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Soccer - for the players

Soccer - for Review Experience Soccer World

This site includes everything about soccer: futsal, history of soccer, players page, some stats, a photo album, and links to other soccer sites.

Soccer webisite all about soccer Every aspect of soccer is covered MlS futsal even info about the 2006 world cup

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Soccer World Players History Futsal Cup Coaches Mls Anyone Else Every | Website China Poland Soccer CONCACAF United States News And Media Soccer Futsal Mls Standings Soccer Players 2006 Men S World Cup Soccer History History Of Soccer

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Best entries for Soccer and World

1 NFF: 2006 Cup World gives gives you a unique approach to coverage from this years World Cup soccer competition in Germany. Our priority is fixtures, scores, scorers and the history of soccer world cups.
2 World Football by Steve Amoia This comprehensive
This comprehensive site contains historical perspectives about the World Cup, Brazilian, Italian, and North American football (soccer). Contains special sections dedicated to an Argentine family connection, Juventus FC, along with a detailed page of football (soccer) sites around the world.
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3 World Soccer Weekly world
Weekly world soccer articles and a free newsletter.
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4 World Soccer Weekly world
Weekly world soccer articles and a free newsletter.
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5 Sudbury Regional Soccer Association On-Line Soccer news
Soccer news from Northern Ontario with great links to the soccer world.
6 Soccer Tip Of The Day Material on
Material on soccer coaching, soccer training, soccer drills, soccer drill, soccer skills, soccer skill, soccer strategy, soccer tactics
7 Big News Soccer News Index of
Index of news about soccer, including articles on Major League Soccer, the World Cup, and womens soccer.
8 eGoalz Soccer and
Soccer and World Cup links collection: weblogs from the five continents, live scores from all over the world, a special World Cup Germany 2006 selection, and Flash games.
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9 Major League Soccer Camps The official
The official camp of Major League Soccer. Includes year-round programs and services for players ages 2 to 18, coaches, parents and soccer organizations throughout the world.
10 Major League Soccer Camps The official
The official camp of Major League Soccer. Includes year-round programs and services for players ages 2 to 18, coaches, parents and soccer organizations throughout the world.
11 Soccer 365 News, results
News, results, scores and features together with some humorous insights into the world of soccer.
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Learn how to play soccer and access FIFA and MLS sites.
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13 Soccer-411.Com Offers links
Offers links to soccer sites organized by popular categories with emphasis on World Cup Football.
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14 Tebak sepakbola Contains information
Contains information about soccer world and play also Soccer Prediction and how to be a manager in the Italian League.
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15 FIFA World Cup Soccer Legends Some brief
Some brief background information and pictures on the best soccer players including Pele and Maradona.
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16 Soccer Photo Soccer pictures
Soccer pictures, mostly from the Champions League and the UEFA Cup, but also includes the European Championship and the FIFA World Cup.
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17 The Soccer Directory Links to
Links to clubs, organizations, instruction and tournaments plus general information about soccer in Washington, Oregon, the Pacific Northwest, and the world.
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18 The Reggae Boyz The Jamaican
The Jamaican soccer team made soccer history by becoming the first English-speaking Caribbean country ever to qualify for the World Cup finals.
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19 World Soccer Mania All the
All the latest news and results from the best leagues in the world.
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20 World Soccer: World Cup 2006 Includes team
Includes team profiles and results.
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21 Tribal Football Providing a
Providing a comprehensive and entertaining analysis of soccer around the world. Includes news, interviews, competitions, photo galleries and online soccer shop.
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22 La Cancha Offers news
Offers news and articles on world soccer in general and the World Cup in particular. Also includes related links.
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24 Carlos Rivas Soccer School An 18
An 18 year veteran of professional soccer, Carlos was a finalist in Copa America in 79 and reached the pinnacle of soccer heights when he played for Chile in the 1982 World Cup. He brought his skills to Canada when he played for the Edmonton Eagles (CPSL) where Carlos was accorded the Champion M.V.P. Award.
25 Soccerpages Soccer Forum A discussion
A discussion board for the premier league, champions league, world cup soccer, and top European clubs.
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26 Soccer News Portal - - Comprehensive coverage of soccer news from Europe, US and the rest of the world. Provides live scores as well.
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27 Womens Soccer World Information on
Information on American womens soccer at all levels, a message board with classifieds and other resources.
28 Soccer Commercials A collection
A collection of soccer commercials from around the world. Features ads from companies such as Nike, Adidas, Umbro, and Pepsi.
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29 Megasoccer: World Soccer The latest
The latest news, results, and fixtures for clubs around the world, including England, Europe, Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia.
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30 Saudi Soccer Includes news
Includes news and information on the Saudi National Soccer team plus world rankings photographs and results from the past tournaments.
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31 Flathead Soccer A site
A site designed to showcase all the soccer thats going on in the Flathead Valley, MT. Youth soccer, rec soccer, high-school soccer and college soccer.
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32 Soccer Coach Outsourcing Services Kuwait coach
Kuwait coach office website by Mr. Hussain Mohammad a Kuwaiti sports journalist and representitive of world soccer Coaches.
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More Soccer - for the players, coaches, and fans. Infos

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