Horses from present day back to the colonial era with six generation pedigrees accompanying some of these articles. U.S.A.
27 Wade Ray Cutting and Foundation Horses
Breeding foundation-bred
Breeding foundation-bred Quarter Horses for cutting. Standing a palomino son of Peppy San Badger. Located in Groveton.
Breeding foundation-bred Quarter Horses for cutting. Standing a palomino son of Peppy San Badger. Located in Groveton.
28 The J.I.Case Heritage Foundation
An unofficial
An unofficial web site of the J.I. Case Heritage Foundation, steam traction engines, threshers, early gas tractors, photos, and show dates.
An unofficial web site of the J.I. Case Heritage Foundation, steam traction engines, threshers, early gas tractors, photos, and show dates.
29 The Foundation Quarter Horse Association
International nonprofit
International nonprofit association dedicated to promoting,preserving and exhibiting foundation Quarter Horses. Site includes registry information and conformation guidelines.
Fqha Horse Foundation Quarter Association Registered Membership Registration Translate Microsoft® Here Profit Page Contact Click
International nonprofit association dedicated to promoting,preserving and exhibiting foundation Quarter Horses. Site includes registry information and conformation guidelines.
Fqha Horse Foundation Quarter Association Registered Membership Registration Translate Microsoft® Here Profit Page Contact Click
30 Texas Foundation Quarter Horse Club
Dedicated to
Dedicated to maintaining the fostering the use of the unique bloodlines of the foundation Quarter horse. Offers membership and news, futurity information, officers, shows, classes, and events.
Page Horse Club Quarter Photos Foundation Contact Clinic Sponsors Events Upcoming Wwwranchwifeproductionscom Meet Home Texasyou
Dedicated to maintaining the fostering the use of the unique bloodlines of the foundation Quarter horse. Offers membership and news, futurity information, officers, shows, classes, and events.
Page Horse Club Quarter Photos Foundation Contact Clinic Sponsors Events Upcoming Wwwranchwifeproductionscom Meet Home Texasyou
31 The Sturge-Weber Foundation
A support
A support site for individuals and professionals dealing with Sturge-Weber syndrome, port-wine stains and Klippel Trenaunay. The Foundation acts as clearing house for information and a focus for research.
A support site for individuals and professionals dealing with Sturge-Weber syndrome, port-wine stains and Klippel Trenaunay. The Foundation acts as clearing house for information and a focus for research.
32 Foothills Foundation Quarter Horse Club
Founded to
Founded to preserve and promote the original versatile bulldog Foundation Quarter Horse in the southeast. Contains calendar of events, stallion service auction, rules, forms, and show results.
Founded to preserve and promote the original versatile bulldog Foundation Quarter Horse in the southeast. Contains calendar of events, stallion service auction, rules, forms, and show results.