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Gifted Students with ADHD: Between

Gifted Students with Review Experience Disorder Adolescents

Information for parents includes definitions, shared characteristics, specific challenges, evaluation and diagnosis, and treatment.

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Disorder Adolescents Children County Gifted Give Associates Mood Antidepressants Still Psychiatric Northern Safe Deficit Mental Illness Obsessive Compulsive Dealing Spectrum Mental Health Disorders Child And Adolescent ADD And ADHD Articles And Research

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Best entries for Disorder and Adolescents

1 Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders in children and adolescents including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias and posttraumatic stress disorder.
2 Aspergers Disorder How this
How this disorder affects children, adolescents and adults and treatment options. Authored by Carol E. Watkins, M.D.
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3 Panic Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, and Agoraphobia in Children and Adolescents Information about
Information about symptoms and definitions, how these conditions may be disguised, possible causes, school issues, examples of these conditions, comorbidity, psychotherapy, and medications.
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4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents Article reviews
Article reviews obstacles, needed improvements.
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5 Bipolar Affective Disorder in Children and Adolescents Discusses causes
Discusses causes, symptoms, medications, and side effects. Provides brief patient histories.
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6 Brookhaven Youth Ranch Offers a
Offers a non-profit center for adolescents aged 13-17 who suffer from conduct disorder, ADHD and juvenile delinquency. Located in Texas.
7 Atypical Antipsychotics: Their Emerging Role in the Treatment of Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder From 'The
From 'The Bipolar Child', discusses issues in the use of antipsychotic drugs in children and adolescents.
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8 Northern County Psychiatric Associates Treatment for
Treatment for children, adolescents and adults in Baltimore County. Site includes original articles on ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder and parenting.
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9 eMedicine: Conduct Disorder Article by
Article by W Douglas Tynan, PhD explains one of the most difficult and intractable mental health problems in children and adolescents. Includes definition, progression, comorbidity, school problems, and treatments.
10 New Directions Training for
Training for counselors working with adolescents with drug use issues. Effective outpatient treatment for adolescents experiencing substance abuse and addiction: from assessment to discharge. Workshops in California.
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11 Peachford Hospital Atlanta, Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia. Dedicated hospital-based eating disorder unit for male and female adolescents ages 13+ with anorexia, bulimia, or disordered eating patterns. Treatment is based on a medical model.
12 Special Child: Disorder Zone Archives - Sanfilippo Syndrome Describes the
Describes the disorder for the benefit of parents, lists characteristics of children with the disorder, and tells what to expect.
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13 A free
A free self-help site for persons suffering from an anxiety disorder, including panic attacks, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), fear of flying, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
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14 Psychological Disorders in Children Defining how
Defining how disorders are diagnosed by psychologists in childhood and adolescence. Links to information on oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, ADHD, and separation anxiety disorder.
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15 CAPD: From the Heart of a Mother Resource guide
Resource guide for parents dealing with central auditory processing disorder. Includes information about the disorder, links to supportive organizations, and stories from the hearts of parents who have faced or are facing the disorder.
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16 The Panic Disorder Recovery Center Information,resources and
Information,resources and support for people who experience panic disorder, panic attacks, anxiety disorder and/or agoraphobia
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17 Oppressed Group: Schizoid A Personality Not a Disorder Expresses the
Expresses the authors view that the schizoid personality is not a disorder but rather a style and that mental health professionals use the term 'disorder' as an oppression tool.
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18 Coping with Dissociative Identity Disorder - Multiple Personality Disorder Ideas for
Ideas for coping with the symptoms of Dissociativie Identity Disorder, stories, tips and links to other resources.
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19 Trillians Mental Health Pages - Cycle Of Moods Information about
Information about mood disorders: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline, SAD and Schizoaffective Disorder I, and a mental health links list, humor, quotes and authors own personal story about dealing with life with bipolar disorder.
20 Mayo Clinic: Bipolar Disorder Medical encyclopedia
Medical encyclopedia outlines basic facts of this disorder.
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21 About Athletes Foot Comprehensive information
Comprehensive information about this disorder, and many resources to help understand and treat this common disorder.
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22 HealthinMind - Kleptomania Brief explanation
Brief explanation of the disorder and its connection to the antisocial personality disorder and to manic episodes.
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23 Schizoid Personality Disorder Site provides
Site provides American and European descriptions of the disorder along with brief outline of treatment paradigms.
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24 Mayo Clinic: Post Traumatic Distress Disorder A description
A description of symptoms, complications, and treatments for the disorder.
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25 BehaveNet Clinical Capsule - Dependent Personality Disorder The DSM
The DSM IV-TR diagnostic criteria of the disorder and recommended literature.
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26 Paranoid Personality Disorder International and
International and American diagnostic criteria of the disorder, including treatment options.
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27 MPD/DID Webring Focused on
Focused on the disorder, those living with this disorder and facts based on MPD/DID.
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28 Bipolar Disorder Today Contains large
Contains large selection of information about disorder.
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29 Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in Children and Adults Discusses definitions
Discusses definitions, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
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30 Hyperparathyroidism Disorder Explanation of
Explanation of this disorder, the importance of calcium and phosphorous, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and surgery. By
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31 Conduct Disorder versus Oppositional Defiant Disorder Explanation for
Explanation for parents of the similarities and differences of two adolescent behavior disorders.
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32 Northern County Psychiatric Associates: Bipolar Disorder Essays touch
Essays touch upon various aspects of illness, including childhood disorder.
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More Gifted Students with ADHD: Between Two Worlds Infos

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